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  1. Aelin
    Sitting down munching slowly on her fish there was silence for a few moments before finally Kel asked what was next on their camping agenda. "You know. I really don't know. I am not the camping expert here." Aislinn said with a bit of a laugh. "You and Luna are supposed to know this stuff I am just going off the very basics of survival, which it seems that we have covered." She looked around it was starting to get dark out and she was actually enjoying it to some extent. The bugs were coming out, but the sun was turning the entire sky various colours of pink and orange and it was breathtaking. "I wish I could capture this moment." She whispered just staring up at the sky.

    OOC: 26/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin


    Show off, that was what this Inna guy was. Just a big show off and someone that was likely to get on her nerves to no end. He could of at least figured out another way to help that wasn't just battling with her own attack making it all messier than it needed to be. At least in the end between the two of them they managed to slow the guy, but it did not stop him unfortunately. Though as he stopped for a moment and she got a better look at him, guilt weighed heavy on her. She didn't know why she cared to be moral now, but apparently it bothered to more than she was willing to admit.

    Well she supposed that she still needed to help deal with this situation even if she didn't like it. It was better than standing there doing nothing. The sooner that they could get this done the sooner they could move on from this memory crystal thing and maybe play the game or something, get into a fight or two maybe. It would be a good way of getting her mind off of things, and that was something she really needed to do. This wasn't a fight though, this was just picking on someone trying their best to get through this whole experience just as much as they were. She almost threw another spell at him but stopped herself and just half halfheartedly jog along with the group just keeping up the best she could as to not be left behind.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    Stepping through the portal Tinarah found herself somewhere totally different from where they just came from. She stepped through slightly behind her brother, but then she noticed that it took a moment for everyone else to come through. It made Tinarah nervous for a moment as she waited, she was scared the the portal would close before they came through, but thankfully it was only a few moments later when Torrin stepped through after the rest. Good they were at least all together, though it seemed that Torrin was still struggling to get a hold of the others. He suggested talking to the people in the house near by and while Tinarah nodded her agreement, she made no effort to be the one talking. She knew that she wouldn't be very good at it. Looking to the othres she hoped that one of them would step up. At least Take started heading towards the house and Tinarah followed, better he talk than her, or at least that is what she believed.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    Someone popped their head down. "Are you okay down there? I don't know what is happening. We are going to look into it, but I would recommend you keeping quiet and staying down here until this is sorted out." One of the cleric's from upstairs said.
    "We are fine. We will stay down here." It took everything for Sasha not to apologize as she began to make an effort into reel in her fog. Harry was trying to ignore it, ignore her, like everything was fine. After a moment she spoke up again, not liking the idea of making Harry mad at her.
    "I-I'm sorry. I just. What you are offering me. I don't know how to be that person. I know how to stay unnoticed how to be no one. What you tried to offer me was a way to be someone, but I don't know how. I don't have an education I can't talk to people very well, especially not those high born. No one would accept me anyways." She admitted to him.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    Luna seemed really on top of things, which made life easier for Aislinn as Kel started bringing back wood for her to build the fire with. While he was collecting the wood she started to collect stones and create a clear area where they would be able to safely keep the fire contained. It wasn't long after Kel brought the sticks that she managed to be able to light the fire, making sure that it was nice and hot for when Luna brought back her catches. She was amazed at how quickly Luna managed to catch the fish, but was grateful none the less, she was getting a little hungry after all. "Alright give me fifteen minutes and I will have these all cooked up for you!" Unfortunately she was not prepared to be cooking so it ended up rather bland with very little for additional flavouring, but she had an orange with her in case she got hungry, so Aislinn squeezed the juice on top of the fish to make it at least something a bit more. "Eat up you two!" Aislinn smiled as she handed out the food.

    OOC 25/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    Well this was turning into an interesting situation as something got tossed as Shiro, and it was only thanks to Arctus' quick thinking that stopped it from colliding with him. Karina watched the chaos below for another moment before turning around and stepping away from the viewing platform. "I have a few things to take care of. I will be back in a bit. It shouldn't take too long." Karina said in a rather offhanded tone, but really she just needed time and space to sort things out, and perhaps a thank you gift or two. She might not have been a proper lady in any way, shape, or form, and manners were not often used, but the weight of the necklace she wore, reminded her that she shouldn't come back empty handed, not after everything that had been done for her. And she was the leader of this team, she couldn't just leave them without some security of knowing they were alright. Perhaps if she could find a way to contact someone, then she could leave breathing a little easier, knowing they would be taken care of.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    "Thanks Kel." Aislinn then looked around trying to think about what else that they might need for this camping trip. "Um, Luna? Do you have any idea what we can do for food while Kel and I make the fire?" She asked, having no idea herself what to do about food out here, they didn't really arrive here prepared for a camping trip, so it was certainly going to be an interesting test of skills. At least it seemed like Kel and Luna had a better idea than her what to do, so she was planning on relying on them for direction and just helping where she could.

    OOC: 24/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    "Why wouldn't we come for you? You are my friend? Besides it was unfair that they just took you away before I was even awake and able to defend you, so the moment I was on my feet again I came here for you and now you get to come home with us!" Thea exclaimed excitedly as Master Midarah tried to usher them to start leaving. "Come on. You can even share my room if you need a place to rest right away. I don't mind. I was just sleeping for a while so I am not all that tired." Thea continued to babble on towards Izra as they started off, clearly the entire encounter not dampening her spirits in the slightest, even if for a brief time the magic council made her very uncomfortable. Izra hadn't seen that so hopefully she wouldn't have to explain, it was never easy to explain. She was more than willing to try, but she couldn't deny that it bothered her to some extent.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    "N-no answer?" Tinarah's brow furrowed as Torrin spoke. She could only think of how she had lost her friends in the other realm, but this time instead of letting that drag her down, she looked to her brother, then to Take. They were here, they were alive. She could speak to Torrin and not be afraid of him. This wasn't the other realm. This wasn't where things had gotten so far that she was unable to do anything to help. She could help here she could protect them, and it might not be too late. She had already lost one friend in this realm, she wasn't about to lose another, not if she had anything to say about it. Steeling herself with this resolve, Tinarah prepared to head out after Torrin, but they were stopped by Edna.

    "Thank you so much for your hospitality. We did our best to leave things how we found them..." Or at least she hoped, she didn't know if the guys would have tried to put back their bedrooms and cleaned them up. Nini then stepped up beside Tinarah and meowed her thanks as well. Smiling Tinarah scooped the cat up in her arms, still wearing the cape made up of the torn piece of her costume. "Tell Mister Incredible and the others goodbye for us please, and sorry that we couldn't say it in person, but we really need to go." Tinarah looked back to the portal, still worrying about her friends. She waited until at least one other person stepped through before following herself.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    Chapter 2

    The halls are familiar. I feel like I walked them a thousand times already. As we walked I instinctively went to turn down the left hall, towards a room that was practically dubbed my own. I tend to get sick a lot and because of that my mom always took me to visit. Many times I had to stay here over the course of a few nights until I got better. Since I was born I would always stay in the same room, despite there being plenty of rooms meant to take in the sick and wounded that were brought here. It was like a second home to me. As I turned I felt a gentle hand on my back, slowly pushing me another direction.

    “Not this time my child. You are no longer a guest of the temple of Torm, you are a servant of it. You will be given a more permanent room in the more residential wing. Follow me, and we will put your things away. You are to be baptized into the church after dinner tonight, be prepared. Training will start tomorrow.” High Priest Simiel informed me. It wasn’t that he was trying to rush me, but in his eyes the best way to get settled into the new life, was to start living it. Sitting around thinking about what was to come wouldn’t help me at all, it was better to see what I had agreed to and come to peace with it as soon as possible.

    Leading me up a set of stairs to a secondary living area that I had never known existed before now, Simiel brought me down a hallway towards a room at the very end. Walking, I was vigilant to what was around me. Several young girls and boys were in various rooms along the way, all of them cleaning the rooms, taking care of waste and replacing sheets. Simple chores that it seemed was part of their everyday life. Was this what it meant to serve in the temple of Torm? Were these the people that I was to be training with from here on out? The answer was likely yes, and I hadn’t expected much different. I had seen many of the young acolytes in my times staying at the temple, though I never spoke to them. Usually they made themselves scarce, and didn’t talk with those who were staying in the temple. It was always the older acolytes and the priests that dealt with the guests, only on occasion did they call the younger acolytes, usually to just fetch something. I do wonder though, will there be more to my days than basic chores? Looking up at Simiel I decided that I shouldn’t ask and just wait and see. It wasn’t like I would have to wait long, dinner was only an hour away after all.

    Arriving at my room, we put my stuff on the bed. There was not much that I took with me, after all, my mom would just send what I need later. She lived in the town after all and it was only a short distance. The Temple of Torm lay on the outskirts of a small town called Badger’s Sett. Despite it being a small town, we have a decent military presence, many of the men who live here are heading out to help against the fights against the Orcs. We are decently close to the border between the Orc territory and our territory, but we aren’t close enough for it to be a threat in our everyday life. Torm is the god of Duty and Loyalty, it is part of the reason he is so well worshiped among those who fight, including my father. I already know that until my birth my mother was much of a worshiper, she only started in order to make sure I was healthy and safe. I followed in my parents footsteps soon after. It isn’t that I have something wrong with me, but I do tend to get sick more than most kids. It is usually not anything major, just enough to scare my mother. Apparently I had an aunt, but she died before I was born. From what I know my aunt had died from something that should have been curable. The herbalists that claimed to know how to cure her, failed and instead she only grew more sick and ended with her death. Now my mom doesn’t trust them and when I started getting sick turned to my fathers religion, desperate for help. In the end they were able to help me, so ever since then she had trusted them more and she started to encourage me to worship Torm as well. In the end that is how I ended up here, starting my life here.

    Moving on to a tour of the temple. It seemed that there was a lot of area’s to the temple that I had not been aware of before now. I had thought, having been here so many times before that I had a decent grasp on my way around the temple, though it seems I was only shown what was available to the public. While I knew there was a kitchen, I hadn’t been shown it until now. The entire upper floor was new to me, with it’s classrooms and living quarters. There was also a library that I had known about before now but had not had the chance to visit until this tour. While the library contained information that was open for all to know, it was more of a precautionary thing that you had to go through steps to gain permission to use the library, and sometimes the priests would just bring out the book that you needed and there was no setting foot in there at all. I had not realized how vast the array of books and the trove of knowledge that this library, tucked in the back of the temple contained. Besides that there was also a small room behind the main temple area that serves as a place to get ready and prepare to serve during services. The room was small and contained mostly vestments, oils, incense and other small items used for services.

    As we walked around, High Priest Simiel still leading me around the temple, it was hard not to notice the curious glances of various acolytes, that peered up from their work, eyes on me. Some were young like me, but even the teenagers seemed at least slightly interested in the new child who was being brought around by the most important person of the temple. Whether Simiel didn’t notice them, or chose not to care it was unclear. All that I could tell was that he didn’t pay mind to them at all instead explaining each area and the use of it. Simiel tried to tell me about some of my chores, as well as the classes that I would be expected to attend, however my mind wandered. As we walked I looked at the paintings on the walls and the artifacts that were brought back to the temple and put on display. So many different things from all around the worlds. Things that I would never see in our small town of Badger’s Sett. Perhaps one day I would get to travel. As far as I was aware I was only tied to service in the temple for so long before it was encouraged to go out and help others in the world, that is why there was so few teachers here compared to students. If those who were raised in the light of Torm were not fighting the righteous battles on the front lines, they were travelling helping other people instead. It takes a special kind of person to give that all up to sit in a temple and teach and help those who make the journey here. It isn’t a life for many, but people such as Simiel have the heart for it and that is okay, it isn’t the heart I have though. I want to see the world and dream of one day having the chance to do so.

    The first meal arrived soon after. I was allowed to sit with the guests for this meal, but after today, I am to eat in the kitchen after all the guests are served. Now I can see the younger acolytes coming around serving our food and disappearing, a job that I would soon have as well. For now though I sat with the adults and enjoyed my food as they asked about why I was here and what I hoped to learn from this step. Some told me how brave I was, taking this step, but I don’t know if I would call it bravery. I am just doing what I have to. I am still terrified about this entire thing, still terrified about trying to make new friends, still terrified of the idea I might not like it here and it will be too late to change my mind. It isn’t that I thought that High Priest Simiel was cruel enough to force me to stay if I really didn’t want to, but I didn’t want to lose the favour of Torm that was granted to my family. If I changed my mind I don’t want to lose my father because of it. I fear that without me upholding the deal that my mother made to the temple, Torm will be angry and stop providing his protection to my father. If that happens and rumours are to be believed, he might not stand much of a chance on the front lines. The Orcs are vicious terrible creatures that live for violence, and while my father is strong, he always tells me his strength is thanks to Torm. That is why I have to do this. I would hardly call that brave.

    Still I keep quiet and I am polite. I don’t tell anyone about my worries and just go about eating my food, answering questions only in short answers, and rarely looking people in the eye. I always have found it hard to gauge what is okay with what crowds, so I came to find that keeping my eyes averted and only speaking what is necessary when spoken to, is the best way to handle things. I am sure I will be doing a lot more of that now, judging by the other young acolytes that I am noticing around. It is a role easy enough to slip into. It isn’t that I ever needed to do it at home, there were no social regulations that I needed to fit into except when my father had friends or commanding officers over, which wasn’t often. That being said my family while doing well compared to some, certainly are not considered high class citizens, so when those of higher class than us are around, I had been taught how to act as to not offend anyone. My parents were always gracious hosts, welcoming anyone and everyone that was willing to come over. On occasion those of a higher class would come, or the inn keeper would send them our way when his rooms were full and there was still travelers looking for rooms.

    I was almost relieved when dinner had finished up and the plates were cleared. Being done with my social obligations were nice, but that left something much more frightening to come. It was after dinner that my baptism into the church was. I am sent off with an older acolyte named Tilly to go get ready for it. The girl carried a pile or robes as she lead me back to my room and placed the robes on the bed.

    “Get changed. I will do your hair after you are in the proper attire.” Tilly stood in front of me waiting for me to get changed, but I couldn’t help but blush and stand their awkwardly. “What are you waiting for me to leave the room? Just hurry up. There is nothing that you have that I haven’t already seen. Just do it.” The girl seemed impatient with me. Still a little red in the face I strip and change into the robes provided. However as I got to the belt I struggled to get it tied tight enough and right. I tried twice, both times it came loose and fell the moment I tried to walk.

    “You are useless, let me do it.” The girl walked up and tied my belt before motioning to the chair at a small desk in my room. “Sit.” She ordered me.

    Obedient I sit on the chair, nervously holding my hands in my lap, trying to not fidget as she pulled my hair back and up, starting to braid it into a tight french braid.

    “Ow! That hurts!”

    “Well it wouldn’t hurt so much if you stopped moving. Keep your head still, leaning back only makes it harder.” Perhaps I wouldn’t lean my head back if she didn’t pull so hard. It would be a losing battle though if I tried to argue that with her. Soon enough a ribbon was in her hand and she started to tie off the bottom of my hair before standing me up and looking me over.

    “Well kid, you look the part now at least. Lets not keep father Simiel waiting. I am sure he will blame me if it takes too long.” With a hand on my back, she ushered me out of the room and down the stairs towards the main sanctuary area where High Priest Simiel was waiting patiently for her. I could see a couple acolytes waiting in the background and a couple more priests flanking Simiel.

    “Come here my child.” Simiel called out to me as Tilly stopped walking and just lingered at the side entrance as I continued forward, slowly, anxiously, towards the man who held a hand out to me, a warm smile on his face as he let me take my time on the approach.

    Standing at the bottom of the steps up to the altar, I just looked up at the High Priest. I wasn’t quite sure what I was to be doing now. Was I to approach? Would that be disrespectful? I was afraid of doing something wrong so I thought it best to not do anything at all.

    “No need to be afraid, come here. Stand right in front of me child.” Simiel beckoned me once more and I started ascending the three steps up until I was standing on the same platform as he was. The silence before he started to speak seemed to last minutes though it had only been seconds of me standing there. Nervousness lead me to never look Father Simiel in the eyes, instead looking everywhere but there. One of the young Acolytes stepped up with a vessel containing what I could only assume to be holy oil.

    “Repeat after me. I Liliana Fahey hereby choose to commit my life to the service and works of Torm.”

    “I Liliana Fahey here… here by choose to commit my… my life to the service… to the service and works of Torm.”

    “To surrender my mind, soul and body to his good deeds and follow the path that Torm has set out for me.”

    “To surrender my mind. My soul. And my body to his good deeds. I will follow the path that Torm has set out for me.”
    “Though trials and tribulations may come my way, I will lean turn to Torm first, before any others to meet my needs.”

    “Though Trials and tribulations may come my way. I will lean turn to Torm first before any others to meet my… um needs.”

    “My life is in your hands.”

    “My life is in your hands.” The oil on my forehead was warmer than expected, and Father Simiel’s thumb softer as he spread it.

    “I am proud to call you a child of Torm and an acolyte of this temple, a part of this family. Welcome daughter Liliana.” Reaching over to another acolyte, he picked up a necklace with a small pendent on it. The pendent depicted the back of a gauntlet, facing up, the sigil of Torm. That nervousness that I had been feeling melted away as Father Simiel wrapped me in his embrace and just held me there for a long moment before sending me to my room to bed. Training would be starting the next morning.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 22, 2018 in forum: Written Works
  11. Aelin
    "Then we are all in agreement. You can come too if you want Nanaki, but if you want to stay you can to." Aislinn offered as the dog stepped forward and bowed slightly.
    "Thank you, but my place is here... with them." He motioned to the small group standing around talking.
    "Alright. Do me a favour and take good care of them will you?" Aislinn requested before giving Nanaki a quick pet on the head and following Kel and Luna away from everyones camps. She didn't want to be near the englishmen, and thought it best to give the natives some space.

    They took their time finding a place, but after a while she felt like they were sufficiently far enough away, Aislinn stopped. "
    Here looks like as good a spot as any. I will start a fire." She offered. She didn't know much about camping, but she knew that fires were a must, it was always fun to have one, and it gave them a place to cook, so that was a bonus too.

    OOC: 23/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    Clearly there were other matters to be dealt with, none of which had anything to do with anything that she had been trying to say. However seeing that she had done everything that she could for John, Aislinn finally stepped back and looked towards the men of Ratcliffe's who seemed to turn on their own leader. That was certainly a turn of events. At least he was getting what he deserved though. "So.... It seems that our work here is done. How about that camping trip? Get some rest before we return to trying to find our friends?" Aislinn suggested with a little bit of a smirk on her face.

    ooc: 22/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    "Yeah... I'll try." It felt weird, having Torrin almost sound like he was looking out for her instead of just ignoring her like he had been. Quickly cleaning up the best she could, Torrin suggested it was time to head out, and Tinarah agreed. She didn't want to be intruding any longer and was getting the feeling that Edna wasn't wanting any more company. "I will go grab my violin, then I will be ready to go." She informed whoever was listening before wandering off towards her room where she and Chrono left her violin, picking it up taking a deep breath. She could keep doing this, she could keep fighting. She just had to take it one step at a time and focus on what was ahead of her, not letting her own thoughts drag her down. Once she felt her mind was sufficiently settled she finally stepped out to rejoin the group. "Alright. Ready"
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Good, Kel was on it, he was busy dealing with Ratcliffe and Aislinn watched her magic slowly pour into John Smith, closing the wound. "It's okay, we dealt with the biggest threat, the one bringing darkness to this world is gone. Your light is safe." Aislinn took a moment to look up to Pocahontas and smiled. They did that right at least. They managed to protect her. The girl who was willing to try and understand when no one else was. The girl who put this man's life in front of her own. "With such a bright light, it is natural for darkness to be lurking, and sometimes it hides itself as a desire to protect the light, but that can go too far. Just keep an eye for it." Aislinn warned, no hash judgement in her voice, just a caring warning.

    ooc: 21/31
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    Tinarah kept slowly picking at her food while Torrin began to clean up a bit attempting to tell a story. As he started his first one, then his second, she couldn't help but laugh a little bit at it. It was clear he didn't really remember most of the stories he was trying to tell and just the fact he was stumbling over his words like that, she found funny, it just seemed so... normal... of a prince or whatever he was. She was still trying to sort out exactly what the Torrin here was. She knew there he was basically the king of the dark realm. Here she didn't really know if the same applied or not.

    Torrin finally settled into a story about star shaped fruit and Tinarah couldn't help but think about it.
    "I think the concept is kind of sweet. Something to tie you to another." She sighed. She had gotten lonely with Fost and Stamatis and sometimes did wonder what it would be like to be with someone, and the story reminded her of that. "I mean I don't think you need a fruit to tie your heart to another. Stamatis is proof of that. The Stamatis here doesn't remember me, but he wants to because there is something there telling him he knows me. I think it is the same with Uncle Fost, but he would never admit that." There was fond memories starting to flow now. "Still I wouldn't mind trying it one day... If I ever find anyone to try it with." There was a slight sad tone, more lonely than anything but she didn't let herself fully sulk, just think on it for a moment, before eating a little more eggs and deciding to give up. "Sorry. The eggs were fine... I just... I am not feeling well enough to eat right now." She had gotten about half way through but her body just didn't want to let her eat anymore.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    Working together they managed to get that last blast, that last bit needed to take out the headless horseman without too much of an issue. First she noticed his horse disappear, it wasn't until it was too late that she notice that he was trying to get away, injured but not dead. Nanaki was the first to run after him, but Aislinn wasn't far behind. "Hold it!" She shouted after him, too late to stop him before he slipped into the portal and out of there sight. "Damn it!" She muttered to herself before glancing back over at the conflict nearby between the natives and the white men. Pocahontas put herself in a dangerous place trying to stop her father from hurting John, but with the horseman gone, whatever dark influence that was on his heart seemed to disappear as the Chief agreed and released John. Not everything was good though. What was growing in Ratcliffe's heart did not come from the headless horseman, no it came from him and he wasn't going to stop there. Aislinn was too late to stop the gun from going off, but then next thing she knew was that John was in the way taking the blow for the Chief.

    Crap, crap crap crap. This wasn't good. Aislinn took off running towards John.
    "Luna, Kel stop Ratcliffe from doing anything else stupid!" She called back as she ran to John's side and knelt down starting to pour healing light into him. "Come on, come on you can live. Just stay with me. Come on John." A quiet prayer under her breath as she did everything she could, barely even looking at those around her, not caring what the chief might still think of them. She was a protector and she had failed on so many levels during this adventure. She would not fail here. She had to do something.

    OOC: 20/31​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    There was noise from upstairs. It sounded a bit like panic and confusion. Even as Sasha was nearly asleep the fog filled the room and up to the main floor as she tried to pretend she was nothing, shrink back into the shadows where she would go unnoticed by most. She wanted to be back in that world but she couldn't now. Finally a quiet sob broke from her throat and she couldn't stop it. She couldn't bring herself to be concerned with what was going on around her, not at that moment. She didn't care what the people hiding them were thinking about all this fog, it made her feel invisible again, hard to see, and she took comfort in that.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    Sasha shifted further back as the Prince spoke to her, trying to blend in with the fog, which now had filled the room and seemed to be seeping beyond it. "I am no knight. I don't want to be a knight or anything. I am a servant girl, that is it. I was just doing what was expected of me, nothing more, nothing worth any praise. If I had to die to protect you, I would have because that is what is expected of me and no one would miss a servant girl." She told him quietly trying to convince him how little she was worth. She was always raised knowing that she wasn't worth anything and that didn't change now. She was content, even happy being a servant girl. That is all she could ever see herself as and she was honestly scared of the world beyond, she was comfortable with where she was at in life and wasn't so ready to except the change. Harry then brought up her parents and Sasha couldn't stop the tears that started anew as she just lay on her side curled up trying her best to just forget everything. She wished she would wake up and find out this was all a dream, but that wasn't going to happen, she knew it as well as anyone else.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    Alright well I haven't added anything in a while, so here is what I have added for myself

    The Other Side
    Original | Instrumental
    Inner Demons
    Original | Instrumental
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 19, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  20. Aelin


    Raelyn ground her teeth and bit her tongue as another person came up to talk with her, asking if she was alright. "I'm fine." She napped, her tone a lot harsher than she first anticipated, but didn't care. She didn't want to talk about it. She didn't want to be asked any more about it. She didn't want to share what she now knew about herself. She didn't want pity and she didn't want to be judged. If she shared she walked by as one of their group got bullied, for a reason that she couldn't remember, they would hate her. If she shared that no one wanted her then they would pity her before finally turning around and using it against her later when they too got sick of having her around. She didn't want to get anywhere near that.

    At the very least she was getting the answer to her question. It didn't sit well with her, but she could accept it. "Alright so we do what we can to get you guys memories back. Fine." She commented putting heavy emphasis on the "you guys" part of it. She didn't want any more memories if that is what they held for her. No she would rather avoid that if at all possible. There was nothing good that could come of getting more of her memories, nothing that she could think of that would actually be helpful, so she would avoid it, as long as she could and then maybe she wouldn't have to suffer any more than she was just finding out what memories she already got.

    As they managed to get near the next memory shard a gust of wind hit and Raelyn was forced to cover her face trying to ward off the sharp pain that came with the blowing wind. Getting barely a glance up she could see that there was a figure and he was running off with the crystal. She watched as Rex tried to go after them, use his magic, only for it to fail. This wasn't looking good. Raelyn searched her own mind of what they could do. Maybe if fire didn't work, water would. If he was going to use a tornado to escape, perhaps she could counter that with one of her own. Putting all her remaining strength into running, Raelyn tried to get ahead, close enough to actually do something, before she stomped on the ground, creating a tornado of water, swirling in the opposite direction to the one that this other person had going. Once that was done Raelyn slowed and fell behind again, her head giving a slight pound trying to tell her that she wasn't ready to be exerting herself in such ways yet, but she didn't care. If that was what they had to do, then so be it.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena