OOC-...oh...heh heh... lol me either. :D BIC- Bam frowned. "Rhixan! Wait!" Then he looked at Neal. "My life was fine before you came along." Bam ran in the direction Rhixan was going forgeting he could warp to her.
keybladewarrioroflegend knows all i will try to be consistant with posts. its just that just in a day, it gets like 30 posts, and i get lost. lol. so then i stop. sorry. ill try now. :D Name: Xiruk Age: 30 Gender: male Element: Darkness Powers: Darkness[???] Child Of:Roxas Weapon: Soul Eater Appearance: Name: Xero Age: 31 Gender: male Element: Light Powers:Light[???] Child Of:??? Weapon: Kingdom Key Apperence:
"What? I just saw you swap spit with Neal." Bam looked at Neal. OOC- what did u spell wrong?
Zero walked the streets. Looking for a gang or something to join. He heard screaming in an ally way. A kid was getting jumped by like 6 or 7 guys. He took oout his guns and ran out to them. *Yo, you dudes got a problem?* He beat them with his guns. 5 ran off. The other 2 were still there and on the ground. He aimed at both of them. Fingers on the triggers. *Get outa here!* The two ran out. Zero looked at the kid. His guns faded into darkness. He reached out his hand. But the kid got scared and ran away.
Oh . Cool .
Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! >:3
Okayss ^_^
hey can u reply to Phenox's Story?
Lol yeah...techniqly i didnt swear. :D but if u look at my 'Im Leaving KHV[ForNow]' thread thing. you would know what i mean.
Bam smiled. "You wont be able to hurt me." Bam put his hand behind his back and summoned his sword.[straight down so no one can see it.] "But, go ahead. Shoot. Will I care, even if i died, i wouldnt care. Its obvious Rhixan loves you." He looked down. "maybe i should fade back into darkness."[OOC:lol KH2 quote] OOC: *NEW PERSON* can he be in your gang shawn? Name: Zero Age: 16 Gender:male Rank: leader Bio: Nothing known about him. Only thing is that he is a nobody. Weapon: 2 pistols and a sword for backup Appearance:
Xiruk saw Neal kissing Rhixan. He started to get mad. He tried to hold in the anger, but it was uncontrolable. He stormed over to Neal and Rhixan and broke up the kiss.
Xiruk smiled. "Yes..yes i do." Xiruk sat on the twinky. "Giddy up horsey!!!" Nothing Happend. "I SAID, GIDDY THE FUK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Still Nothing. "..GRR!!!!!" Xiruk took out his fork and knife and ate the twinky. After he was done, Xiruk fell down. "Hmph."
wsjifhafujsafnjsfashsjbsd hkdsbodui eh 5r8p934iuj5rpa;t Lolz, immmmm baaaaaaccckkk!!! yeah i just dont give a fuk now! so, yeah. i think i just over reacted. the only time i was xtremly sad was when ir first happend. So...yeah. Well, fjahnfbyb o379u5h9nest908uiopawiuatTBPUUQHFHHF/DNSDY Lol well im gonna do what CloudStrife2k9's do. Later Duudeee!
Xiruk saw someone riding a giant twinky. He drooled. "Hey you!" He ran up to him. "Duuude! Ill give you some dope for your twinky." Xiruk stared at him akwardly and smiled. "I have A.D.D and..im high." Riku walked in. "Why am i here..?" Riku walked away and sat down.
"Oh..Im the...awesome...nobody?" Bam said laughing. "You a nobody like me and Rhixan?" Bam said, then looking at Rhixan and smiling
rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr~
Uh...Hanyer I Geuss. xP Awesome. You Live In Canada! Lol I Always Want'd To Go There. Lol d:
Bam looked at Neal with really serious eyes. Then he sighed, stuck out his hand and made a crooked smile. "Sup, im Bam..im the new..person."
Right now..im sitting here on the computer...crying..yeah.."Clouds crying? Wow!" Yeah well..i really dont care.im stupid..i may either be on all the time because of i wont be doing anything else. or i wont be on anymore because i will just sit in my room all day...probobly crying. the reason is because my friend[crush] was like Deavana killed her self[Deavna is her name] so i got all sad. and was like what happend, blah blah blah. and so i paniced..and the first thing i think to do is ask her best friend to iM her and see what was wrong..so i told her the convo and then Deavna was like..i know u will hate me but this was a big joke. then her friend iM'd her and Deavna said Kirkk...did you telll saraahh what i was saying to you? so i said yes. and she said to Fuk off and that she wont ever talk to me again. so...i wont be on computer much...or i will be on 24/7 because i wont have anything else to do. So...goodbye for awhile..? :(
lol me 2.