Oh....hm...okay then. 8D
:/ Snooooooooow. My school had a snow day~
I hate when people randomly touch my hair. Dx They don't ask or anything, they'll just start grabbing strands and make comments about it....And...
I thought you might have found it creepy.
It was....okay. Not fun or terrible. My holidays were pretty good. 8D I just got money, but that's better than getting something I don't want. Yours?
Yeah, I went to stay with a relative for awhile. They didn't have any internet connection, so...yeah. I needed a break from this site anyway. How...
... I wasn't expecting that reaction from you.
Hheeeey. .......
Hey, your short.
You aren't anymore? o:
How good is cool?
Lol whut? .....
;_____; So how was school?
:c Ah well...
I can't hear it. ._.
Alright then.
Decent, I guess.
... For what?