Eh, I'm still somewhat busy as of late. Maybe some other time. And by the way, AWESOME duel. :ninjacat:
I'll go check it out in a bit. ^^ Somewhat busy.
'Kay, I'd like to thank Auran again for providing the dump and testing the codes for these. Spoiler Code: Pain and Panic Cup: Round 1 Mods. Shadows: 11C7814C 0000XXXX 11C7818C 0000XXXX 11C781CC 0000XXXX 11C7820C 0000XXXX 11C7824C 0000XXXX Still working on the hookbats. Enjoy!
Pain and Panic Cup: Round 1 Mods. Shadows: 11C7814C 0000XXXX 11C7818C 0000XXXX 11C781CC 0000XXXX 11C7820C 0000XXXX 11C7824C 0000XXXX
Okay. Thanks for answering my question.
Thanks for testing some of 'em, Auran. ^^ The category that Auran tested seems like all of them will work, but just to be safe, I may have someone else test the rest. Now I need a tester for the other category, for the Pain and Panic cup.
Previous tester had problems, so I'm still in need of a tester for the Pain and Panic cup, first round. Any takers? If there's more than one tester willing, I can distribute the codes evenly so it'll take less time. By the way, Happy New Years!
I voted on all of them. Except Roxas.
Still looking for a tester on this.
Online game on the Keyblade War.
Ah, my bad. Sorry about that. On another note, anyone mind testing something in the Pain and Panic cup?
Unfortunately no. Some people know how to make them, though.
That's a color mod, not model mod.
Under what section would I put a thread asking about a certain rumor involving the destruction of heartless and nobodies?
I just got on. xD;
ITT: Codes. Where they shouldn't be.
I'll be sure to let you know if I do. xD I'll have to look around for another promising room though. Thanks a lot for testing, by the way. My Codebreaker's unusable right now. ._. Oh, and I'll just leave this attachment here. Codes are untested, so some might not work. Kind of a first attempt, so yeah.
Hnn. Speaking of FMA, is Brotherhood (remake) as close to the manga as people say it is?
Realized my misinterpretation and deleted it. Didn't think anyone read it yet. >.>