"I got here right? All i did was teleport. Ill do the same to get back."
"Then well, lets go back. I bet Neal's waiting..." He looked down.
Bam removed his mask. "Its me, Bam."
"I think that is and EXCELLENT plan." He smiled. "Come on Princess.Let us go." He ran and grabed Rhixan. He ran with her out the door.
"Uh..well, no ones up there anyway..and Bill got killed." Bam looked down at the name tag. 'Bill' Crap..
kk. thnxxx...i added uuu
Bam heard yelling. He opend the door and saw the head guard with Rhixan. "Am I interupting something?"
OOC-Oh BIC-"Bullshiit." He whisperd under his breath. He took the guard to a bathroom and killed him. He put on his clothes and walked around. No one should reconize me now. Bam thought.
Whats ur MSN?
:D :glomp:
its kk :)
OOC- :lolface: i loved that part! BIC- "ANDREW JACKSON GOT LIGHTNING VISION!!!" He shocked Riku. Riku dropped. *Yes..* Riku coughed.
OOC- How many guards are with me? BIC- "Okay. But." He paused. "Hes coming with me."
lol i know. lol :lolface:
its okay. lol. i do it all the time. lol. sorry. :P
"Thanks." Bam continued to walk, the guard still in his posession.
this is easy
"Princess? Rhixans a princess? Whatever, yes. Take me to see her. NOW!" He leaped over one of there heads and grabed a guard. He put his gun to his head. "Take me to her now, or ill kill him."
awwww D: