bic-lucario and kakashi mourn silently
ok umm...nero must be wacked out to have a relationship with a shiny object
kakashis book caut fire NOT THE BOOK"said kakashi as lucario held him back"TAKE ME INSTEAD its not worth it kakashi-sensei
nero must be dingy to have a flingy with a shiny object(oooh burn)
can i break it"kakashi said as he sat behind her
kakashi continues to read lucario wonders why itachi hasnt sat down
kakashi threw trunks into the locker room and took his seat...then pulled out his porn book like always.
ok"kakashi takes out a table lamp and smacks trunks in the face"
then im taking you to teacher court so i can tell the children what to do...or we just fight about it
by that time it will be behind a thousand posts
you are out of order only i as a teacher can tell people to sit"says kakashi"...ok do what you want everyone
lucario stands nexed to itachi kakashi is standing behind anna waiting to see what she says
ill never remember that its ...months away
... kakashi said it not lucario
read the pendragon books
who did you grab kakashi made a big explosion and appeared i the middle of it, he walked behind anna and he looked at her"omg you have BLISTERS on your but"
lucario reads kakashis book into the auditorium where he saw itachi"why didnt you help me out"
occ-who wants to read kakashis book with me bic-lucario falls out and lands on a lunchladyhow did i get in here
im not a dog im a fox thing and a traveler"elong"gets sucked through the misterious light
that was the prank that was what she told me he was going to do :p