Though I'm not entirely for the new usergroup, I think instead of using a golden color, it should be more yellow. I have no idea what the light layout looks like, though, so it might be really awful. Yellow would look really good on the dark layout, more so than a gold.
I feel bad that I've only ever played GTAIII and Vice City. I've rented the other ones, so maybe I just didn't have enough time to play to get further into them, but none of them really hooked me like those two did. I really want to start playing them again, and it's rather boring playing the same story over and over again, so maybe I'll buy this (since renting stores are basically out of business now). Vice City will always have my heart - mostly because I looooove 1980s music.
Has anyone watched this show? It's going on its sixth season (which I am fairly certain won't air until 2013), but the first four seasons are on netflix (instant to watch, too!) and the fifth season is extremely easy to find online. I'm currently only on the second episode of the fifth season, but I adore this show and I am watching this season incredibly slow because I never want it to end. The actors and actresses are incredible. The show is great and has a lot of humor in it and I'd definitely suggest it to anyone really.
Shouldn't you still be allowed to donate blood, though? They do tests on it before it is actually used, so they'd be able to catch anything. It's just rather silly they forbid someone from donating just because of something they might possibly have.
I actually wrote this quite a while ago. It's been in my folders for what seems like forever. I'm not even sure if I like how I wrote this, but I figured I would post it anyway, just in case I could get some type of feedback on it. ------------------------------- He doesn't look at her. "Look at me," she demands. He looks for a mere second; turns away just as fast. "Why won't you look at me?" Because every time he looks at her, he doesn't see her. Her face changes features, her hair becomes a dirty shade of blonde. She becomes him. He shrugs the question off, taking her in his arms. She allows her once bitter appearance to become that of playful surprise. "Are we-?" She isn't able to complete her question. He presses his lips against hers in a harsh manner, slowly allowing himself to believe that she is really him. She pulls away. The details that create his face disperse, and he's left with her. All of her. "What's wrong?" she coos softly into his ear. He turns away, climbing out of the bed. "It's nothing," he mutters as his legs swiftly carry him towards the bathroom. The door slams shut behind him. He's to the toilet in an instant. Whatever little food he had that day is heaved up. Walking over to the sink, he splashes water on his face, attempting to rid himself of this continuous nightmare. It will never be that easy, though, will it? The memory of him - and everything they could have been - will continue to linger with him. He walks back into the bedroom; hears soft snores and can't help but allow for an abrupt laugh to escape through his pursed lips. He doesn't bother pulling the covers back; just lays on top of them - can't bare the thought of there being nothing between him and her. As he closes his eyes, just before he drifts off to sleep, he wonders if she knows everything.
This is actually really beautiful and depressing at the same time. Girls marry men who are like their father, even if they don't want to (though I'm not sure if you were even suggesting that when writing this). It's heartbreaking, because I feel like she still wants to love him, but because of how his life has changed, she can't. I don't know, I just really like this. I adore short stories and this just melted my heart, both in a good and awful way.
this was the most awful part of the entire movie
i am not sure where i said there shouldn't be members who don't care to post. i'm saying that the members who are continuously complaining about the activity on this website should post outside of the spam zone if they want change so badly. if a person is content with how the forum is, why should they be forced to do something they don't want to do? that seems like what you're suggesting, in that if you're not active outside of the spam zone, you just shouldn't be here. i am content with how the forum is. if there is a post outside of the spam zone that interests me, i will post in it. i'm not sure where you got the idea that i was complaining about people who don't post. i'm moreso trying to understand why people need to be manipulated into making a forum active again. i have no idea what answer you're looking for. if people are encouraged to post outside of the spam zone without being manipulated into doing so with new perks, i don't have a problem with that. i don't like the manipulation of this all. "you give us new perks, and we'll make your forum active again." it shouldn't have to be that way.
i am suggesting that if you want this forum to be active again, since that is technically the "reason" for this new usergroup and added perks, that you should be able to do it on your own. you shouldn't have to be manipulated into posting in other parts of the thread. if someone wants change so much, they shouldn't need to have a prize at the end. that's the one thing i'm trying to get across. but wow, thank you for telling me how i would respond if this was a different situation. goodness, it's like you know me so well. have you ever thought that i just don't care much for the ideas that have been thrown around, so i'm going to disagree with them and voice my opinion on such things?
i can actually talk to a lot of exes, mostly because our relationship didn't mean much of anything, except to have fun for a little while. my last ex, though..i haven't talked to him since we broke up. i had lived with him for nearly four months and he kind of began scaring me with some of things he was saying (wanting to get married, have kids, etc.) and i am just not that type of person. i called my parents and had them pick me up about three weeks before i left for college. i officially broke up with him a week after i went to college, since i could not work up the courage to sooner. i was immature about the situation, but i didn't know how else to deal with it. i ignored his texts and calls because i could not face him or risk hearing his voice. i feel like i completely destroyed his life because i really did. he had this entire picture planned out and i ruined it for him.
but what activity will come from putting in a new usergroup? people are just going to post pointless replies to topics to get their count up (which the majority of them will probably be deleted in the end) and that is not making the forums active. it's spamming to get more posts, and if you want to spam, there's an entire section dedicated to it. people shouldn't have to be manipulated into posting. so many are complaining about this forum being dead yet the only way they'll change it is if they get some sort of incentive at the end. why? you don't always get an award for achieving something. i am not sure how my attitude is being discouraging. if people complain about something enough, they should want to change it on their own so they don't have to deal with it anymore, but it seems people won't do this.