"If you can help then come this way." The leaves on the willow tree parted leaving them a small pathway towards a small clearing. The willow started to hum the familiar tune once again. Walking through Aislinn marveled at the area. It was beautiful, fireflies were everywhere and in the middle there was a keyhole. Aislinn not having done much of this traveling found it a little surprising. "Guy's look at this." Aislinn called them in. "The heart of the world. Locking this will protect the world. If anyone can protect it it would be one of pure light." Grandmother willow spoke softly.
"Yes Pocahontas, that is what I am talking about. She comes to visit me often. A lovely child she is. I can see it in her all the time. That same light shines in you my child. Such a shame that you came during such dark times." Grandmother willow mentioned glancing around for signs of trouble. "Without someone who can seal the opening between worlds the monsters will keep leaking in. They are drawn to that light, I assume that is why they came here. I suggest you leave if you can." The tree offered them. "Is there a way to close that opening? Maybe we can help." "Well there is one way...."
Heading back turned out to be a little more complicated than first anticipated. As they walked Aislinn found herself a little turned around as they started to approach a small pond with a willow tree near it. "Listen with your heart, you will understand." A song on the wind, but no visible source to the voice. Curious Aislinn carefully approached the tree. "Listen with your he-" The voice stopped and something near the tree... no in the tree, a face in the tree shifted to look at them. "Oh my it seems I have visitors." The tree chuckled and Aislinn jumped back. "Don't be afraid chi- oh you." The tree looked past Aislinn at Luna. "You shine with the same light that she does."
But they were children, there was two children in her family it was harder to fight to defend them but Aislinn had to force herself to believe in the man that Sarah chose to trust and spend her life in. Sarah had faith in him, so could she, all she had to do was hang on to that hope. With that thought in her mind Aislinn fell asleep. As the morning came and the fire was no more than mere embers, the group awoke. "You know I never thought how we would make it back. I don't think that we can take that small boat again, maybe we should run to see if we can catch up with John Smith and the others see if they can help us out." Aislinn suggested as she got up and began to clean up the camp to the best of her ability.
Having walked away to take care of her own things, Karina found herself away from the fighting and towards a more civil area. It was quiet and she knew that she had some shopping to do, but first she found a place to sit and start writing. A letter, something that would ease the guilt that was weighing on her for leaving, or at least she hoped it would. She was writing to the same person who found her shortly after she had run away from home, when she was feeling sorry for herself, barely starting to heal up after the beating she had taken, realizing how badly she messed up. The woman took her in and helped her heal even, hone her anger a little bit. Surprisingly this woman didn't reprimand her for her anger, instead telling her it was justified and encouraging her to keep going and don't look back. Karina had seen some fear in the woman's eyes though as soon as Karina was healed she seemed like she was in a rush to get her out and while she never met anyone else, there was evidence someone else lived in the house. It was her, it was Dawn that sent Karina on her way towards this group of keyblade wielders where she could learn and grow more. That is where she met Luna and Noroz. Wait, there was another person, wasn't there? A third person had been there hadn't they? Shapur? No he had shown up for a short time later. But there was someone. Karina wracked her brain over this but couldn't seem to figure it out. Placing down her pen Karina just sat there, frustrated with herself. Who was she forgetting? She would have to ask when she got back. Quickly finishing her letter to Dawn, got it ready to send out before standing up and heading into the nearest shop. Perhaps she would remember while distracting herself with the other things that she needed to do. She had things to purchase. Something for Beuce, something for Kel, something for Stratos, and there was one more... again a spot that she couldn't put a name or a face to. It drove her insane, twisting the ring on her finger she remembered it was the same person who gave her the ring but she couldn't put a name to it. It almost made her eyes water with hate that she couldn't remember. A little longer, she would stay away a little longer before she returned. She wouldn't be able to face Arctus or Shiro like this. She didn't want them to see her so frustrated and upset.
You will need to find an instrumental before it can be considered. If you come up with one feel free to suggest it again
Chapter 3 It has been a month now since I first took my vows. I have learned my chores well enough and m able to complete them alongside the other acolytes. I have not been able to make many friends her however. I have not really tried to make friends, but nor has anyone tried to make friends with me. Perhaps it is on me to try more, but I don’t know how to try. It seems that everyone here has already formed their own groups of friends and there is not room for another. There are people who are nicer than the others, ones that will talk to me as we share a chore we have to do, or make sure I was awake and wouldn’t be late for class… again. I am not very good at the early morning thing. I never had to wake up this early at home and still struggle getting up and ready in time. Just to add to my struggles of getting along with other students, and getting up in time to actually get to class on time, I have also fallen ill again. Apparently it is nothing too bad, a little more than a cold but nothing so bad that anyone worries I will not come back from it. They have forced me to stay in bed, where meals and homework are brought to me. Since being ill my mother has stopped by once. I miss her singing. She has the most lovely voice and would often stay by my side singing when I would have nightmares, or was sick and bored in bed. Now she wasn’t around nearly as much. I have heard that she started working in the town, that is why she hasn’t been around as much since I have been sick. It has been lonely here, though there are people around, most are too busy with their own work to spend time with keeping me company. Some of my teachers would stop by to check on how I was doing with my homework. Today however as I sat reading a book instead of doing my homework like I was supposed to be doing, Father Simiel came into my room, pulling up a chair beside me. “How are you feeling today my child?” He asked as he checked for my temperature. “I am doing okay, better than yesterday.” I could feel how scratchy my voice was from coughing. My chest burned as I breathed and I was still feeling exhausted, even after just waking up from a nap. “You know, I have heard that you have been having troubles fitting in with the other children. Why do you think that is?” I consider it for a moment, it is hard to really explain. “I don’t know I think they all have friends already and don’t need any more. I don’t want to push too much either. They will only dislike me more.” Whether or not that actually made sense, I do not know, but at least I did my best to explain my thinking. “No I don’t think that is the case. You know why I think that you are having so much trouble?” There was no judgment in his voice, but it seemed as though he already had his answer carefully thought out. He knew exactly what he was going to tell me. “You are special my child.” He placed a hand on my forehead. “Torm has certainly touched you. You have his bless, and though you might not see it yourself, it radiates from you like a light. You might feel lonely now, but you have a very special gift and you will go on to save many.” “What does that mean?” I tried to ask him but he moved his hand down to my chest and just held it there for a moment, a warmth filled my body as I started feeling a little bit better. “The blessing of Torm, you don’t have a warrier heart like some, but you have a heart for people, so he will give you the ability to help them, just like I have. You just can’t let yourself become a crutch for people. If I just took away your illness every time you got sick, your immune system would never learn to fight for itself. I can make it more comfortable for you, take away some of the symptoms, but I have to let your body grow on it’s own. It will take a while to learn, how to use these gifts and when to use them, but I assure you that you will learn, and when you do, this loneliness you feel now will mean nothing, it won’t matter. I promise you.” I did not quite understand all that he meant by his words, but it made me feel a little better even still. At the very least it was something that I could hold onto, something to help get through these times. I had not realized that not everyone received the gifts that I had seen Paladins and Clerics of Torm use, and it was exciting to know I was fortunate enough to be blessed with them. If only that blessing didn’t come with such loneliness. It isn’t that I wasn’t used to not having friends around. I never was all that social growing up, but my mother was always around for me, and until last year, so was my grandmother. Father wasn’t home often, but when he was he would spend as much time with me as he could. I had never really felt true loneliness until I came here, and now it seemed like it was a price I had to pay for being deemed special. It is almost not worth it, but I don’t dare spit on a very special gift from Torm, so I have no choice but to embrace it.
Time to Rock Ursus please 2037125
"I-I don't know. The kid is unpredictable and I wouldn't put it past him to do anything to keep his sister safe, get his sister back from that thing. If we can stay out of the way of that thing it shouldn't be a problem... I hope." Hedgrit mumbled. "But either way I don't like it. We should leave when we can." He encouraged it more. "But tell me more of what this thing you felt from Zelph is. The kid is moody, but feeling death? What does that mean?" Hedgrit pushed. Pain her could see, he watched that happen all the time. He saw the sadness and the pain every time he avoided Tellia's questions but death, now Iridia had him more worried than before.
Looking around Sasha didn't want to admit another inadequacy, another short coming and reason that she wasn't worth being anyone worth while. "No. I don't read much in general." She admitted. "I am better with more practical skills. Cooking, and cleaning, and keeping hidden and out of the way." She admitted to him, maybe that would at least make up for some of her short comings. Perhaps he would accept that as a sort of apology to him.
She didn't realize that Luna and Kel were watching her as she looked up to the stars. Hastily Aislinn tried to wipe the tears from her face despite her friends comforting words. "I just... I wish I knew what became of my world after I fell to darkness. I don't know if it overwhelmed the town or not. I don't know if they are okay. My sister... My Nephew just four years old, and my niece 20 weeks old. If the heartless broke the front line would Sarah be able to get them out? Did her husband fight to his last breath to protect them?" The tears started anew. "No one said becoming a master would mean sacrificing so much. It is silly I know, nothing compared to what you are facing Luna, but it still hurts. I feel like I not only lost my sister but my closest friend and only family." She admitted. Saying it out loud made her realize just how pathetic and lonely her life really was up until now. She had no real life of her own, she just lived through her sister. "Maybe we should just go to sleep." OOC 31/31
That is completely understandable, and I am honoured that you trust me enough to feel comfortable telling me." She hadn't been there that long and Aislinn was sure that there were others that Luna was closer with. "My lips are sealed around the others. I won't tell anyone before you get to, I promise." She would feel bad if she let it slip before Luna wanted it to be out there. Aislinn finally let go of Luna's hands and looked up. "Look how bright the stars are shining tonight." She marveled, the stars were never this bright in the city. She searched the sky for a moment before pointing. "It is the white stag. I guess what they say is true after all, all the worlds share the same sky. Reminds me of home." Aislinn said, a tear stinging her eye but she held it back the best she could. OOC 30/31
The name rang through her ears and Aislinn sat there, holding Luna's hands a little tighter, letting the silence seep in a little longer before speaking up. "This changes nothing you know." She said quietly. "It doesn't matter if you were a regular princess, a princess of heart, or just a regular person, it won't change how we treat you or who you are to us. You can take care of yourself, we know that, so if you are worried about that, then you don't need to be." Aislinn told her quietly not sure what else to tell Luna. "Did you know before? Any idea, or was this new news to you as well?" She asked just trying to give Luna a chance to talk and vent if she wanted to. OOC: 29/31
Auburn didn't speak, instead stepping back and just staring at the floor. There was a lot going on for her and it was making her nervous. She bit her lip and just kind of seemed to shrink in on herself. "You can go sit over there if you want Auburn." Onyx told his daughter as she shuffled over to a small seating area on the side. "I guess I have been surprising myself lately." Onyx admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck and took another swig of whiskey. "I can't leave her with my parents all the time you know. Thank you for understanding Ozpin. You can come visit me at any time as well. And pass on the message to Qrow would ya. I think he might come hunt me down if he didn't know." Onyx mentioned as he put down the whiskey and looked to professor in the eye. "I will be back old friend, when I can, but for now I think this young one might need more attention." He eyed Auburn again. She was terribly shy since she settled into her new home in a new town altogether. Getting her to talk would be hard, he wondered if he would ever get to see that huntress spark he saw in her when he first met her trying to defend her mother.
Going up to the door, Tinarah stuck near the back as an old man opened the door expecting someone else to be on the other side. She sat there a little awkwardly before he started to ask if they were with the other people. So they were through here, that was a good thing, it really made Tinarah relieved to know that her friends had been through this area, so it wasn't going to be a complete wild goose chase. But as they were talking someone else popped up, a small man that was flying. Tinarah was surprised then took a moment to study it before finally deciding she didn't know what to do with such a creature and kept to herself, trying not to spend too much time staring at the thing as he spoke to them telling them what he knew of the situation. Whatever it was it didn't sound good. She had full confidence that their companions could handle it, especially since they had Master Thallasa with them, but she still worried. Just before they were about to set off the small creature cast something on them that made them start floating. A small smile cracked on Tinarah's face as she was about to try and figure out how to fly, but that was when Torrin called it off and they all landed on the ground. It seemed that she wasn't the only one disappointed as Take spoke up. "I know.... I did too." She commented before getting up and dusting herself off before wiping off her violin case. Tinarah then nodded her agreement to Take's statement even as he stumbled over names. "You know I never realized we had so many T names." She said quietly to him as they started to walk away.
Aislinn listened quietly. "That is quite the plans you have ahead of yourself. It seems that your adventure won't end yet. I wish you luck with all of that, I am sure that you will do great and I think your people miss you. They will be glad to have you back and probably more happy to celebrate that wedding with you. If there is anything you need done to help, you can always let me know. I do need to go home myself but as soon as I know it is safe, I wouldn't mind coming back and helping make sure yours is too.... but only if I get an invite to that wedding." Aislinn laughed a little bit joking lightly but couldn't help but think that it was a burden for her to carry and she just managed to carry it well, keep her head held high despite everything that was placed on her shoulders. Luna then continued on but she seemed to not be able to finish her thought. Aislinn got up and moved closer to Luna, taking her hand and holding them for a moment looking softly in Luna's eyes. "What other name did you see. You know that you can trust us with this Luna." She said softly trying to coax the words out of her make her a little less nervous. OOC: 28/31
Welcome back to our August KHV Chours This month we are singing History maker. Despite the lack of sign ups we still made it fun and made it happen. If anyone is interested in joining a future chorus we host them every month and you can keep an eye out for it here. https://kh-vids.net/forums/khv-chorus.169/
"They are both sleeping right now. We need to get ready to go soon though. We can't stay here any longer, we need to get them to safety." So he could leave and take Iridia with him to somewhere safer than with them. That girl with that thing in her, he didn't want to see that again. "We will make sure that we are ready to go when they get up." He didn't know what Iridia thought about all of this, but a small part of him hoped that she agreed with him that they should ditch the kids as soon as they were safe, or else he might possibly feel bad.
"I-I can't promise, but I will try. I will follow you to the ends of the earth if you ask me to, I just I will work on having more faith in myself but I don't know if I can." She admitted, but at least she wasn't saying no completely. She rather liked being a servant and didn't know what to do now with this.
"And how do you suppose we did that?" But at this point it didn't matter anyways. The bright colours of the sky faded into dark blue's. The smallest specks of light trying to show their true beauty, but without it being completely dark, they struggled against the still fading presence of the sun. She painted the imagine in her mind and hoped that it would last for at least a little while. Laying back a bit she stared up at the stars and the moon starting to rise up. "So back in the realm of light, when we meet up with everyone and deal with this No Heart character, what then for you guys?" ooc 27/31