who am i to say by hope
I want a brother. wtt three sisters for one brother
Basicalllllly. I dunno, she was going to college and working at the time and I was only using it to drive to and from school since I did not have a job. It's been hers ever since.
i used to drive a dodge neon but then my older sister totaled her car so they took mine away and gave it to her
I am your number one follower on tumblr <3
Will you ever do tutorials on how you make some of your graphics? Impressions? lol. What is your favorite food? Do you currently have a favorite song? If so, what is it? If you could have anything right now, what would it be?
Cat is on this forum :c
nicest thing by kate nash "i wish that without me your heart would break. i wish that without me you'd be spending the rest of your nights awake. i wish that without me you couldn't eat. i wish i was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep."
lol that the only game i play anymore is world of warcraft so yeah. ok. i'll just go slay dragons by hitting them with my laptop, and if that fails, i'll throw my phone at their eye
ever by team sleep
I made this so long ago, but I never got around to posting it on here. Unsure why, since I'm fairly certain I've posted every other KH video I've made. Anyway, it's different from most the stuff I do. I didn't use any overlays, except for a gradient :p
he hit me (and it felt like a kiss) by the crystals
He told me that I wasn’t for him.
I really like this, but the background does take away from it, a lot. The effects you have around him are absolutely beautiful, though. The lighting is also extremely nice looking. I think the background clashes too much with everything else to really know how it looks overall.
If you've done LFR, regular and heroic are fairly similar. If you wanted to, the new expansion comes out in less than two months, so it'd be worth it to wait to raid until it came out, so you started out brand spankin' new. I only began playing in Cata, and only cleared regular content in both t11 and t12, and now in t13, I have cleared both regular and heroic. People don't much care for your past experience, so if you start in the beginning, where everyone is undergeared, it'd be easier to get a spot.
Kil'jaeden is super, super fun and very active. But I would suggest posting in the guild recruitment forums before transferring somewhere, in case you cannot find a guild to raid with. Even so, there are tons of groups that run pugs throughout the week since it's the end of the expansion on KJ, so it's easy to gear your character up without being tied down to a raid schedule. It may change come MoP, but I am not sure. Just don't ever, ever go to QD or a low populated server. They're awful. The people are awful. They've never seen ranks on content they completely out gear and it's impossible to find a decent guild to raid with. The guild I am in with my Horde characters has been the top guild on the server throughout all of Cata, because no one is good, lol. WOW I FEEL LIKE SUCH A NERD
i never said it was, but ok. just wanted to join in with how it is annoying to see something you love being plastered with ponies when they have nothing to do with the game kil'jaeden for my alliance toons and quel'dorei for my horde toons *-*
i saw mlp mentioned and like omfg. the fanbase makes me hate it without even watching, and same with a lot of shows god i go into the world of warcraft tag on tumblr and it's like "LOL HI I'M BRONY" because apparently someone decided to make a tauren named brony and i don't know why. a tauren is a cow type thing not a pony omg but srsly the wow tag covered with ponies is not someone i want to see