Good point.
Alternate profile jokes get old. =/
Haven't played lazer tag in god knows how long. Ah. . . . Those were the days.
Hnn. . . . I guess that's enough for today. I'll see if I can get those treasure chests modded later. Seven of them is fine, I guess. 7 + modding donald and goofy = 9 things to mod in total at once. 11C7C210 0000???? - Firework object mod? 11C7C150 0000???? - Rocket object mod? 11C7C190 0000???? - Wagon object mod? 11C7C2D0 0000???? - Firework object mod 2? 11C7C250 0000???? - Rocket object mod 2? 11C7C1D0 0000???? - Wagon object mod 2? 11C7C290 0000???? - Wagon object mod 3? Since I'm not the one who tested, I can't be certain which line mods which. An early Christmas present for the Code Vault. :3
Unfortunate. . . . Let's try this one. 11C9C780 000008F7
These next two have the least probability of working, but ah well. 11CFC5FC 0000040C
He isn't very good without his DM. =3 I may have two more after this, depends on if they work or not. May have misjudged the number of objects in the room. 11C7C290 000004B8
xD Nice. 'Kay then, one more. After this, two left to go. 11C7C1D0 000006C9
Success! If that one works, most of the ones left might as well. We have about four more things to mod left (successfully). 11C7C250 00000051
So far so good. Here's the next one. 11C7C2D0 000003E5
That's supposed to happen. And yeah, one more. The rest after this one may not work, however. 11C7C190 000008F9
Yes! One down. Here's another one. Same area, same instructions, but it'll mod something different if it works. 11C7C150 000008F8
'Kay then. 11C7C210 0000040B Take this, and go to the area named "Ridge". It's the area above the burned down town, and before the Summit where you fight all those wierd bird-ish heartless. Tell me what happens.
Anyone here mind testing things in Land of Dragons?
Yo Luxord. Haven't seen you in a while. ^^ (Is Ryota) I sometimes use Angelic Form. Though admittedly I tried to modify it so that it doesn't T-stance when attacking. <<;
Oh wow. That was so long ago. xD That was a failed test I tried to do. Happened during/after the Terra battle. Second guess was correct. I prefer the size mod method over the real one, strange enough.
What logic?
Watched it a while ago. Spoiler "I bet their blood is minty." Priceless. :D
This made my day.