SATU. Some site about Sonic The Hedgehog. ;__; It died.
I wouldn't really call it sick...
Oh, I thought you were talking about him. xD That was pretty unexpected.
Nabura guy?....Who?
I hope not. I hate Charlie. :/
X) You did the same for me on my birthday.
Did you see the way those guys looked at Wendy when she first walked in? Total pedos.
Absolute Boyfriend. It's the very first manga I finished. :P I just felt like reading it again. You see Fairy Tail 165?
:/8D: I cant watch anime, but I can still read manga. I guess that's good.
Happy B-day! 8D
Are you using the new or old skin? What were you going to send? D: I might be able to hear if I download something correcty.
I dunno...I'm not even sure if this lap top is compatible to use msn. DX If it works, then probably ten or twelve people. Pffffffffff- I can...
I'm too lazy to add 36 people. Nothing. I can't even listen to anything on this laptop >< I have to download some flash but my computer...
Yeah.. So what's up? My computer crashed a few days ago, so I'm using my old lap top. I might have to get another msn plus and add people all...
...And you're alive again! 8D
Happy B-day! I would've told you that yesterday, but my computer crashed.
Er, nothing. Forget my earlier post.
Wrong section?
I'm trying to think of a word that describs you.
Well, you arent the same as other friends are that I have. Not at all. :U That makes you..unique?