Search Results

  1. Aelin
    Aislinn helped with Trinity Limit

    Ooc 19/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    "Oh he isn't going to be happy." Aislinn mumbled as she started to get ready to strike, but stopped thinking about her own and her teammates health, instead she cast another barrier on them causing a halt in combat.

    Aislinn used Reluctancy
    OOC: 18/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    "You got her? Good. I just need a moment." Aislinn told Kel as she started studying the creature again trying to find another weak point

    Aislinn used Magnify
    OOC: 17/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    Chapter 1

    “I am so proud of you Liliana for making this step. I am proud that you want to study so you can help people. But remember no one is forcing you to go. If it is ever too hard you can always come home. I will be waiting for you with open arms.” Rosaline knelt in front of her young daughter, a six year old girl with big brown eyes who stared at her with a sort of unexplainable sadness to it. Her chestnut brown hair still falling in her face a bit despite being tied back in two neat pigtails.

    “It's okay momma, you don't have to lie. Last time dad was home I heard him and you talking after I was in bed. I heard him say that, at this rate next time I get sick and you bring me to them, they might not let me leave. He said you had to remember the promise you made, and you said you didn't want to force it on me. So you aren't, it is my choice. Besides you always told me what they do here helps make sure dad comes home safely all the time and I want to help with that.” My words so calm and sincere, can my mom see how scared I am taking this step? I meant every word I said but it still terrified me to give up the life I had completely to Torm to take up a life in his servitude instead. Are they going to send me to war too when I am older? I want to help with the war against the orcs, but I don't want to be fighting in the front lines with dad, I would never be strong like him, I wouldn't survive. What I could do though is learn how to serve in the temple and heal like the priests have healed me times before. It might not have ever been anything serious, but according to my mom, I get sick more often than most children should. When that happened she would take me to the temple of Torm, my fathers temple where they would help me get better. Moving there, serving there wouldn’t be a big change in my life I don’t think, but it still makes me nervous.

    “I… I just was so scared of losing you, I said whatever I had to in order to make sure that you were going to live through that fever, you were still so young and it seemed bad. When you healed up, and came home, when I saw your bright smile, I couldn’t give you up. I wouldn’t force you to be away from your family. It wasn’t my life to give. I had hoped that you would choose this for yourself, but if you didn’t I would fight tooth and nail for yo-” Rosaline was cut off as there was a force against her nearly knocking her backwards as two small arms wrapped around her neck.

    “Don’t cry momma. It will be okay. I am choosing to go myself. They will take good care of me. I know they will, they have before. Besides you will come and visit right?”

    “Of course sweetie, of course I will visit you. My little flower, you are so brave and I am so proud of you. If you ever need me just shout and I will come running up here as fast as I can. I will never be far.” Reaching up she moved a stray strand of hair from my face before hugging me once more and kissing the top of my head, lingering until I started to squirm. It wasn’t that I didn’t cherish the time I had with my mother, but as the old man in grey robes looked down at us from the top of the temple steps, I knew it was time to go.

    As my mother let go of me, I tried to hide my tears, only to turn and see that she herself was crying. Taking one step away, the despair I could see in her eyes, watching me leave, broke my heart more than it already was. Was this the right choice? Was this what I was meant to be doing with my life? Should I have not gone? Did I even have much of a choice? All these questions and more circled in my head as I tears fell from my eyes as well. A trail of tears marked my path to the steps of the temple and up to the entrance where I finally looked up to see the face of the man who was in charge of my care from this point forward. A kind older gentleman, High Priest Simiel.

    “Come my child. There is nothing to fear here.” The elderly man ushered me inside. I glance back at my mother one more time before disappearing through the doors. There is a deep sadness in her eyes as she weeps, and regret. All I can think is that this is my fault. I caused her this pain, it was my choice. If I had chosen not to go through with this, she would have found another way out for me, and I could live with her instead of here, but the choice is made and I fear, if I retract it now, Torm will not protect my father from the war that he faces nearly every day. If serving here is what it took to make sure my father always came home, then that is what I would do. I would do anything just to make sure I get to be in my father’s arms again, and to see him hold and laugh and kiss mom. Perhaps offering me to the church was a mistake, but it is a life that I have to live with now, and one I will embrace, if it means protecting my family.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 15, 2018 in forum: Written Works
  5. Aelin
    Freezer meals. Whenever you cook make extra and buy those tin take out containers. Fill your freezer with your left overs so you just have to come home and throw them in the oven days that you don't want to cook. It doesn't take much work to make extra food, when you decide to cook and it saves you cooking every night or having to eat the same meal for a week.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 15, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Aelin
    Following the lead of Kel, cherry blossoms fell and Aislinn darted forward near in tandem with Kel. "A promise is a promise." She smiled.

    Aislinn uses Zantetsuken

    Ooc 16/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    She really hated not being able to help more just Aislinn knew that she needed to do something about her health. "Kel I will help next time, I promise." She swore before healing herself.

    Aislinn used Curaga
    OOC 15/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    Profile Post Comment

    I got it out of a book

    I got it out of a book
    Profile Post Comment by Aelin, Aug 14, 2018
  9. Aelin
  10. Aelin
    "Hang in there Kel, we can do this!" with that Aislinn cast cure on Kel.

    Aislinn used curaga.
    Ooc 14/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    So I am doing this in hopes that it will push me to continue writing this story. At the time I was super hyped to write it, and I still am, but I get distracted easily. I am no where near the end and I passed the deadline I set for myself, so now I am trying to find another way to keep myself accountable and I also want to write another story at the same time. I need to finish one before starting the next. I plan on posting a new chapter every Wednesday, at least one chapter. I am 17 "chapters" in so far but barely feel like I am anywhere. There is so much more to write, so much more I want to share, I just need someone to hold me accountable, and hopefully this will help. Since it isn't a Wednesday I will leave you with the prologue.


    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That is how the saying goes, but no one realizes just how true it is until there is a pain burning in your eternal soul. It isn’t a physical pain, no I can’t feel that anymore, but the emotional pain, and the separation, it burns deep inside me. His laugh still echoes in my mind, the shedding of the skin that I knew. I had to watch him kill my friend, thinking that what he was doing was for the good of our world, thinking it was what it took to save our world from the demons, but that wasn’t the case. It was me, this was my fault, I collected those skulls and brought them together. I failed to save my friend so he is likely also stuck in the same state as me. I could have… I should have saved him sooner, I should have done more, and I never got the chance to apologize to Tallak, for failing him. I was a cleric, it was my job to keep my friends alive, like it was theirs to keep me safe, but I failed. I pray that Saitama found peace. I pray to Torm that his sacrifice let his soul be released to go beyond and that Torm’s blessing falls upon him, that he is not trapped like I am, tied to a creature of the dark that I cannot control. If I could cry, I would, I would cry for all who I have failed. I would cry for Terry, who we never returned to like we promised, who tried so hard just to keep his bar open and running and was always there for us despite everything we brought his way. Apparently I wasn’t the first dead body that was brought to his inn and brought back to life. Saitama was there before me in the same situation. I was impressed, by the end not even bringing in my pet dragon had sent him running.

    Oh Tseng, I wonder what happened after death. I wanted to bring him back, I had the daimons ready for the ritual, all I needed was time, but death found me too quickly after. Did he reincarnated back at the proving grounds? The place that I had first rescued him from after defeating the adult version of him? Did his soul get released and he found peace? I am just glad that I didn’t ask Arcturus to take care of him and leave him at his house like I first planned. To have that thing… to leave Tseng with that. Under the incorrect guidance it would bring terrible destruction, though that seems inevitable now. What was released upon the earth, I don’t think it is even in the same plain of existence from what I grew up with. If I could have I would have sent him to Allen, another man who had gone through so much and helped us despite everything that he had to go through with us. Three months. We had disappeared for three months together after our ship was wrecked by pirates and our gold taken. We had found our way into the Feywilds, where we had to save it from a creature corrupting it, taking life from the tree that sustained that world. What was no more than three days in the Feywild plus travel time. Over all from when we had left the north it should have taken only a week, but there we were three months later returning to Tulip Bay, it took a day before we realized how long we were gone. When Allen came running into the tavern we were staying at, talking about how his wife was freaking out. I gave him a necklace to help him make it up to his wife. I was going to have the refugees sent up to him, but the poor man has been through so much, I don’t know if he would have been able to handle all that, all those people showing up at his door, sent by two people he barely knew, just the only man who had agreed to take us through the passage to the north, all to find another skull, the same skull that I happen to be trapped in now. We lost a dear friend on that trip too.

    So much loss on this journey to save the world, only to bring destruction to it. Everything we did, all the sacrifices made, they were all in vain, they were all to do the very thing that we were trying to prevent, and now I am left stranded, trying to hold on to who I used to be by looping through my mind who I used to be, where this all began. Trying to remember the Arcturus I looked up to, admired above anyone else in my temple. Trying to remember the man who saved my life. I think… I think his soul was still trapped there. I think that he still lived, even with that demon, the moments we had, the hugs, when he brought me back. I refuse to believe that was fake, I refuse to believe that was all just part of his plan to get me here. He didn’t need me here and he didn’t need to threaten those around me to keep me safe. Perhaps if I was needed for the sacrifice, but no, Saitama took that upon himself. All this, why would he have done all this, keep me around? Why would he have come whenever I called and helped all ways that he could if he wasn’t there somewhere. I missed my Arcturus, my mentor, my teacher. I missed the temple I spent most of my life, the warm touch of Torm, I just want to go back. I want to be taken back to those days, I want to see my mother smile as I set off into the temple doors where an old man in grey robes awaited me.
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 14, 2018, 6 replies, in forum: Written Works
  12. Aelin
    They would have to slow down on damage. They needed to just make sure everyone was okay, and Luna certainly wasn't okay. "Hold on. Just a little longer Luna!" Aislinn called out as she cast curaga on her.

    Aislinn used Curaga on Luna
    OOC 14/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin


    They took off running after something, but Raelyn wasn't ready to run like that. She only did it to not be left behind by the others as they went after the memory crystal that was now moving. "Hey... um isn't there like plenty of these things. If it is moving, doesn't that imply that someone else has it. Shouldn't we just... you know, let them have it since they are already there?" She wasn't beyond playing dirty to get things she wanted, but she wasn't going to steal it from them if they already had them, not when there was plenty of opportunities for them to get more if she thought correctly about how this would work. Still jugging to keep up Raelyn wasn't able to focus fully. Her mind was spinning with all that she had learned about herself and she felt like none of that was good. Sadly she stayed back of the group just following for the sake of it trying to get her swagger back as soon as she sorted through everything there was to sort through.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Tinarah watched as Take and Boreas threw out their challenge and marched outside. Things were going to go over well, but Torrin thought it best to leave them, so instead she tried to continue the conversation that she was having... or at least attempting to have with Torrin. "Master Stamatis taught me how to cook.... We... grew most of the food we had. Sometimes Uncle Fost would bring us supplies, but not often. The kitchen we had was better than this one." Tinarah tried to make conversation. "Um... maybe next time I should try and help... hopefully." Tinarah didn't trust herself to be in the mood to cook, or have the energy, but she could try again one day and make more than just toast like she had the night before. She then sat there picking at her food more, looking down. "I'm sorry... that I am so difficult to get along with." It was her best attempt to be a little nicer.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    They managed to get him down low, but it isn't going to turn out well yet. There was still a lot to come and things weren't going well for her. If it wasn't for Luna she would be screwed, that is why this time she was going to protect herself.

    Aislinn used Healing Guard
    OOC 13/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin

    Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Cycle Four Awards are upon us! Read and find out if you're cool enough to win an award.

    Favorite Banned Member

    Last Year's Winner: P
    Last Year's Runner-up: Loriah

    Not here? Not a problem! These users have a special place in the hearts of the Kingdom Hearts kids! Ars Nova proved to be the most popular, with Roxas and Ace Phoenix following suit.

    Favorite Event
    Last Year's Winner: KHV Mafia Royale
    Last Year's Runner-up: Castle Oblivion

    We partied like it was the End Of The World this year!
    Valentines Day Dance was your favorite rave, with Castle Oblivion and KH-Vids User Awards following close behind.

    Manliest Man
    Last Year's Winner: Arch
    Last Year's Runner-Up:

    Swift as a coursing river & with all the strength of a great typhoon, these users are mysterious as the dark side of the moon. In other words, pretty dang manly -- so manly, in fact, that if you ever come near their muscles, you'll melt in a puddle of admiration and incredibly high levels of embarrassing perspiration. Arch keeps his crown, and proves once again to the the source of all testosterone, but Plums and kitty_mckechnie also man-aged pretty well.

    Master Debater
    Last Year's Winner: Makaze
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Trigger

    Proudly possessing polemical prowess, Makaze along with PlushChrome continue to presently proved a powerful point-presenter. Plus, Arch practiced particularly profound proposition posting.

    Hammiest Member
    Last Year's Winner: Plums
    Last Year's Runner-Up:

    Either these members are REALLY HOT BLOODED, or you'd be likely to see them on a plate for Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe even both. Maybe especially both. KHV thinks Krowley takes the crown, dashes to the top of a skyscraper and delivers a powerful speech to the country on the beauty of caps and how to be strong... IN THE REAL WAY! A little ways in the background, you could vaguely hear the words "later, buddy" as Arch blasts off into the sunset.

    Cutest (Fake) Couple
    Last Year's Winners: DigitalAtlas & Amaury
    Last Year's Runner-Ups: cstar & Aelin Fireheart

    Here on KHV, we take our joke ships seriously. Very seriously. If your ships do not align with that of the Admins, you will be erased from this plane of existence and subjected to 1000 years in the deepest, most soul crushing Sora/Master Xehanort fic your little heart thinks it fears most. Cstar/Aelin are sailing strong as ever, but the Arch/Boy Wonder ship is closing in.

    Snarkiest Member
    Last Year's Winner: Cstar
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Korosu

    You give these people sass, and you can expect your great-great grandchildren to catch these hands from beyond time and space. CrownMoksha has the sharpest tongue round town! Don't expect cstar or Fearless to let you off easy, either.

    Nicest Member
    Last Year's Winner: Trigger
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Garrett Finch

    One of this year's friendliest members, Maka Albarn proved himself quite outgoing as the community's nicest member this year, as well. KHV believes Marushi is incredibly kind too!

    Best Section
    Last Year's Winner: Role-Play Arena
    Last Year's Runner-Up: The Playground and Contributor Section

    A section? What does it mean to be section? Oh god, don't tell me it involves a C section? Ha Ha Ha. Now that the unsuccessful joke has been made, KHV believes the Role-Playing Area is where it's at! The Spam Zone is pretty swell places, too.

    Biggest Flirt
    Last Year's Winner: Beucefilous, Korosu, and Amaury
    Last Year's Runner-Up: N/A

    "Your eyes, are an ocean. Your breasts, are also an ocean."
    "Do you call that a pick up line? ...Huh? What do you mean I'm blushing and my clothes have hit the floor? L-listen here you hentai!!!" According to KHV, Yozora has a way with words that's too hot to handle ;). But you better watch out for Cat~ and Shiki as well, they are on the prowle.

    Weirdest Thread
    Last Year's Winner: What type of online game do you prefer?
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Unexplain

    A Thread? What does it mean to be Thread, let alone the WEIRDEST Thread? KHV thinks that and in my mind and out my ear and in my ear and out my mouth and out my mouth and in my mind and in constitutes as the weirdest thread on the site, but ITT I call out white people for what they are: Why phoneposters should be shot isn't cleared of 'weird' either.

    Biggest Fan
    Last Year's Winner: Krowley
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Cat~

    These members have shrines for their shrines of the shrine's shrine, and don't even get them started on their babies. KHV thinks Cat~ is quite Kingdom Heart-y amongst fans, although LadyAzura and Boy Wonder are always down to hunt down the supernatural.

    Best Forum Game
    Last Year's Winner: Mafia
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Question Time

    KHV isn't just a video game forum, we play other games too! KHV enjoyed playing Mafia Royal this year, alongside Question Time.

    Funniest Member
    Last Year's Winner: Arch
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Rat

    The ability to make people laugh is no joke! The KHV community gives props to cstar for handling such a grave responsibility without any funny business. Arch, Glen and Beucefilous also weren't clowning around about turning frowns upside-down this year!

    Friendliest Member
    Last Year's Winner: Heart
    Last Year's Runner-Up: tamale

    This year, KHV concluded that you've definitely got a friend in Marushi! But as the years go by, a friendship with Midnight Star will also never die.

    Best Username
    Last Year's Winner: Arch is Dumb
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Aelin Fireheart

    After our Jesuses (Jesusi) were felled by the evils of old blue administrative name changes, we've been looking for usernames to lead the way back to The Promised Land. KHV has given out a prayer, and our savior Deathspank 2.8 HD Remix has answered at long last! Accompanying him is his disciple ABSOLUTE PURPLE.

    Whimsical Woman
    Last Year's Winner: KHGrl15
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Hygue

    According to KHV, Cat~ is winningly whimsical -- or should I say, win-sical? Maka Albarn isn't without whims, either!

    Biggest Post Whore
    Last Year's Winner: Amaury
    Last Year's Runner-Up: VermillionMok

    Ain't no one gonna break Amaury's stride; Nobody's gonna slow CrownMoksha down, oh no, they've got to keep on postin'

    Member You’d Like to Know More
    Last Year's Winner: KHGrl15
    Last Year's Runner-Up: DigitalAtlas

    When it comes to our regulars, KHV agrees that Amaury has remained mysterious far too long. Really now, what's behind that mask, Zero? CrownMoksha is also quite enigmatic.

    Best Bromance
    Last Year's Winner: Beucefilous & Skyheart and Cat & Ienzo
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Korosu & Ghost and 61 & Hayabusa

    Through thick and thin, these users stick together, kinda like peanut butter and jelly. Or soup and salad. Or life and limb. Or dreadlocks. Okay, maybe not dreadlocks (plagiarism penalty prevention: that was a monkey island reference whoops). Whatever the case, KHV thinks Beucefilous/Skyheart and Arch/Boy Wonder are pretty bromantic and Heart/Marushi seem to have quite a bond as well.

    Hottest Members
    Last Year's Winner: Korosu
    Last Year's Runner-Up: muff monkey

    These members certainly proved themselves attractive -- just be careful not to catch fire. The community believes that Boy Wonder has exceeded the boiling point. Be careful around Aelin too, lest she give you a sweet case of the vapors.

    Biggest Otaku
    Last Year's Winner: KHGrl15
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Mish

    NYANI? Some people simply find anime a kawaii hobby or interest, but these users' dedication is truly sugoi. LadyAzura took the otaku cake this year, but CrownMoksha is close behind with her -monogataris! おめでとう~

    Cutest (Real) Couple
    Last Year's Winners: DigitalAtlas & Stardust
    Last Year's Runner-Ups: Arch is Dumb & Sabby

    You spin my head right round, right round, with the doki, doki doki doki. KHV thinks
    Luxord/Sabby are too cute for this world. Makaze/Saxima are also lil cute precious dear sweet chicken nugnugs.

    Strangest Member
    Last Year's Winner: Cstar and Ghost
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Amaury

    Some members stand out from the crowd -- in a somewhat interesting way! Whatever the reason, the general consensus seems to be that Amaury is pretty strange, Rinzler has his fair memorable quirks too!

    Biggest Kingdom Hearts Fan
    Last Year's Winner: Krowley
    Last Year's Runner-Up: Cat~

    Kingdom Hearts certainly has its fair share of dedicated fans, but here at KHV we think cstar deserves the crown. Cat~ and Arch is also quite captivated by the series, both in adoration, and puzzlement at how there can be so few girls in a multidimensional coming of age tale spanning classical Disney stories typically headed by women yet mysteriously void of any of their prominence in the greater narrative!

    Best Thread
    Last Year's Winner: KHV Royale 2.0

    A Thread? What does it mean to be Thread, let alone the BEST Thread? There are a lot of choices, but KHV pulled through:

    Final Kingdom Hearts III E3 Trailer Released, and Maple Bacon are the BEST thread on the entire site, with
    A super serious totally real Kingdom Hearts theory (this will blow your mind), Party On in Unchained χ with KH-Vids!, and Let's think about DARKNESS! are on it's tail.

    Worst Thread
    Last Year's Winners:N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    If there was any thread we could go back in time and make not happen Maple Bacon, Charity Donations, and I'm Sure I'll Be Back But... are them, that being said is this... wasn't popular either.

    Goofiest Members
    Last Year's Winners: cstar
    Last Year's Runner-Ups: Rat and Ghost

    Man Maka Albarn is so goofy that she's friends with Goofy himself! Word has it that LadyAzura is as well!

    Favourite Pin
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    For those obsessive collectors, you will be sure to want to get the TWO?! but make sure you don't miss out on Way of the Waves and Arch Wuz Here.

    ~Ten Years worth of nominations!~
    Best Bromance

    Who have been the bro-iest of the bros of all times? Well that is easy Cat~/Ienzo have. Though they better watch out since Arch/Boy Wonder, Beucefilous/Skyheart, and DigitalAtlas/Ars Nova are close behind

    Best Username

    Usernames come and go and are changed often, though
    Deathspank 2.8 HD Remix will be remembered through out the ages. MasterofKeyblades and Arch Hates Guitars aren't going to be forgotten any time soon either.

    Best Year

    Over the past decade some years are better than others.
    2014 was a great year for all it seems. 2008 will live on in our hearts though.

    Worst Year

    It was the best of day's it was the worst of days...
    2012, 2016, and 2017 all seemed to have a lot of those worst of days. While not as many 2018 was struggling with those bad days too.

    Cutest Fake Couple

    Now I know we all wish that
    Sabby/Stardust was a thing but they are not, and no Patrick Aelin/cstar and Arch/Boy Wonder aren't together either.

    Cutest Real Couple

    Even over the years
    ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠/Sabby are still melting our hearts, along with Makaze/Saxima.

    Friendliest Member

    Whether you come to them with a problem or just want to meet someone new, no one is more approachable than
    Maka Albarn, but if she is busy PlushChrome always has your back.

    Nicest Member

    If you want someone to talk to
    Marushi is rather nice, but she isn't the only one. Don't forget about Cat~!

    Best Thread

    Now I know there was some pretty great ones out there, it is hard to figure out which one is your favourite. However eventually you decided that nothing could top
    Best Roleplay Antagonist 2017 spiraled very quickly..., but The Lounge: Official Spamzone Community Thread came pretty close.

    Weirdest Thread

    Nothing gets weirder than
    I have a twisted love obsession with Goofy. I am his bolder. That being said where you put light when its dark, The Yugioh Card Duel Arena 11.0, and ÖNEMLİ MESAJ are pretty strange as well.

    Worst Thread

    Why we are even bothering to remember these is beyond me. I mean come on,
    I like foot Cheese, was just the worst. rip KHgrl, and Regarding the Recent Drama weren't fun threads either.

    That wraps up our 2018 User Awards! The remainder of the pins and munny prizes will be handed out shortly! Thanks to everyone who participated and made the awards happen this year! We hope to see everyone back with more nominations in 2019!
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 12, 2018, 7 replies, in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  17. Aelin
    Because I still want to do History Maker even without the numbers, go ahead and select a second set of lines and record those as well. We will make it happen, we were born to make history
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 12, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  18. Aelin
    Aislinn panted as she took the beating, trying to keep herself standing. "Here I will take the edge off for a bit." Aislinn told them before stepping back, focusing on some of her magic to create a barrier around them that was essentially a forced ceasefire. "There that should give us a bit of a break." Aislinn confirmed as she felt her magic take hold around the area.

    Aislinn used Reluctancy
    OOC: 12/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    "Thanks Luna. I needed that!" Aislinn called to her teammate after she healed her. Giving a quick thumbs up she turned back to the battle at hand, knowing that Luna could take the hit thrown her way. "Don't think I am letting you off that easily." She called to the headless horseman as she turned and charged at him a full on punch ready to knock him back. Not one of her strongest moves, but it still got the job done when needed.
    Aislinn used Fist bump

    ooc: 11/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    Sasha flinched back as the sword was pulled, but then Harry started to speak. "N-no your majesty. I. I can't. I am no lady." Sasha was panicking, full out panicking as Harry tried to make her a lady when she didn't deserve such things. An unnatural thick fog started to roll in the room as Sasha hunched her shoulders and made herself small like she was trying to hide. "My family hasn't even paid their debts fully, and even if we did, I am not Lady material. I am not high born or a warrior, I am a servant. That is all I ever was and all I was ever meant to be."
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena