Oh Lol. XD Kh1 sora or KH2??
lollll XD of course you are. lmao. jk. i knew someone on here was gonna go as him. lol. but i thought yo would be Roxas.
yeah...im goin trick or treating...i havent been in 2 years. Im gonna be a graffitti artist lol. im gonna have a bunch of spray cans sticking out...
we got all that but fall break and ohh
Cool. I want one of those. But idk where to get them. We dont have a fall break..we have spring break.
Bam smiled and scratched his head akwardly. "Sorry...about that." Bam looked at Neal, then Rhixan. "Whos he?"
Hii .
heyyy havent talked in awhilee and nm bored. you?
May I Have Riku? OC Form Name: Xiruk Age: 16 Gender: Male Weapon: Soul Eater Appearance: Oh and what does no Lining mean?
Bam heard someone yell at them...he didnt know what though. Then he felt a tug on his arm and he was running with Rhixan. Shes Holding My Hand <3 Bam thought as he was running with her.
Bam laughed at how funny she looked. He removed soem hair that was in her face and he looked at her.
i got confused >.<
He created a portal. "C'mon." He picked her up and walked threw the portal. They were on the station tower in Twilight Town. He looked down. "Today, the station is packed. People walking in and out. Thats why i got these." He went into his pocket and pulled out a bunch of ballons. "Not sure whats in them...but.." He chucked one down and it hit someone in the face. The person yelled and held his face. Bam looked at Rhixan and smiled. "Try it." He held out 6 balloons for her.
:lolface: + greenbounce = :bounce: Lol
:lolface: :bounce:
Bam looked at her and laughed. "Wait up!" Bam started sprinting untill he was next to rhixan and was running side by side with her. "Wanna do something fun?" He smiled
He smiled back.
xD Lol i dont pay attention
Bam smiled. "Yeah." He followed her. "Maybe it could be something else."
Lol. d: