Axel You are most like Axel. You would do just about anything for a friend you hold very dear. In battle, you tend to fight quite dirty. Yay I guess. That quiz was quite good.
Oh lollol.
lol. right now i have 7 lines max :(
ahh screw it :( I don't have enough lines for both :(. Do you get more lines if you're a premium?
ugh how do i link it to my post? :L
ugh, found it. But it's really confusing which parts of the text to take out :S
haha LOL. Same way i got the background code. But it's slightly annoying to go trawling to lines of source code, and get it :(
I didn't see this coming. I wonder what will happen, if spider man works along side the seven dwarfs :lolface:
Lol, i fail at html. Im going to peek into you signature using source to get it :D
Let me correct myself: I am 2 points OVER a green bar :) Thanks :D
:D I'm like 4 points of a green rep lololol. How did you put the rep button in your sig?
Seriously? But in anyhow, try to talk to someone who knows what they're doing. Like a psychiatrist.
Yes please :) I cant wait till we're old and grey and say "you young whippersnapper" :lolface:
Lol, but the age of the internet moves so fast lol.
Like im old and gray already :(
oh wow. I'm like so ancient now. Just like that necronecronecronecronecronecrobump in the code vault from a thread that was made in 2006. Nearly...
seriously??? i guess i wasn't here when it changed lol.
i thought that you didnt get posts from code vault? lol.
My country has been taking it way to lax about the pandemic when it started. Then when the death toll became around 70, they started to become loads more worried, and put specialist areas for H1N1, specialist doctors for it and stocked the antiviral.
lolol.. how did you get your post up so fast? XD