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  1. Aelin
    Sasha bit her lip as she wrung her hands together. She didn't mean to insult him, but it was what was proper. "If I may.... You are still a prince and it is inappropriate for someone as lowly as me to address you as anything else." She wasn't comfortable accepting this, even with the castle taken he was till her prince and she planned to treat him as such no matter what.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    Hm, last time I let the internet make a character for me, I ended up with a 12 year old sorcerer gnome with strength being the highest stat and Charisma (her casting stat) at like a 10. Lets see how it goes this time.

    Race: Kenku
    Class: Bard
    Gender: female

    Have at 'er. You wanted a challenge, I just made the bard someone who can only speak through mimicry
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 9, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  3. Aelin
    It was true that they could have allies anywhere, but in the temple? Sasha liked to think that the gods still smiled on the, either way she bowed to what she was being told and just nodded. "If that is what you think is best your majesty." They were alone now so she felt safe to fall back into her normal routine. It was weird not adding it to the end when she was speaking to him. It was weird speaking up in general.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    "It is a temple, do you really think the people here would be that horrible?" Sasha liked to think the best about everyone that she came across, and it didn't sit well with her assuming the holy people of this temple would turn on their Prince when he came to them for help and protection.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    As Aislinn saw what she managed to do, she let out a small cheer as she looked to the other and smiled. "We've got this! Let's keep going!" she called out as she turned around letting cherry peddles fall, before taking off.

    Aislinn uses Zantetsuken

    Ooc. 10/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    Sign me up
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 8, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Aelin
    After studying the headless horseman for a good few moments, Aislinn knew what she had to do. "You aren't dealing with some run of the mill city guard, not anymore. We are going to make this quick." There was a smirk on Aislinn's face. She could see for herself how far she had come, now it was time to prove it to those who thought it was a good idea to look down on them. For the dark keyblade that Aislinn was wielding, a surprisingly bright attack burst forth from it as she attacked the headless horseman with all her might.

    ooc 9/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    Completely ignore all they had to say, Radcliffe marched to war and Aislinn, Kel and Luna were forced to run after him trying to stop him. As the white men and the natives readied for a fight, the thing that Nanaki was talking about decided to show up. The headless horsemen seemed rather entertained by everything that was going on, and Aislinn had a feeling that he was behind this entire mess. Clenching her fist, she studied him for a long time, she wasn't going to let him win all that easily, no he was going to pay for what he was doing and she was going to stop him before the war got out of hand. Light shined in Aislinn's eyes, something many hadn't seen before as she studied the horsemen before she finally prepared for her next attack.
    Aislinn used Magnify

    OOC 8/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    Tinarah did her best to ignore what was going on in the kitchen between Take and Boreas. It seemed to be getting pretty heated, but it was an argument that she had no part of and knew better than to make herself a part of it. Torrin seemed to be thinking the same thing as he sat down with his plate of food and started to make conversation with Tinarah, or at least he was trying to. "It's fine... it's good." She tried to correct herself, wondering if Torrin had picked up on the fact she was barely getting the food down and might be offended. She knew that it was nothing to do with the food, but she didn't know how to explain to him that her body almost didn't want to eat much anymore, not after not eating anything for so long. She spent more time pushing around the food on her plate than eating it, but at least she was still trying to consume what was in front of her. "Are eggs... the only thing you know how to make?" There was so many eggs and not much else for breakfast, but then she realized how that sounded. "I mean I don't mind and it isn't like I am not grateful, I am just curious why the meal is so based around eggs." She tried to correct herself and hide her face, as Take seemed to do the same as he asked about cocoa. "Yes please." Tinarah replied quietly trying to hide from her own embarrassment.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    They waited a while after Harry went down before coming to Sasha, let her rest a little longer until the medication wore off a little more.
    "Your friend moved to a bit safer of a location. We heard you two were attacked by some bandits and managed to escape. If they were the same ones who took the castle, the might not want to leave lose ends. If you think you can climb down a ladder without using your arm, we can move you to where he is staying." The offered Sasha. Just hearing the lie made her cringe, knowing that Harry was spreading a lie about them, even if ti was to protect them. Not wanting to be too far from the prince.
    "I will go join him." The woman still seemed a little nervous but nodded as she helped Sasha up and towards the trap door.
    "Just be careful going down, and whatever you do, do not use your arm. You have done enough damage to it as is, gods knows how you did it, but don't wreck it more." Nodding Sasha slowly made her way down, the woman watching her the entire time until she reached the bottom where she saw Harry and just sort of glanced at him before taking a seat on a bed.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    Keeping her eyes peeled, Aislin was looking for any signs of the thread coming to them any time soon. She was on her guard, unsure of where she should sit at that moment. She wanted to help Luna, but she also wanted to be on guard a little more than she was while just standing around letting the other girl do all the talking. Aislinn could admit however that she was getting a little violent. She wasn't trusting these men and she didn't stop herself from being on her guard, especially after they were so brash towards them. Aislinn also found herself worrying for Pocahontas ans wishing they could be there too, but with the headless horseman on the loose there was only so much they could do, so many places that they could be.
    OOC: 7/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin


    As memories flooded back into her mind, Raelyn found it painful, emotionally. Over and over again she was catching glimpses of people handing her off, back to someone from social services. They would then take her and dump her at the next home where she would live for a year, sometimes less. She felt the pain of not being wanted by anyone, remembered it all too well. Those memories flew by fast, just glimpses of what her life was like, nothing solid, she didn't know the names of the people who didn't want her, didn't know how long she was with each of them, or what she did to be removed again, just that it was her life, that is how it ran. She caught a glimpse of her in jail and another woman coming to get her out, but that time she didn't see another call or the social services coming again, she caught another glimpse of her being home with them.

    When the memories stopped flashing by, they settled on one of her walking towards a small group of people. There was some dread as she got closer, but she stood up tall, fixed her hair, and started to stroll towards the group, her boyfriend and his friends she believed. Plastering a smile on her face she tried to ignore what was going on around her. She could see someone... Gale? getting bullied, but she knew if she helped it would only cause more trouble from her boyfriend. She forced herself to look away hoping one of the other bystanders would help. She would just cause more fighting, so she strolled by.

    Her memory shifted again and she stared at the length of words, trying to catch what it was as the memory of her scrolled through it far too quickly to get full context, but she definitely caught a glimpse near the end as she pressed accept of what she agreed to. It was sneaky, adding a clause such as that in such a manner where they knew no one would read it, and she hated the company for it. However before she could dwell on it too long her vision went white, then she found herself back in the game, stumbling as Rex and Gale caught it.

    There was a slight headache pounding and the world was spinning as Raelyn tried to focus.
    "I'm fine. It's okay. I'm fine." She repeated, but her eyes looked haunted, and she couldn't look at Gale at all. Everything she saw, everything she now knew about herself, she hated. She was ashamed that she didn't help Gale, and couldn't help but wonder why she was so afraid to help him, why she thought it would make it worse. The memories in the end didn't seem to help her at all, just made things worse, and she didn't want to talk about it. "We should keep moving." She said just so they had something to do, some sort of distraction.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    As her brother opened the door, Tinarah could smell the eggs being cooked. Her stomach grumbled and Tinarah took that as a sign that she should be going to join her brother to get some of the food that Torrin was cooking. Following him into the kitchen, she kept her head down, but wasn't moving as sluggishly as before, a good sign that she was doing better. She just kept her head down because, while she wanted to learn to talk with Torrin, she still didn't know how yet, so she just tried to keep as out of the way as possible as she served herself a larger than normal for her, helping of eggs, and a couple of pieces of toast. "Thank you." She said politely before finding her way to the dining room table and sitting down to dig into her food. She hated how hard it was to get herself eating despite her hunger. It was like she was forcing the food down, nothing appeared appetizing, not that it wasn't well made, but her body just almost saw it as unfamiliar.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    With the help of a sleeping tonic mixed with a pain tonic, Sasha found herself sleeping through the rest of the process of properly cleaning and wrapping the shoulder to the best of their ability. The damage was deep and hard to fix completely. Even if they managed to find a healer, stitching together the muscles that the arrow tore through would be a feat in and of itself. At the very least however they managed to clean and wrap it so as it healed it would do so properly on it's own, and hopefully not get infected.

    By the time the tonics started to wear off, and Sasha began to come to, the temple was abuzz. She could overhear the news being passed around, the castle had fell. Sasha was a bit nervous that they might put together what happened with her and Harry, and Harry wanted to keep things under wraps. Perhaps, hopefully, he had a batter handle on things, for her the tonic still had her mind a bit foggy.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    Finally we are taking a bit of a break for the goofy movie. I have no doubt that we will return to it soon enough, but for now we are jumping into some anime music again and singing History Maker. Line Claim will end on August 12th and please have your lines in by August 19th

    full song | instrumental

    [Can you hear my heartbeat?
    Tired of feeling never enough]-1
    [I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true]-2
    [There'll be no more darkness
    When you believe in yourself you are unstoppable]-3
    [Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades
    You set my heart on fire]-4

    [Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
    We were born to make history]-5
    [We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
    Yes, we were born to make history]-6

    [Born to make history]-1
    [Bo-bo-born to make history]-2

    [Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
    We were born to make history]-3
    [We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
    Yes, we were born to make history]-4

    [Can you hear my heartbeat?
    I've got a feeling it's never too late]-5
    [I close my eyes and see myself how my dreams will come true]-6
    [There'll be no more darkness]-1,2
    [When you believe in yourself you are unstoppable]-2
    [Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades]-4
    [You set my heart on fire]-3,4

    [Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
    We were born to make history]-5,6
    [We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
    Yes, we were born to make history]-1,3

    [Born to make history]-1
    [Bo-bo-born to make history]-2
    [Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
    We were born to make history]-3
    [We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
    Yes, we were born to make history]-4

    [Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
    We were born to make history]-5
    [We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
    Yes, we were born to make history]-6
    [We were born to make history
    We were born to make history]-everyone

    [Yes, we were born to make history]- everyone

    1- Zelda
    2- LadyAzura
    5- Aelin
    6- Zelda
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 6, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  16. Aelin
    "A week. I pray that little demon can put off his twisted humour until then. Now go and rest boy before ya make yer self more of a burden." Hedgrit shoo'd Zelph inside. He still wasn't in any shape to travel and this time Hedgrit didn't plan on sleeping at all. He would keep watch for the day, let Iridia take it when she was rested enough, and get enough sleep to continue traveling the following day. As it was there weren't going anywhere fast despite the attack they just had. Tellia seemed out of it upon coming too, and Zelph was barely up and walking around, traveling like this would only be more of a burden and inviting that thing to come back out again, something Hedgrit wanted to avoid at all costs if at all possible.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 6, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aelin
    Hedgrit shifted uncomfortably "How long before the game gets old and he finds us the new toys." Hedgrit asked eyeing Iridia knowing she couldn't protect them like that from an attack from the inside again. She was weak, Zelph was weak, Tellia was fighting a battle that someone so young couldn't keep fighting.This was a losing fight, he should leave, it would be better if he and Iridia left. He helped Iridia into his pocket to rest, she needed rest, they all did and it was too dangerous. He didn't keep this from reading on his face, he wasn't feeling safe and he wasn't sure what to do. "How far until safety?" Where he didn't have to feel guilty about going separate ways.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aelin
    Aislinn is switching out Soldier for Paladin Form
    Aislinn is switching out Oathkeeper for Oblivion
    Aislinn is Switching out Barrier Surge for Curaga
    Buying and Equipping Magnify for 750 munny leaving me with 12,480
    Equipping Reluctancy

    Ability Load out (Because I am too lazy to figure out what exactly is being changes I am starting from scratch) 48/42(7) AP used (Including the 10 AP for Paladin form)
    Combo plus
    Critical Plus
    Heal Guard
    Dodge Roll
    Second Wind
    Lucky Lucky
    Second Chance

    Equipping Trinity Limit

    Aislinn's load out is complete, her wiki edited
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  19. Aelin
    Aislinn lowered her keyblade as Luna stepped in front but kept it on her. She didn't trust Ratcliffe, but if anyone could talk some sense into him it was Luna. She would back her up if need be but Aislinn knew that she shouldn't talk anymore than necessary.
    OOC 6/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin


    "Oh I need to get over myself do I? You are the one that keeps trying to play hero and pretend he knows what is right about everything. I am just trying to play the game and get things moving. Sure I like a good fight or two but I think you are reading into that way wrong. You know if we find a place to fight, it also means that we found other people, which would mean in theory we are in the right place. Generally a congregation of people means that there is a good chance at finding information, help, and supplies." Raelyn finally pointed out as she crossed her arms and stared down at Rex. He was the one with the hero complex, she just did what was typical for a game. You fight enemies, you kill enemies, you keep going and find out more as you go along. You don't play nice at every turn and think you will get stronger that way.

    Given this moment of tension, Raelyn was surprised when Gale suggested that she take the memory crystal. Raelyn nearly snorted a laugh, there was no way anyone would let her of all people have the crystal, not when there was so much tension and she was clearly not all that wanted in this so called "team" that Rex spoke of. What was more surprising than the suggestion, was Rex agreeing to it and not only that but apologizing. It is fine. Lets get this over with and get that other shard quickly. If you guys were right about someone being after us with those golem things, then we really should be putting more distance between us and that as soon as we can." She stated before holding it tight in her hand, rolling her eye's at the bot's instructions, before crushing it fully in her hands, waiting to see what came next.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena