O right, thanks :)
Nice, I like how the drive menu only shows wording :)
Yes/No/Sort of. Well, (i don't know whether this counts) my grandmother's best friend husband was a crown price of a state here. But he married her and gave up his throne aww :). But, unfortunately he died when i was young :(
Thanks for the add :)
I see. How irresponsible and irrational.
Nice :) Can it use growth abilities?
haha, thanks i guess ?
haha life's good :)
Yay, this theme is better than the old one :) Although, .png files are the only ones which are good now for images :(
have fun here :) Post lots, spam rep, have fun, and make friends (with ME) :) Just kidding, but seriously, do loads, and make movies :)
Confront him, but show him how mature you are and keep a level face, and tell him that was a bad thing to do, and ask him to not do that again.
It's cool, but they need to change that rainbow colour - it's awful with the new update.
First, this should be put in the Suggestions forum section. Second, please write in comprehensible grammer, I understand that you want something done about cutscenes. Thirdly, please state the main point you're trying to make :)
That's good to hear :) Hope she becomes calmer :)
Yay, new skin, the top picture looks best :)
lol, i cant give you rep because i need to spread it round again. I already gave you rep some time ago.
Oh right, that would make it probably DMA right? Roxas's is attached as well, that's gay.
And you can pick up loads of xp from synthesising it if you're high enough level to use both crystals lol.
Any chance for any other weapons, like larxenes kunai's?
Thanks :) I hope it'll give all magics at start of game :)