Tropical Skittles? The banana berry ones are the best. :v (the yellow ) Nothing really. ._. Just one random time during passing period, she...
8D *hugs* I'll have to get you something too, if we meet. What do you like? D: Aw. I was sorta ditched by someone once.
Three days ago, I got an email supposedly from the directors of Msn. It mostly said that they were closing accounts and if I wanted to save mine then I'd have to email at least 18 other people on my Msn contact list the same message I got. The email also kept repeating that it wasn't a joke and that I would have to pay $10.00 a month to use it. The problem is that I'm not sure if this is real or not. I've got plenty of other messages similar to this from other sites but nothing happened. :/ Did anyone else get this?
It's the thought that counts? x) D: Why is that?
My Valentine's was suckish, until a few close friends of mine randomly gave me gifts. I was surprised someone even thought about giving me...
Glasses. .........
I dunno. .....
:v Son was worried about you yesterday.
8D I hope so~ How are you today?
It does now.
I'll end up getting layers in my hair later. :> And maybe blue streaks. Bangs didn't look so well on me. Well, you seem like it. And you really...
I was seven... ._.
:c It's alright. It isn't your fault that my computer's on crack. 8D Thank you! But you're more mature than me...and your singing voice is...
D: I would post a pic, but I can't. I'm on my old lap top and the USB thing messes I can't download music or load pictures. ----------...
There was this candy my grandmother gave me when I was little. It had different flavors and colors, sorta like frooties, but I remember each wrapper had a tiny picture of a little boy's head (he had short white hair) and the wrappers were in the shape of a small rectangle. You could buy about 30 pieces of these for a little amount of money... D: No one seems to know what I'm talking about.
The name of your pinky...right?
Oh hai. How ya daren?
Summer Girls- LFO
...Why? D:
I spent a huge amount of time making a snowman today. It was a pretty good one, too. My dog was outside watching me most of the time I was making it. Once I was finished, I decided to take a picture of it with my camera but I needed to go inside my house and get it first. So that was exactly what I did. When I just opened the door to go back outside, I saw my dog jumping around on his back legs right next to my snowman and he fell against it. Mr. Snowman went bye-bye. I tried making a snowman a few days earlier but something similar to this happened. It just isn't meant for me to make one.