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  1. KeybladeSpirit
    Very difficult, but you manage it. The room is still spinning. It dips and sways a little.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. KeybladeSpirit


    But it was HIS idea!
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. KeybladeSpirit
    I don't know the word "brace".
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. KeybladeSpirit


    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. KeybladeSpirit
    I don't know the word "grope".

    You'll have to get out of the bed first.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. KeybladeSpirit
    Maybe, but I doubt it. That's already been confirmed for a while and if you look at the website, none of the preview pictures seem to have anything to do with it.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. KeybladeSpirit
    I don't know the word "grope".
    I don't know the word "yourself".
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. KeybladeSpirit

    For those who don't feel like reading the whole article, here's the gist of it.

    There are 707 pieces of Haruhi artwork with special identifiers on them hidden all around Japan. When found, a photograph can be uploaded to the official Haruhi webisite which will then update to show how many pictures have been found. When all 707 are uploaded, something special will happen. There will also be a video released on June 1st describing more about the game.

    Personally, I'm hoping this will lead to the announcement of Volume 12, but based on the photos already on the website, it looks like it'll be (a) related to the anime and (b) totally new content, not an adaptation of any existing content. This is all speculation on my part, though.
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. KeybladeSpirit
    It's too dark to see!
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. KeybladeSpirit
    Infocom interactive fiction - a science fiction story
    Copyright (c) 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Release 59 / Serial number 851108

    You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it would be if you could see it which you can't.

    It is pitch black.
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014, 36 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. KeybladeSpirit
    I've had some kind of fluid stuck in my right ear for like half a year now. You'll get used to it.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. KeybladeSpirit
    Something more descriptive than one word.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. KeybladeSpirit
    Damn it, I knew I was forgetting something. I should mention that you don't need a multiplication sign there, though. It's implied when you're working with variables and/or parentheses.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. KeybladeSpirit
    I almost like the sound of that. It could be a name for a Mountain Dew flavor.

    "Dr. Doom Did Nothing Wrong"

    Yep, I think we've got a winner.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. KeybladeSpirit


    Calm down, Repliku.

    Seriously though, what's up with all the long wall o' text posts today?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. KeybladeSpirit
    That depends on what variable f, s, and h stand for. Why do you even have them in that order? i should be first because it's actually a number, albeit an imaginary number. For now all I can say is that it's 2ifsh. Squared, that would be -4fsh, that's got nothing to do with anything anyway.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. KeybladeSpirit
    Whoa dude, that's a Repliku tier post.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. KeybladeSpirit
    Book 2 is alright, but all of Korra's character development from Book 1 seems to have gone straight out the window and it ends with a giant deus ex machina. The final battle, while awesome, is little bit over the top for the story it's in. It's got tons of lore, though, including a two-part episode about the first Avatar.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. KeybladeSpirit
    You're younger than me?

    I thought you were way old, dude.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. KeybladeSpirit


    I feel like this is a good place to mention that I'm an ordained minister for the Church of the Latter Day Dude.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, May 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone