that was totally uncalled for
ummm come again
:crashcomp:stupid cpu:ninjacat:im to cool for you:roar:ya hear me CR
*sees kohaku then hides* not today no way no how
you sick and twisted *******
Heero im getting the hell outta here
you tricky lil b*stard you had me go on purpose
*makes a run for it* holy sh** im not gonna be eatin today
yeah well im outta there sucka
eat me you think thats funny dont cha scarin me half to death
EAT ME *covers mouth* holy **** maybe i am way ober my head maybe i cant help
yep he's right goto bed hope you feel better
that can't be good but i cant help im not a dragon
dude your spitting up blood i read it on my cousins wall
whoa dude you ok you don't sound too good from what i read
how the hell did he he.......right mythical dragon f*ck
be careful heero is way to smart to be used i hope
dont you get cocky either my man ax is no push over
hmph dont get cocky
don't let him beat you