Search Results

  1. Mako Tsunami

    Pick one

    Screw you all.

    Number 4.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mako Tsunami
    Don't forget ********.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mako Tsunami
  4. Mako Tsunami
  5. Mako Tsunami
    Anything that is in this format:


    Is AR. (Might not be an exact example)

    Anything in this format:

    00000000 00000000

    Should be able to be used with Gameshark and new-ish versions of Codebreaker.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Mako Tsunami
    I'll think about it. xD; Not sure if it's worth trying the character limit on the posts.

    Anyway, Round 5 is done. Though this time it's a little different.

    (The codes after the rapid thrusters will mod the specific group of heartless into a different kind of enemy.)

    Here are the codes:

    Pain and Panic Cup: Round Five Heartless Replacements
    Rapid Thrusters:
    11C78AC4 0000XXXX
    11C78B04 0000XXXX
    11C78B44 0000XXXX
    11C78B84 0000XXXX
    11C78D44 0000XXXX
    21CB8434 YYYYYYYY
    21CB8454 YYYYYYYY
    Bolt Towers:
    YY digits:
    Sorcerer v2:

    The majority of these digits have yet to be tested, so I'd appreciate it if you experiment. If I find the time, I may make a longer list of digits.

    Oh, and these will probably work with the shadow and neoshadow replacements as well.


    Auran pretty much finished round 2's replacements, so here they are:

    Pain and Panic Cup: Round Two Heartless Replacements
    Large Body:
    11C785A8 0000????
    Minute Bomb 1 :
    11c785e8 0000????
    Minute Bomb 2 :
    11c78628 0000????
    Minute Bomb 3 :
    11c78668 0000????
    Minute Bomb 4 :
    11c78568 0000????
    Minute Bomb 5 :
    11c78528 0000????
    Minute Bomb 6 :
    ???????? ????????[/spoiler]
    I'll see if the last Minute Bomb can be modded later.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Mako Tsunami
    Probably because, since the guy kept dying over and over (and over and over and over) again, they didn't want to waste their time recording every battle.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Mako Tsunami
    Just thought I'd leave this here.

    Continuously respawning dusks and samurais replace shadows and neoshadows:

    21CBCD54 00303939
    21CBCD74 2E303939
    21CBA474 00303139
    21CBA494 2E303139
    21CBA46C 00000003
    21CBCD4C 00000003

    I recommend trying this in the first two areas of The World That Never Was. ^^
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Mako Tsunami
    I dunno about making all of Timeless River into color, but I think it might be possible to change the heartless. Though I haven't seen a code around that does it.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Mako Tsunami
    Anyone mind testing this?

    21CCFE94 00303939
    21CCFEB4 2e303939

    Take that code, and use this boss warp:

    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 0100000C
    2033E834 00000100

    Then tell me what happens. (Joker set to R2)

    Oh, and this is optional:

    21CCFE8C 00000003
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Mako Tsunami
    I kind of wasn't. The boss fight strongly resembled the Absent Silhouettes from FM+, who never said anything themselves in cutscenes.

    That appears to be some kind of unversed in the shape of Vanitas. Purely speculation.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Mako Tsunami
    Ark of Napishtim.

    Or however you spell it.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mako Tsunami
    Just as the title says, someone was finally able to defeat the secret Boss of Birth By Sleep! Kudos to Season.

    The item recieved after he wins appears to be a synthesis item, but as it turns out, I think you might be able to buy it at the Arena. . . . Lame. =/
    Thread by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 16, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Mako Tsunami
    Codes are on the front page. Have fun.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Mako Tsunami
    Think that's close to what it means, but. . . .

    DMA means Dynamic Memory Allocation, I think. I believe it means that the code will only work if certain conditions are met, not just fights or rooms.

    'Least, that's what I heard.

    'Nother note, epic code, Sora. ^^
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  16. Mako Tsunami
    Love that series.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mako Tsunami
    Tournament Replacements update:

    Me and Auran decided to split the project 50/50, so he'll be hacking the even rounds of the Pain and Panic cup while I'll do the odd ones. So for those of you who appreciate it, here's the majority of Round 3's replacements:

    Pain and Panic Cup: Round Three Heartless Replacements
    Rabid Dogs:
    11C7875C 0000XXXX (Might not work)
    11C7879C 0000XXXX
    11C7881C 0000XXXX
    11C7885C 0000XXXX
    11C7889C 0000XXXX
    11C7871C 0000XXXX
    11C787DC 0000XXXX

    Soldier heartless will be posted shortly. Have fun.


    Added the Soldier heartless.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Mako Tsunami
    Ah, good point.

    The pairing I voted for is the only one I find good, really. Most of the others seem kind of bleh. =/

    Could be that I haven't put much thought into it, though.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Mako Tsunami
    There's been stranger pairings, I guess. Whatever floats yer boat. =X

    Speaking of strange homosexual pairings, I fail to see a Lea x Isa option. :lolface:
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mako Tsunami
    I died a little inside. . . .

    Of course, I recognize the fact that no pairings in this game are official in any way. But I voted anyway.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone