Been alone few times.
What gives you that idea?
Awesome .
Oh lol guess i added some random guy.
Cobra Starship must be one of the worst bands ever. I kinda like Hollywood Undead but Brokencyde and 3OH!3 are just lame.
Yeah Dick was censored and i was confused. Something like that.
You were actually right with that. I just misunderstood what you meant to say.
Ohai trendwhore here Impression questions go
Omg sup?
Hey rvr. :'D
Lol i remember i sent my Forum helper application in 07. I don't really care about being staff or not don't know if I'd say yes if staff would ask me. Probably would. Dunno.
The only thing that comes to mind is SSB.
Halo is the best out of three in my opinion. But The best shooter to me is Killzone 2.
lol VMA's also KiD CuDi sucks almost as much as gaga.
Your internet connection depends on your internet router etc. It has nothing to do with the console.
Rolling once more. Large Mouse is not bad.
Mimic go. FREE CHOICE FUCK YEAH I choose Lizardman.
Okay go. Edit:Could've been better.
A shame.
I'm great, kinda tired. You?