I've been pretty decent. 8D
If the Colts lose, I owe a guy two dollars.
I know. :/ I've been thinking of leaving myself.
That fan site I go to...
Ah well. 8D I'm back now. Member of FairyLaw?
._. I was gone that long?...
I told you I would be gone for a bit! 8D I assume you missed me?
How have you been! D: I missed ya.
Ooc: So yeah...I lost my internet connect and got behind in this Rp. Recap please? I'm back now.
Just tiny things to annoy me...nothing too big. But how have you been? I knew you'd say that. xD But yeah, he turned 14 two months after I was...
I've been...fair. D: It turns out my soon to be step-sisters aren't as nice as I thought they were. I hear that a lot. D: People don't seem to...
;A; I missed you, too! http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs037.snc3/12447_592774049214_32306616_34313088_6952627_n.jpg Random pic of my bro and his...
I said that the fries were good, that doesn't mean I got any. D:<
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- I'm back now. 8D Don't have to stay with Dad anymore. It is!
:/ Yeah. Still waiting on that new computer.
Er...yay? I've tried out that Clannad anime you talked about. :v I love it. xD
I'm fine. 8D But I'll be off the computer for awhile.
Purple is a pretty color. o: It's royal.