wow whatever it's useless......your right i'll fix everything.Especially when/if you blow her up besides noone will care right?
Wow and you think that's going to slove everything.The most that will do is make even more people mad.
Plus i don't think it's going to be that simple!!!
lol that doesn't sound too good.
mhmm..i want to say something but i don't know what to say i've never been like this lol.Ahh i don't know you that's the problem.Anyways what do...
ohh i'm sorry.
lol ohh now i get it.Well you clearly must have done something?
uhh ok that's weird lol.
why are you bored?(i guess that's a stupid question lol)
i'm good thnx for asking.Sorry for taking long to reply i'm watching a show.
lol it's how are you?
lol one of those days?or do you mean one of your days lol.
wow you no longer really like Kingdom Hearts and now this....what do you like? long have you been watching this show?
LMFAO i've just began watching Fruits Basket lol.It's soo funny lol.I almost can't stop laughing and it's only the first episode lol.Anyways who...
mhmmm since he posted his roxas figure should i post my Axel figure?i want to but i'm not to sure.
Ohh my bad i should have made it clearer.What i meant was......yeah parasite would be exciting and he could absorb donald magic abilities as well as sora's keyblade/abilities!!!......and i guess goofy's strength.
Ansem,Hades and sephiroth!!!! Well I would love to play as ansem because of his powers.Also I would probally be able to take the form of Dark Riku.Hades well it's mostly if i'm fighting shadow hearless.I would love to spam those fire balls lol.Then i even need to say?
yeah and he could absorb donald magic abilities as well!!!......and i guess goofy's power.