"Rhixan. Take me to her."
"Nahh...I gotta go save someone. But," He warped behind them and pushed one off. "I have time to talk with you." He took out his sword.
Bam saw no one, so he decided to run for the door.
how to start off in Children of Organization XIII 5 lol idk how to start my guy off D:
hey can u help me with something?
shut up thecoder180. codebreaker is the best.
Mhm. :bounce:
Bam walked toward the palace gates, cautious to anybody about to attack him, he had his gun in his hand, ready to shoot.
-hugs- Me too. I am. :=D: But its so close, and i dont have everything i wanted to wear. Maybe ill do what my friend did last year. Dont dress...
OOC- AHHHH!!! *writes emo poetry* i know why riku is always tortured. lol. its because, Duke, the creator of Ansems Retort reaaally hates Riku. BIC-*Yup! That was me!* Xiruk looked at Rhixan. "And i was the one who cut him up." He smiled evily. "AND RIKU WILL FEEL THE POWER OF," Xiruk started glowing Riku facedpalmed. *80's sences tingling..* "ANDREW JACKSON MOTHER FCKER!!" Xiruk was now a big Andrew Jackson head.
Riku saw a kid eating, a huge twinky. He walked over to him. *Hi im Riku.* "Uh..hi. Im..Xiruk." He looked over at Ansem. Everyone was basicly around him. "C'mon." They walked over to Ansem. "Hi old person." Riku just looked Xiruk and slapped him in the back of the head. *Idiot.*
;~; *
;~' i love going out for halloween too.
cool. eh, im getting better as time goes by, but i still feel like crap D: and they wont let me go back to school untill monday.
SOOO TRUE! :lolface:
Bam landed[more like fell] near a kingdom. "Oww.." He stood up. "Okay..now how to get in the palace.." OOC-I G2G..byee
OOC- you just dont wanna be saved do you? lol jk BIC- Bam sat there. He busted out of the sack. "3rd star to the left." He concentrated. He slowly dissapered into thin air.
"Nooo!" He warped and was in the sack with Rhixan. Bam whisperd. "Well...didnt go the way i expected...but..alright.." OOC- ohh...i see
OOC-...Shawn...why are you RPing ur bros dudee? BIC- "Oh come on.." He looked behind him. "Well, you coming?" He jumped threw the window and followed the dude.
i know. ;~;