Excuess me and your suppose to be perfect.How dare you talk to her like that!!!!
I mean what you said to BloodxXxDark!!!
Well that's funny seeing as how i'm a guy!!!on another note i'm glad that Fuc*ing Bitc* is offline!!!!
hey i know you don't know me but what's your problem!!!!
Ohhh here we go again.You know i liked it better when you were never on this SITE!!!!
Ahhh i told you i don"t need your fuc*ing help.i also told you to leave me alone!!!!
ohh yeah what about the organization that would be soo cool.Ohhh what if he absorbed all of there powers ohhhh.
ohh my bad that was not my intention.I didn't mean to be rude in anyway.I'm sorry.But i mean what do you like?On another note you should have...
A lot has been said here but still none has mentioned their favourites.That is mostly what i'm looking for!!!
*shrugs back*yeh
yeh i can tell lol.
wow that really weird.
wow that kind of messed up.So if you were to stop fighting there could be a chance you wouldn't be friends.I've never heard of anything like that.
what all you can say is meh she's your friend....isn't she?On another note what's with the ''.....'' at the end.
ok but she probally doesn't.
Wow well that's pointless.Have you not forgiven someone before?
kill her All for rping it doesn't matter whose been rping longer.It also doen't matter whose better.Ok maybe she shouldn't have told you off but...
it really is
how can you even think like that its its well.... redonkulous
wow your joking right this isn't really you?