I was kind of disappointed.. I was expecting someone who'd be as good as a final boss.. since he claimed that luck doesn't exist in yugioh and all, which made me assume that he was actually tough to beat.. as I thought he probably had a deck that's really consistent.
hmm.. I'll try..
I challenged you on there, remember? Dharak0.
I'd say your depression has worsened since you first started playing.. and that's probably why you've been thinking more negatively now. we're not trying to get you to play this game again. Fred and I are only saying there has been decks in the past that were also as "broken" or "cheap" as the decks we have now. probably even more so. How is your opponent being able to use two TT, Bottomless Trap Hole, and Mirror Force unfair when you have the choice of doing that too? if you can build a deck that can run those things at two each along with two solemn warnings and solemn judgment and still be able to consistently do whatever your deck is made to do.. then you've built a good deck. that's not being unfair to other players. that's what you call "skill" in this game. If you look at Rafael's synchro deck, you'll notice he doesn't run that many counters (if any) and instead runs spells/traps that help him get out his ace cards. Halberd Cannon and Shooting Quasar Dragon. If he added all of the cards you were just complaining about into his deck, it would become extremely inconsistent and will probably have a lot more dead hands. Fishborg Blaster on the other hand cannot be placed into just any deck, unlike the very splashable TT, Mirror Force, and Bottomless Trap Holes we have now which can go into any deck. I'd say it's more unfair knowing that there's this tuner that can SS itself from the grave just by discarding a card (which combos nicely with the new mermail/atlantean archetype), can only be used in WATER decks, and can be used to summon a Halberd Cannon and a Quasar in one turn.. than a few annoying cards that anyone can use and can be used in any deck.
Have you been influenced by Terra?!
I think what Fred was trying to say was that there is always going to be cheap decks. you're complaining about decks you haven't even faced.. except Six Sams, which don't seem that cheap to me.
REDMD can't SS itself..
Rafael.. please stop being rude/offensive to others first.
A lie. you dueled me just now! Edit: or.. a few minutes ago.. not sure how long it was but it wasn't that long ago. also you have challenged me before.
It's 42 wins and 4 loses.
It's because we wouldn't know if they have the declared card or not. or if they have any other copies in their hand if they did discard something. (this doesn't reveal the hand if all of the other copies can be seen banished, in the grave, or on the field.)
I had a hand of 5 the next turn.. if they did kill Quasar and shooting star dragon, I'd obliterate their tiny field the next turn.
This feels weird.. although, everything that's new feels weird at first. anyway, /posts Axel getting annihilated by an FTQ! (first turn quasar.)
he didn't make another account for the clan? I thought you said he was going to duel today.. but he was last seen online like twenty hours ago.. so, him being on DN and dueling today is impossible. unless.. he dueled yesterday..
hmm.. what's his name? also, I don't see a reason to eliminate him just yet. he'll probably get better while being in that clan.. I'll just be lazy until then.
so did you win?
Plus, if they mirror forced a shining or absolute zero.. they'd have either given him two of his monsters back (if banished) or had their monsters destroyed by Zero.
Plus, if they mirror forced a shining or absolute zero.. they'd have given him two of his monsters back (if banished) or have their monsters destroyed by Zero.
For the grave: and from the field: just to get you started.
people wont always set an MST. I only do it sometimes (when setting it was actually useful). and if someone activated heavy storm and you chain safe zone, equipping it to one of their monsters, their heavy storm would destroy safe zone causing it to destroy their monster. you wouldn't use safe zone on an opponent's monster without a plan >.>