hey watch out my cousins pretty tricky
well guess im on my own *hides where no one can see me*
shut up you idiot *locates kohakus power and vanishes with heero*
hey lets follow kohaku there might be a way to save kim and CR
whispers in heero's ear* lets follow them and see what their doing
so this part of your grand master plan oh well whatever
private message me you idiot
why you i'll show you by killing rosetta and by defeating CR in a fair match
ummm how the hell should i know ask rosetta
i can't believe im saying this but i wish kim was here
hmm but kohaku maybe right maybe im not strong enough maybe im too weak
so what i still can help
umm ok im ok with that i guess
so what is it i'll do anything anything just to get get away from rosetta but to also help CR and kim
what do you mean project R
hahaha plan k i like that ummm no idea
don't you think i know that and if that is his orb cant one of you let him take your body he might have a plan or something
sorry but this time it's personal
don't you get it no im not blaming anything on you it's all out war baby
i said i wasn't going to kill him iwas trying to s-s-s-save him god that hurt to say