ohh ok thnx...i guess lol.
ohh my bad lol.
Yeah plus i was wondering what you were going to say lol.I'm excellent thnx for asking.
so amy how are you?
who Xaldin awww not that idiot who says DANCE WATER DANCE(Demyx)
soo big deal.Your go to let the kids make up your mind for you?If you do that then you'll get no where in life lol.
You should be kicked out of that group lol.
you don't have a say in this lol. Your too new to have a say in anything lol.
lol your picture looks like your hiding in the bushes lol.Waiting for someone? xd.
wow your picture looks so evil lol.
i'm not sure if your online or not(i'm too lazy to check lol) but anyways it's just i haven't spoken to you in a long time lol.Just wondering how...
LOL...that got soo anoying for me lol i mean the dance water dance!!!
yeah off with her head!!!LMAO
lol wow we both don't celebrate columbus day.Wow that sound really messed up.Maybe you should be mean to everyone that way nobody can get the...
well i'm online and i see there is one person for double posting LMAO.
Welcome to the site even tho i already did welcome you lol.I hope you enjoy this site as much as i do!!!!Take care!!!
i personally would want to fight parasite!!!!.Don't ask why tho i just think he would be cool.Or i would like to fight Mantis why?Well mantis can fly,absorb beams and change people into ice and other stuff.I would love to see mantis in a game.He has what it takes and could end up being a really hard boss!!!
Ohh and happy thnaks giving!!!ohh and happy columbus day if you celebrate it!!!
Does anyone like the pics i posted/added?On another note it's too damn quiet!!!