I wouldn't be surprised if we see something like that later on, though knowing Nomura, it might not be that simple. xD
Hmm, that is an interesting question. I don't know about anyone, but I'm guessing they can atleast destroy their own kind. For example, didn't Axel destroy Vexen in RE:CoM? That's atleast acknowledgment that it doesn't take a keybearer to destroy them. In addition, I think Repliku destroyed Zexion in RE:CoM as well. Not sure though.
WOW. That's. . . a lot of info. to digest. xD; Though I think this answers my question. The rumor seems to make a lot more sense now, thanks.
Okay, so this had been nagging me in the back of my head for quite a while now, though I never bothered to delve deeper to find out. I can't remember precisely where I heard it from, but I think there was a rumor saying something along the lines that if a person's heartless and nobody are defeated in that order, their somebody returns? I've searched a lot, but I haven't found evidence proving or disproving it. Help me, KH-V.
Linkin' Park had glory?
If video games were real, I'd have a pet chocobo, and we'd ride across the plains of Hyrule as we fight for the title of Shaman King. . . . Ohwait.
If the duels happen one after the other, I don't see much more strain as when he usually moderated. Old-fashioned tournament style.
Sounds like a reason to get me out of my rustiness. I'm in.
Neo Daedalus has been (and likely always will be) the supreme trump card of my deck. =) Thanks again for the cards; I'll have to find the time to...
Bad example on my part, but thank you for providing a better one.
Unless you're talking about from here on in, I'd like to add the detail that not all KH games with Sora as the main character is a numbered KH. Sora is the main character in Coded, is he not?
Not much of a Megaman fan, but that was impressive. Nice work, Luxord. ^^ Would like to see more. (Definitely subscribing.)
Number 24.
Well yeah, that's one part of the game I like too. Personally I haven't played the original, though I'm considering it. That bit at the end though Spoiler where Ovelia stabs Delita felt slightly anticlimactic. >:
(For PSP.) Yeah, I'm wondering if there's any alternate endings to this game. Played it for like months before beating it, felt dead inside when I saw the end. ;-;
Destroying two cards on the opponent's field seems a wise move to me, personally. It lowers the opponent's options.
I'd be honored. Let's see if my creatures of the deep can top yours. [IMG] Your terms?
Aha! A fellow kinsman of the sea. [IMG] I enjoy using a water deck, too. The way it fits together astounds me. Hope to see one of your duels...
The ocean had to sell her cards on eBay so we could pay the light bill. My lucky harpoon doesn't seem to work so well when I bring it to job interviews anymore. Perhaps it's my haircut?
Wow. Haven't been here in a while. . . . Might as well put some of these cards to use, then. Anyone up for a duel, to kill my rustiness? (. . . We have a Melvin now? o-o)