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  1. tSG1

    You are most like Axel. You would do just about anything for a friend you hold very dear. In battle, you tend to fight quite dirty.

    Yay I guess.

    That quiz was quite good.
    Post by: tSG1, Sep 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. tSG1
    Profile Post

    Oh lollol.

    Oh lollol.
    Profile Post by tSG1 for Janime6, Sep 11, 2009
  3. tSG1
  4. tSG1
  5. tSG1
  6. tSG1
  7. tSG1
  8. tSG1
    I didn't see this coming. I wonder what will happen, if spider man works along side the seven dwarfs :lolface:
    Post by: tSG1, Sep 11, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  9. tSG1
  10. tSG1
  11. tSG1
  12. tSG1

    But in anyhow, try to talk to someone who knows what they're doing. Like a psychiatrist.
    Post by: tSG1, Sep 11, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  13. tSG1
  14. tSG1
  15. tSG1
    Like im old and gray already :(
    Profile Post by tSG1 for Janime6, Sep 11, 2009
  16. tSG1
  17. tSG1
  18. tSG1
  19. tSG1
    My country has been taking it way to lax about the pandemic when it started. Then when the death toll became around 70, they started to become loads more worried, and put specialist areas for H1N1, specialist doctors for it and stocked the antiviral.
    Post by: tSG1, Sep 11, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  20. tSG1