Bam sighed. "C'mon Neal." He ran his hand threw his hair. "We're going to save....your girl."
OOC-Kayyy (: Psh..cant let the man R.I.P lol jk BIC- Bam jumped back. He shot a dark firgra ball at one. He ran towards the other one with his sword out, he sliced threw him. "You just got sliced motha fuuckaa!" He shot off his foot. He jumped threw a window and saw Neal and saw the dude with Rhixan. "aww man.."
Im sick. D:
Bam knew it was true. If he got shot to many times. He would die. He dodged all the bullets. OOC- Can i kill these guys? OOC-O_o...umm
Im not..i cant go. =\
Bams eyes widened. "No.." Bam jumped to the next building..keeping an eye on the guys. He summond his sword and leaped down.
He heard another voice. He looked in back of him. Rhixan was being taken. He hid behind a air-vent, waiting till they left to use his hover[OOC-more like a flying board..but eh.BIC-] board and follow them. ooc- >.<
Ohhhhhh i see. :P Lol So how are youu?
Bam shook his head. "I wont let you go. And if you dont do it for me." Bam turned around. "Do it for your boyfriend..." He threw a picture of him, and a picture of the two together behind his back. He walked away.
Huh ?
He jumped over near her. He thought, Wow..why couldnt I jump like that before...-_- He put his hand on her shoulder. "I like you, Rhixan." He rubbed his temples. "Why are you going home."
"stupid gloves." He got up and stretched. "Gonna feel that in the morning..." Bam opend a portal and ran threw. He ran out next to Rhixan. "No. I ran away from everyone else. Im not gonna run away from you now."
Hiii!! :glomp:
"Ahh...i dont have time for this, Rhixan." He jumped onto the windowsill. He sliped and fell off. But caught himself by grabing the side of the windowsill. He looked down. "Oh god.." He was a couple stories up. His hands were slipery from the rain. His gloves didnt help give him grip. So he bit the tip of his gloves and tossed them down. But when he threw it down, his hand sliped and he started to fall. He didnt say anything. He just sat there. He thought when he dropped, he would be fine. But then he rememberd. The bullet Rhixan shot him with. It hurt. Which wasnt normal for nobodies. Maybe he really could get hurt from non magic items, or just falling. He looked down. There were dumpsters, and cars down there. He would definatly die.[OOC-Lol cant spell :D]BIC- He screamed. "Rhixan!!" He hit the side of a dumpster, there was a huge thud. He felt incredible pain. He didnt die though. He didnt bleed either, just fell. And then he reached his hand out, for someone to pick him up, though...nobody was there.
sleep is for the week! .......... like pants
how about you?
heyy. not much. staying home from school today. i got the flu[not swine flu]. =\
OOC- Nosy much!? Lol jk :lolface: BIC- Bam looked in back of him and saw Neal running with him. He lifted his hand and tossed a dark firgra ball at the ground near Neal[not hitting him, just near him, to...uh...slow..him..down...i geuss?] He laughed. "Sorry dude!"
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :glomp: :bounce:
-dances- d: