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  1. rhaxama
    hey who you callin a dummy and so what i challenge him to a battle to the death and what does he do he goes and transforms into something dark and lets it take over i won't kill em unless it's him
    Post by: rhaxama, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: Social Groups
  2. rhaxama
  3. rhaxama
    Profile Post

    it's not fair ok

    it's not fair ok
    Profile Post by rhaxama for Heero-Yuy, Jun 6, 2010
  4. rhaxama
  5. rhaxama
    if i'm right thats CR's orb right then we should be able to help him *whispers then i get to destroy him myself AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    Post by: rhaxama, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: Social Groups
  6. rhaxama
  7. rhaxama
  8. rhaxama
  9. rhaxama
  10. rhaxama
  11. rhaxama
  12. rhaxama
  13. rhaxama
  14. rhaxama
  15. rhaxama
  16. rhaxama
  17. rhaxama
  18. rhaxama
    hey i told her to get out the car i just like blowing stuff up *aims again at the car
    Post by: rhaxama, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)