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  1. Brooklyn
    ..I'm not sure what you mean at the beginning of that..
    who did he mention being pros that didn't know what they were talking about?
    and when did he ever mention someone not being a pro?
    just because someone didn't mention you doesn't mean you're not. I don't even know if Rafael ever really met Stardust and Nemesis.

    Edit: oh.. that one time he mentioned you not being one..
    @ Rafael: yeah, that was kind of rude..
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Brooklyn
    dead hands happen. you don't see the guy saying things as if he's mad that he got a bad hand with his heroes in his article. (the link I posted.)
    and when you run things like TT, Mirror force, Bottomless, the Judgments, fiendish chains, the forbidden spells, and search cards like E - Call, and reinforcement of the army plus a hero lives.. you get stratos pretty quickly. search bubble, set four S/T, SS bubble, activate set E - Call or Reinforcement to get another bubble, Xyz for blade armor ninja, detach, attack.
    you also can't call a hand full of S/T like the ones I mentioned above a dead hand because they can all be activated to stop your opponent at doing something.
    you make the choice on when it's a good time to activate them.. so in a way, dead hands to you may not be dead hands to other people.

    the guy I dueled used a hero lives during his first turn, paying 4000 LP, getting stratos to search bubble.. then he somehow ended up with blade armor ninja, excalibur, and the shining.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Brooklyn
    @ Jaden
    I just dueled someone on DN who used a deck called bubble beat.. running only eight monsters, he OTK'd me the first duel. (although I OTK'd him back after that.)
    you're most likely going to not like the idea of running less monsters than S/T.. but it's the only aggressive Hero build I've seen that seemed promising.

    random article I found:

    Edit: hmm.. they seem more defensive with the option of OTKing someone the second turn of the duel..
    I guess it's not actually considered and aggressive deck.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Brooklyn
    heroes are the same thing, just without the troll Xyz.
    instead, they have an unnegatable poly that can be activated during either player's turn, a monster that becomes Raigeki when it gets removed from the field, and a monster that becomes harpie's feather duster the moment it's summoned with atk decreasing effects. oh, and a spell that SS's an E-Hero fusion just by banishing an E-Hero and one other monster in your grave.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Brooklyn
    it's true that they can screw you over with bad hands and draws, but they're actually quite good when built right.
    and I'd like to know what kind of fast, aggressive competitive deck would do when an E-Hero user opens with a a hand of traps, sets five face-downs and summons Card Car D, uses its effect and draws two then ends his turn. against wind-ups? TT. you just had your entire front row wiped clean. a -4 for them.
    they probably only have like two to three cards left in their hand while you have like.. three to four face-downs left with a hand of two.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Brooklyn
    since E-Heroes are slow, you don't try to make them faster. you put in cards that slow down your opponent. TT, Mirror force, Bottomless, etc.
    with cards like Duality, shard of greed, and Card Car D, you get pluses while your opponent is slowed down to the point where they've run out of things they could do.
    then you attack with your heroes, slowly depleting their LP until they reach 0.
    Absolute Zero is an easy way to clear their front row of monsters so you can do this.
    with the addition of Masked Hero Acid, you can also rid your opponent of their backrow, making you less likely to be slowed down by their traps.

    what you're doing is trying to spam E-Hero fusions out as quickly as possible then attack for game. an aggressive play.
    but E-Heroes aren't made to do that. that's why people don't play Hero Gate. it's not of their nature to be aggressive like that.[DOUBLEPOST=1349835126][/DOUBLEPOST]
    if they were playing with 4000 LP, any deck can OTK.
    Gustav Max would be considered a one card OTK. malefic Cyber End and truth too.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Brooklyn
    if you didn't understand that, I meant that E-Heroes were a defensive deck.
    they're slow because they're meant to be defensive.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Brooklyn
    it seems you're an aggressive player rather than a defensive player.. which E-Heroes are made for.

    E-Heroes... have stratos and E - Emergency Call... what are you talking about?
    they also have reinforcement of the army.. and pot of duality..

    You can recover when things look bad with Miracle Fusion too >.>

    that's why you don't run poly.
    there are other things that give you draw power.. shard of greed and card car D.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Brooklyn
    He didn't quote him by mistake. it was to show that he said he's going to regionals.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 4, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Brooklyn
    No, he was talking about Jaden...
    Post by: Brooklyn, Oct 4, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Brooklyn
    explain how that has any connection to what we're talking about..
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Brooklyn
    Says the guy who reports people for recruiting members to a clan on DN yet does it himself.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Brooklyn
    the timer is always there. what stopped you from making your move? probably his finger.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. Brooklyn
    and so Aizen stops someone with one finger yet again.
    just like that one time..

    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Brooklyn
    Just reappearing to post this:


    Trolled by plants.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Brooklyn
    okay, let's see if I can understand after a series of questions that I'll be asking you later.
    but before that, I'd like to reply to this part of your post too:

    regardless of whether or not those people had any practice/experience in gaming, and I'm talking about youtube, do you honestly think someone would post a video of them trying to do those 1 hp boss rounds or perfect scores and then failing? you have no idea how many times it took them to do that. are they really that good? maybe. but you're talking as if you actually know them and have seen them do it in one try.

    it's like seeing someone's grades having straight A's and immediately jumping to the conclusion that they're some kind of a genius.

    I'm assuming you'd be thinking "oh, why can't I do that.." or "how can that person be so good at it and I'm not..?" when you do see videos of people doing things like that.
    well, I have to say, the way you are right now, you give up far too easily and quickly to even understand how to get good at something. based on my experience with dueling you, watching you duel, and arguing with you.

    I'd also like to point out how I think you've become the same as the people who looked down on you, based on what you've said of your past.


    Now for the series of questions:

    have you given up in the past as quickly and easily as you do now?
    have you ever actually tried hard to achieve a goal?
    do you.. actually, I'm not going to do this. your depression has probably warped you to the point that you don't ever see the bright side of things and just jump to the conclusion that you fail the moment you make a mistake. welp, I'm done trying to help you >.> you probably don't even accept help. as shown by how you just said "you really don't understand.." instead of helping me help you by helping me understand. and rejecting Rafael's help..

    and we're all taking time out of our lives to help you. which is time quite wasted.. since almost nothing goes through to you either.
    with that, I don't really see any reason for me to stay here.. I don't really duel here anymore, trying to help you is pointless, and Fred already left the duel arena..
    so, I'll be taking my leave now.

    also, it wont be as easy for me to post here as it is with Fred because I apparently don't memorize my login.. and I'll most likely be too lazy to look it up.

    oh, and like Fred said. The only thing that can ever stop you from being better in the future is death. although I think that has more to do with yourself than death since you'd be the one choosing to die, not death.. at least in that situation.
    So I'll say that the only thing that can ever stop you from being better in the future is yourself. in addition to what Fred said.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Brooklyn
    all the videos you saw were probably replays. and by replays I mean you can save the duel afterwards and replay it later.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 17, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Brooklyn
    I'm not sure if anyone noticed yet, but.. I just saw that Rienzel is no longer banned on DN.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 17, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Brooklyn
    Never let anyone tell you what you cannot do, or what things you cannot do well in.. because the only one who can decide what's true about you is you.


    hurray, I actually wrote one of those..

    anyway, what I'm saying is.. you can't let people tell you you're bad at something just because they believe so. if they do that, try to prove them wrong. and believe in yourself when you try, because if you believe that you cannot do it, that's exactly what's going to happen.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 17, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Brooklyn
    There's a high possibility that you aren't as bad as you think you are and the reason you're thinking the way you do is because you've been blinded by your own depression.

    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground