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  1. Aelin
    "What did you see going through those battles of yours? Something must have scared you enough to give me a real compliment." Perhaps that was a bit harsh, but she had rarely heard such nice words out of him. Though his mumbling did have her concerned. Maybe it wasn't the Mark of Mastery, but there was something up with him. Karina took her place in the boat across from Arctus, grabbing onto the oars so they could at least get to the open sea. "I might be a bitch, but I won't deny anyone the chance to talk if they need it." Karina said bluntly. Nice encouraging words were not her forte. For a moment she worried that he was going to profess his love for her, the way that he started talking, but Karina kept that thought to herself, even if he was she wouldn't know what to tell him. Sure they had that kiss, but she couldn't really say what it meant to her. She couldn't say that she felt strongly one way or another about it, something that kind of worried Karina. After all as much as she pushed people away, she had no desire to end up on her own. "No changing your mind about telling me now, I am too curious now."
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    Chapter 5

    It was around mid afternoon the following day. I had been left alone with a stack of homework that I was working on, mostly languages today. It was apparently important for me to be fluent in many languages if I wanted to help people. When they are in pain or hurt, their first reaction might not be to speak common if that isn’t what they speak around home. If I could communicate with them in any language that they were likely to speak, it would further the use I could be to them. I am also learning a language that few know, Celestial. This one I started learning so I could read out incantations for various blessings of Torm. Not all of the abilities he granted could be done with a wave of a hand. Sometimes I would have to recite words, often in celestial in order for them to work. Besides that it was seen to get more favour from Torm if you speak to him in his own language even if it was not required. I know more in Celestial than I do in Dwarven, or Elven right now, but that is only due to the fact that the spell I am learning to cast now, relies on it.

    Struggling through reading a children's book in dwarven, I can hear the squeak of my door opening. I assumed that it was just a teacher coming to make sure I was behaving myself, but as I glance up from the book I found the blond haired man from the night before standing in my doorway, this time not in his armour. He smiled as he looked over at the book I was reading and then back to me.

    “I don’t suppose that you want a break do you?” The book was closed and on my bedside table in an instant as I heard him laugh. He stepped further into my room pulling up the chair from my desk to beside my bed. “You know we never did finish our conversation from yesterday. I am not taking you away from resting now am I?” I shook my head, unsure why he was bothering with me though. I was just a no one acolyte with no friends who wanted to know about the world beyond where I know. Why bother with me? Of course I couldn’t ask that, it would be rude, but it seemed like the question was written on my face by the answer that Arcturus had.

    “Why am I taking my time talking to you? Well for one, you think for yourself. Some might say you were breaking the rules yesterday, but I don’t think a little curiosity hurt anyone, getting out every once and a while and talking to new people doesn’t hurt, it is how you learn. Plus I sensed something special about you, Father Simiel confirmed it when he was sending you off to bed last night. And finally, just one look into your eyes and it is clear to see how lonely you are. I can’t ignore that can I? It wouldn’t be right. So what are you reading?” Was I really that easy to read? From one look at my face he was able to dispel some of the questions I have and help bring comfort to the situation. It almost seemed too easy and he seemed too nice, but there really was no reason for me not to trust him.

    “Um, it is called into the diamond mine.” I translate the name to english not knowing if he would know dwarven. And if he did know dwarven then I would rather not embarrass myself by messing up the pronunciation of the words.

    “Ah so they have you reading children books in other languages. Boring way to learn for sure, but it really does help, trust me on that.” He chuckles lightly as he picks up the book and starts reading it out to me in dwarven. I can only understand bits and pieces here and there, not good enough at my dwarven yet to process everything being said as it was said, but he made it wound so easy to speak the language that I was fumbling over every other word.

    When he finished he put down the book and looked at me. “Now I expect you to be able to read that to me sometime soon.” Where this came from I did not know, but without even thinking about it I made the deal, nodding my head, my mouth a little agape.

    “So Torm’s gifts. I suppose that means Torm has smiled on you and you have been granted access to some of his powers? What can you do?” Again an attempt at starting a conversation, but I am so taken aback that he is even trying that it is hard to talk. Why would this man want anything to do with me?

    “Oh… um… well I don’t know much yet, I am just learning one incantation right now and it is a skill I need to know but hopefully won’t ever need use for. I know I am doing it right though because I can feel warmth in my hands.” I tried to inform him before closing my eyes, letting the words flow out of me. Unlike Dwarven, when it comes to celestial incantations, it seemed that once I started speaking them they just sort of came to me as I could feel the blessings of Torm flow through my veins. “Ut fleem sal pe cel co!” The ancient celestial language flowed off my tongue as a faint power flowed from my fingertips.

    Clapping, he was clapping and smiling like he could feel it too, the power I used even though it didn’t have much effect. “Very good. I too hope you don’t have to use that, but it could be the difference in saving someone's life or not. But how would you like to learn something that shows a little more results that you can see. Unfortunately I have not been blessed by Torm in the same means that you have, I have my own giftings, but I know something you might have the skills to do. You would just have to give me time to research it more. So I will make you a deal. When you can read that entire book to me without stumbling over words, then I will try and teach you this new skill.”

    “You promise?” I asked eager to learn more.

    “I promise.” A smile spread across my face as I picked up the Dwarven book and studied it again.

    “There is that smile. I was wondering when I would get to see it. It is never any fun when everyone is serious all the time. That seems to be all I get when I visit other temples. Everyone putting on serious faces and no one smiling, and let me tell you it is easier to get you kids smiling than those old stiff priests. You should have seen the people at the temple in Maple Bay. Not even the youngest would talk to me openly. They were all trying to be so professional. You never get anywhere like that.” In that moment the man seemed… young. I suppose it sort of cleared up why he was spending time with me, perhaps I seemed the easiest to get talking because I was lonely? I enjoyed the company though, I wanted to keep him here at my bed a little longer, so I couldn’t help myself but continue talking.

    “What is Maple Bay like? Was that the first place in Lordric that you saw? Where are you from originally?” So many questions, but similar to what Father Simiel had done to me last night he put a hand to my forehead, checking my temperature and frowned slightly.

    “I will tell you all about it later. You should rest. I have no real plans on where I was going to go once, here, besides possibly make a name for myself, so I might stick around a while. That means there will be plenty of time to talk about such things, when you are feeling a bit better and I am not keeping you from your rest.”
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 13, 2018 in forum: Written Works
  3. Aelin
    "Impatient are we? Shouldn't that be my job?" Karina sort of teased. She could never fully understand Arctus though, she didn't know why he didn't seem to like these people and was in such a rush to leave. She could pester him about it, but that seemed like more effort than it was actually worth. Karina doubted that he would be that open with her even if she tried. Though returning with him did leave her in a weird spot considering what everyone thought of them, she wasn't looking forward to seeing how people were going to react when they returned together. Sure she had kissed him, but Karina honestly couldn't say what her feelings for him were and while everyone seemed to think that they were a thing, at this point in time it was untrue.

    Following the route they took to Destiny Islands the first time, Karina managed to navigate them there again as she saw a boat waiting for them.
    "Well shall we?" She asked almost sounding nervous as she stared at the boat, waiting for Arctus to make the first move towards getting in it.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    It was about time that Karina returned. From what she could overhear from where she was, the game was about ended and it was time for her to depart. She looked at the clothes she had gotten for herself, then looked at the black coat. "Sorry Lea, it looks like I wasn't who you needed here after all. It is time for me to keep walking my own path." Ditching the jacket, Karina dawned a old beat up red cape, something that seemed to have found it's way through the realm of illusions. "I won't be caught that weak again, I will prove it to everyone." She mumbled as she made sure to move her recorder this time to her knew outfit, holding it tight for a moment before letting go, her finger moving the touch the red gem of the necklace that she wore, a present from Beuce shortly after the first large scale heartless battle. Finally she was ready to return.


    Walking back up to where she had left Shiro and Arctus shortly before, Karina seemed to be walking taller, shoulders back and head held high. She gave the gifts she got a squeeze in her pocket before getting close enough to face Shiro and what he had to say. It was indeed time to go, but first to choose a new leader. Stepping down to where everyone else was waiting, she approached Koa, ignoring Arctus' request of who to make leader. "Koa! I am trusting you to look after this group of misfits now. But don't worry you won't be alone, I called in an old acquaintance to help out. She should be a lot of help leading, or an-"

    "Acquaintance? I took you in when you had nothing and that is all we are?" A female voice said from behind as she approached sword sheathed at her side as she pulled Karina to the side. "You know I can't stay for long, what if he returns."
    "He isn't going to return any time soon, he hasn't in the last five years, why would he now?"
    "I don't know but I know he is still out there and my brothe-"
    "Yes, you told me already. If he somehow shows up give him hell you aren't a kid anymore. I am trusting you wilt these people. They are good people, they are strong, and so are you." With that Dawn felt a warmth fill her body, but Karina was left shivering for a moment, pulling her cloak tighter around her before forcing herself to face the others, cutting off any more of Dawn's protests.

    "As you all know I have to leave, Koa is in charge now, respect him, and Dawn is here to aid you in whatever ways she can. Stay safe and don't make me drag myself back to save your sorry asses, got it?" Karina instructed everyone before turning and walking back to Lynn and Arctus. "Guess it is time we head off, Destiny Islands it is then. Lets go." Karina said without a second glance beck to Dawn, or any of the other friends she was about to leave behind. She would walk away with confidence even if she had none. She was just going to fulfill a promise after all.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin


    "Cute, you think those crystals will do anything for you." Raelyn responded rather monotone. She looked at the crystal, then to the others though. If they really wanted it, perhaps she should try to help maybe. Rolling her eyes at them she stepped forward. "Funny you don't actually let anyone else respond before you threaten death, I would say that is a cry for attention if I have ever seen one. You just want to feel power over everyone don't you. So what do you really want in exchange for that blasted thing. These people seem to want it and I will never hear the end of it if you don't give it to them, so lets work something out." Raelyn batted her eyes at him. Perhaps she was talking because she knew the feeling all too well, but she wasn't a hundred percent sure that was exactly it. At this point she was talking just so she wasn't left behind. She wanted this dealt with so that they could move on with their lives.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    No.... No. She couldn't let that happen. She couldn't let Torrin bleed out, not when they were finally making process. Then Boreas stabbed him. They couldn't save Torrin if the guy was dead. Tinarah's eyes went wide as she stepped back a couple steps looking at everything. Whether for better or worse, he was alive and... healing? How that was possible she didn't even want to know. "Take me to him...." Tinarah breathed. She couldn't let Torrin die. She had escaped dungeons before, she could do it again. She just needed to get close enough to save Torrin, then she could figure the rest out from there. Tinarah looked back and gave her brother an apologetic look. Even as Take approached, the man who stood before them, it was no ordinary man. Tinarah dismissed her keyblade, ready to surrender. "Just don't let him die alone." A plea, a fake plea, but a plea none the less to try and convince him to get her near enough Torrin to stop the blood.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    "I... erm.." Auburn hid more. She was embarrassed. She didn't want to have to be carried, but there was no way of keeping up with them in her current state. She would have to accept it if she wanted to keep up. Slowly she stepped out from behind the rock and slowly climbed onto Lazuli's hand. Her eyes were downcast and she seemed nervous but she didn't run away. "Thanks." She mumbled as she grabbed onto Lazuli's thumb to keep herself stable as he prepared to take her with them towards the temple.

    "I am being reasonable! the helicopter is going to have to crash. Those guys were cowards they grabbed Lloyd and ran because they knew that they couldn't do anything, they couldn't beat us. I crashed it before they could meet up with the others. I am stopping them from regrouping and making it impossible for us to get him back. Power or no in their ranks, I at least have the gull to do something!" Arian snapped back at Noire. He wasn't going to let them walk all over him and his friends, not again. He had left to prove he was better than them, he wasn't going to just abandon friends for what was the most strategic to the plan, no Lloyd didn't deserve to be taken by them, didn't deserve what was coming at him. "How can you just leave him like that?"
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    "Annnnddd......" Everette waited for the big important news, but then realized that it wouldn't be coming. He just found out about Samuel and was making a big deal about it. Tired and irritated Everette wasn't going to wait until he convinced Yukyo to leave before heading for his bed. No he took off his shirt and threw it on the floor as he laid back. "You made it sound like there was some big deal to come with Sam. Now if you excuse me I have been up all night and plus some. Today has been exhausting." He said closing his eyes, waiting, hoping that Yukyo would take the hint to leave him be and let him sleep.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    Climbing aboard, Aislinn settled into the boat ready for her journey forward. It was nice traveling in a bigger ship this time, it felt more secure than before when they were just in the small ships, and she could tell these men knew how to sail. Even injured John Smith was trying to get up and help at least keep things organized. It was impressive really, but Ailsinn found herself spending a lot of time with him and Pocahontas making sure he was okay, keeping the wound clean and just making sure that he was not pushing himself too hard. He needed to make it back safely after all.

    It was a few nights in, when Aislinn was below deck that the storm hit. Kel and Luna was above deck as Aislinn tried to rush up to see what was going on.

    "Woah now, you are safer down here." One of the men said as he ushered her down the stairs just in time to hear someone above yelling "man overboard." Aislinn tried to push passed, push up.
    "I can help. Let me try." Aislinn insisted.
    "We have been sailing for months before this, we can handle it." He assured her making Aislinn turn around and instead tend to John for a little longer. When the storm calmed a bit, she would go up and make sure whoever it was that fell overboard was properly tended too. Surely they would be able to get them out if they were that experienced in sailing.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    Tinarah was just getting her barrings, just catching up with everyone and holder her own while flying when something happened and it was fast and sudden. Tinarah couldn't even register what was going on, not fast enough. There was blood, not her blood but Torrin's. One moment he was in front of her, the next he was falling. Too far, he was too far away for her to get close enough to heal him. She had to stop the bleeding, and the fall. An impact from this height, it wasn't going to be like when Chrono threw her from the bridge. This wasn't some weird alternate world. She had to stop it. She had to do something.

    She hadn't been confident on going fast, but Tinarah turned her keyblade glider down and raced as fast as she could, using one arm to cover her face as she dove through the canopy. She was off the glider before it ever landed. Her eyes darted around, he couldn't be far, he had fallen right here, she was watching. He had to be somewhere close by. Prepared to search a voice caught her attention.

    "Ah a fair maiden such as yourself should not be wandering through such treacherous lands. By the look on your face I suspect that you may be in trouble. Lost perhaps? Forgive me. My name is Ardyn Izunia and it would seem that one of your friends has fallen and he can't quite get up." Ardyn's hospitable tone quickly dropped to a much more sinister one. "I suggest you flee now lest you suffer the same fate, child."

    Looking towards the source she saw a man in a hat with blood around his feet. Her eyes grew wide as she watched him listened to him taunt her. "What did you do to him?" Her voice was low and shaky. Her nerves were showing, but she wouldn't back down, not when Torrin was hurt somewhere and probably at his mercy. She just needed to stall long enough for everyone else to show up. Summoning her keyblade she stared him down intensely. "I wouldn't underestimate this maiden, I have been through hell and back, you are nothing compared to what I have seen, so return my friend or else I will show you what this child could actually do." Fake confidence but she hid it well because it was true and she was more terrified of letting everyone down than she was of this man. More terrified of losing another person, even if she wasn't quite friends with him, than having to fight this man before her. He seemed to be nothing but talk anyways.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    Chapter 4

    Two years later and the cycles still remain. I am still sick more often than the other kids. I still haven’t made many friend, but I have started to get extra attention with my training. With that extra attention however comes less of a reason for other people to even try and like her. Father Simiel always tells me that they are jealous, but that doesn’t help the pain most days. Like anyone would be I am terribly lonely and hate it. The teachers and Father Simiel do their best to keep me company, or at least keep me busy enough to not notice, but I still am missing that connection, a close connection with another human. I can’t count the amount of times I have cried in my mother's arms in the last couple years since being here. Every time she comes to visit I feel the weight of missing her press on my chest and I want to ask her to take me home, but when I open my mouth to ask, I can’t convince myself to betray my calling like that, so I remain for another month forcing myself through the pain and the loneliness, holding on to the hope that once my training was over I would be able to help more people, and maybe then would I have friends. If not that at least I could travel, see the world, and at least have some excitement in my life.

    Once again I am sick and this time it has been lingering for a while. Two weeks, and while I am starting to feel better now, there are still some of my chores I am not allowed to do, and if I am not doing my chores because I am sick, then I am supposed to be in bed. It is lonely sitting in my room while everyone is eating dinner. Rumour is that we have a new guest staying with us, a paladin from another temple of Torm from overseas. It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to come here, I am sure wherever he is from must be so much better than here, especially a town such as Badger’s Sett. Maybe if he was on his way to Valorbloom. I have never been there myself but it is supposed to be the capital of our nation. Rumours say that if there is anything you need to find, it is all there and in abundance, as well as springs of knowledge. I heard that the library there is at least four times the size of the one we have in the temple, and the one we have in the temple is the biggest in this town. Even though, with the constant war against the orcs, this is hardly a vacation destination. I don’t understand, and that is why I want to meet him. I begged to be able to serve today. I wanted to at least see him, but Father Simiel was worried that I would make our guests sick and insisted that I stayed in my room. Just a few more days he assured me before I can get back to my regular routines. But in a few more days he could be gone for all I know, I don’t want to wait that long.

    That night after the chores were done and everyone was winding down for the night. The other acolytes were dismissed from their duties to have free time before bed, and everyone just did their own thing. It was this time I chose to sneak out of my room. While the halls and common areas were still busy at this time, making sneaking around difficult, but at least I would have a chance to meet him while he was still up and about. I want to meet this strange man, ask him what brought him here, perhaps hear stories about other continents, but I am not so desperate to wake him up or sneak to his room. I have some respect… even if I am breaking the rules.

    Bundling myself in an extra sweater I step out of my room. It is usually warm in the temple, but I am still cold regardless of the temperature inside. A side effect from being sick, it is enough to tell me that I am not as better as I believe I should be. Still I try and push past that as I peer out into the empty hallway beyond my room. Most of the other kids wouldn’t be returning for another hour or so. Since curfew and the time we must be in bed are two different times, we try to enjoy the free time as much as possible, either playing games in the common areas, or going for walks, it is rare there is anyone in this hall at this time. It will only get harder from here. Plus I don’t exactly know where I will find this so called guest who is staying here. Perhaps he has already retired to his room, or perhaps he is having a conversation with Father Simiel, or maybe he is in the library reading. The last one would be my prefered outcome, it would be the easiest place to sneak into and talk to him. If he is with other people it would be hard, but at least I could see the man who is staying here, and then just hope that tomorrow I am allowed out of my room and that he would still be here.

    Surprisingly enough, as I walked through the halls I heard the sound of metal on metal. Not quite sure who it was or what was going on, and since I wasn’t supposed to be out of my room, I hid, though not well. In an open hallway there aren’t many places to hide, pushing myself against the wall behind the door to the next hall was the best I got, and even then if he went to open the door more then I would be squished behind the door. Holding my breath I tried to wait until the person passed. It took longer than anticipated, for anyone to come by. Shifting uncomfortably in my hiding place I caught the first glimpse of the person that was approaching. The first thing that I noticed was his shining armour that he was wearing. Compared to me he seemed massive and I was a bit scared. However as I lift my gaze I notice his face, while strong it was also kind. He had long golden colour hair and he was every bit the knight that I imagined a knight should look.

    A few more steps then he stops, looking towards the door. I hold my breath again but it didn’t help as he walked over to the door and instead of pushing it open to get passed, he slipped through the opening and closed the door behind him, looking down at me with almost a curious look.

    “It isn’t often I walk through halls of a temple and find a child in her pajamas hiding behind a door. Just what are you doing here?” The man knelt down to look me in the eye. His words held almost an amusement to them. For a man who travel so far he wasn’t as old as I thought he would be when he knelt down to look at me. He had to be at least a few years younger than my father, definitely younger than any of my teachers here. My voice was dry as I looked at him wanting to say something but was too nervous to actually say anything.

    “I- I…” I am not good at lying and I am nervous. Every time I try and lie I am called out right away. “I heard there was a guest from another land here. I just wanted to see who it was and I kind of wanted to see if maybe…. Well you see… um I haven’t been outside Badger’s Sett and I want to and I want to know what it is like beyond our lands. You know where there isn’t a constant war with the orcs. But I have been a little sick and wasn’t allowed out of my room and it is boring in my room so I just thought I could at least see who it was so maybe when I was better I could ask.” There was a hearty laugh as the man put a hand on her head. He smiled at me, ruffling at my hair as I tried to bat his hands away.

    “You are honest, I like that. So what exactly do you want to know, what do you want to ask me?” He offered almost looking ready to sit down on the ground with me. I was so taken aback by how kind and ready he was to talk to me that I didn’t hear anyone else coming down the hall until Father Simiel was standing right beside us.

    “Aren’t you supposed to be resting in your room not disturbing our guests?” He asked me in a stern voice, causing me to duck my head and nod silently, averting my gaze from the two men.

    “It is okay, she is not bothering me at all. I am happy to answer her questions.” The man tried to assure him, but Father Simiel just shook his head and she walked up and put a hand to my forehead.

    “You are not going to get better if you don’t relax and rest more. I know you are getting impatient, but maybe this is just another form of training. Patience is a key if you are ever going to master Torm’s gifts and grow into a great Cleric one day.” He always spoke to me softly, even when he was upset with me. Nodding I turned away from the man I wanted to learn more about to retreat to my room, ashamed of myself for breaking the rules.

    “Hey, what’s your name?” The blonde haired paladin called out to me as I started to walk away.

    “Liliana. But most people just call my Lily.” It seemed strange this random guest actually caring who I was.

    “Well Lily, I am Arcturus. I will be around for a little while, so I will probably see you again soon.” The smile on his face as I looked up, the warm smile, it made me feel slightly less alone. I found myself smiling back at him. The smile might have been small but it was genuine, the first genuine smile from me in a long time.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 5, 2018 in forum: Written Works
  12. Aelin
    Name: Dawn Asphel
    Proof of Existence: Hope's Horizon
    Age: 23
    Race: Somebody
    Birthplace: Decium
    Catchphrase: Fire burns in the soul
    Personality: Dawn is kind hearted wanting to help other people but at her own expense. She is private about her own life but has an unexplained burning passion to do what is right
    Main theme: Here

    Hair: Medium-long straight brown hair.
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Color: Pale white
    Height: 5'11"
    Distinguishing features: This Tattoo on her inner right arm

    Weapon: The sword in her image
    Strength: 5
    Intelligence: 7
    Magic: 7
    Speed: 5
    Critical: 8
    Limit Break: 4
    Element/Power: Fire
    Techniques: Ring of Fire: Creates a flaming wall around an enemy causing damage if they try to leave the space
    Flame eater: Absorbs fire and gain HP back from it
    Flaming Strike: Channels fire through the whip in fire adding additional damage to a strike
    Fighting Style: Tactical
    Limit Break: Dawn is able to channel the power of the sun and create a great glowing orb of extreme power to throw in a large radius of the area.
    Battle theme: Theme
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 4, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  13. Aelin
    "I can do that." She said quietly. It was true they had no guide but she could cook, she just hoped that she didn't have to hunt, that was not one of her strong suites. She knew that the royals tended to go on hunts for fun, she just hoped that Harry was one of them. Instead of worrying though, Sasha started to sing along with the tune that Harry was whistling.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    "We can practice with these any day, not often you get to truly." Tinarah mumbled to herself, thinking back to when she was very young, before he mother died. Her mother used to lay on the floor and have her feet out so Tinarah could lean on them, she would then take Tinarah's hands and lift her up as she brought her feet up and pretend that she was really flying. A familiar dull ache filled her chest, but she could smile through it now. Stamatis taught her to smile and cherish the memories, even if they hurt. Her smile was small, and tentative as she thought about the memory and tucked away the disappointment of not accepting the mans magic.

    Summoning her glider, Tinarah was still a little unsure of using the thing, but as she got on, she found herself more stable than the last time she had tried to use it. She had some sense of confidence this time as she quickly ran through the instructions Boreas gave her last time to keep herself stable. It might have given the others a bit of time to get ahead, but soon she found herself chasing after them, slowly catching up to them before they could accidentally leave her behind.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    With September upon us it is time for the next musical mission. A whole new set for you guys this month. You will have until September 9th to get your votes in, so get voting!

    Original | Karaoke
    Rainbow Connection
    Original | Karaoke
    Ballroom Blitz
    Original | Karaoke
    I 2 I - Goofy Movie
    Original | Karaoke
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 2, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  16. Aelin
    That is correct.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 2, 2018 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Aelin
    With that done, Aislinn felt rather satisfied with everything. "Well, that is that I guess we need to find a way off this place." Aislinn commented as Grandmother willow shifted.
    "It isn't too late, the arrow was pointing towards the white clouds that Pocahontas saw in the sky, an omen, maybe for more than just her."
    "White clouds?" Aislinn sounded confused.
    "Yes the clouds that brought in the strangers." Suddenly Aislinn clued in.
    "That is right they did come in on ships. Perhaps they would be able to help us out! We best hurry."
    With that they all rushed back towards the beach where they first landed. Luckily everyone was still getting ready to leave. "Wait! Please can we get a ride with you?!" Aislinn called out to them hoping to find something better than the small boats that they arrived on.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    "Oh yeah. Thank you for saving me Izra. I am sorry if I scared you." She said quietly knowing how worried people looked when she woke up. She wasn't quite sure how much that she missed during the time she was out. She had missed Izra being arrested and the end of the battle, she couldn't only assume that Izra helped her out again. It was at the very least a polite thing she could do. Thea sunk back into her seat, leaning against the wall of the carriage. She was very tired still, and didn't want to rest before coming here, now she was worn out. She thought she was just resting her eyes for a moment, but next thing she knew she was fast asleep.
    Everette was just about to open the door to his room when Yukyo pushed his way in front of him and into the doorway to his room. Yawning Everette was going to push past him when Yukyo mentioned something about Samuel which made Everette concerned. "Fine, Fine I will bite, come-" As he tried to call Yukyo in, Yukyo summoned a bunch of cats to flood his room and attack him. Everette while often trying to at least enjoy people's jokes he couldn't keep himself awake enough to enjoy this. Trying to push the cats off, Everette looked at Yukyo. "Please call the cats off and just tell me what you learned, please." He didn't want to sound rude, but his head was pounding and the only thing he could think of was sleep.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin

    Hello, and welcome to the 2018 hiring season! Due to some recent staff departures, restructuring, and changes to the site as a whole (for more information, see The Future of KHV) we’re looking to take in some new recruits.

    Applications are open to all members of the forum at this time, even if you are not a premium member. Every application will be looked at and considered. Even if you have applied in the past, I encourage you to apply again. Regardless of whether or not you are selected to move on to the interview stage you will be contacted. Until then we request you give us time to review the applications. If you have something you want to add after submitting, feel free to contact us!

    The positions we are hiring for are as followed:

    News Reporters: The job of the news reporter is to keep an eye out for the latest Kingdom Hearts news and to write up a thread reporting on this news as soon as they come out. Updating the social media with this news as well will be important. If you like being the first to know all the latest news, this job might be good for you.

    Discord Moderators: A Discord Moderator’s job is to keep an eye on the discord server, make sure things run smoothly, and kick up some friendly conversation to keep things lively. If anyone wants to try hosting Discord games as well, that would be encouraged. Unlike the trial period in the past, Discord Moderators will have access to everything on the forum that other staff members have. Discord and forum staff would work together to make KHV function to the best of its ability.

    Media Manager: The role of Media manager is mainly to handle media outside the site. You will be in charge of making content for our social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube. Keep the community engaged with our site through means outside of the forum itself. Video Editing experience is highly recommended for this job.

    If any of these positions interest you we encourage you to apply. After a few weeks, or when the applications stop coming in, we will review them and start the interview stage.

    Thread by: Aelin, Sep 1, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. Aelin
    As some of you may be aware, there have been some rumours since the unfortunate departure of some much beloved staff members, that KH-Vids might have to shut down. While it is true activity has been dwindling in the past years, I am pleased to announce that we’re staying open. KHV might not be as strong of a community as it once was, but with the upcoming release of Kingdom Hearts III we are not left without some hope.

    With all that said, because of the dwindling activity on the site, some changes are being made in order keep the site manageable and affordable. Even with the help of our wonderful Contributors, we don’t have the money to continue with the host we are using. We’ve also taken a financial hit due to some technical issues with ads displaying on the site, which thus far has been out of our control but we are working towards a solution. In short, the yearly expense of the site is too high, and it would be unsustainable for staff to keep making up the difference by paying out of pocket. In order to combat this, come October we will be moving to a new hosting service that is a better fit for our revenue stream. What this means is you may notice the site running a bit slower.

    While unfortunate, our discord server has been and will remain the fastest way to communicate with your friends on KHV, and for long-form writing, critiques, and less frenetic, more focused discussion, our forum is always there.

    A special note to our Contributors: we want to thank you deeply for all you’ve helped us thus far. Without you, there’s a good chance we’d have already closed our doors. As we find our footing with this new host, we want to continue being transparent with you. We’ll be assessing our costs in the coming months, and if we find that we’re sustainable without the extra help, we want you all to be part of the conversation about what happens next. Whether we hypothetically decide to phase out the usergroup (of course with a thank-you gift), keep it in place with another goal, or somewhere in between, that will largely depend on your input. This is a conversation for another day, but remember you can always contact us directly or through the Contributors section if you have any concerns or ideas.

    Lastly, we’ve reevaluated and decided to expand our Discord server so that anyone - not just members - can join. We will be advertising it mainly through our social media accounts, still reaching out to the same niche we always have, but in a new way now. Because of this we will require the discord to be more closely watched to make sure that it is a fun and safe place for everyone to hang out and enjoy. We can’t do this alone with the staff we have, and that is why we are opening another hiring season. A new role will be added to staff for Discord Moderators. Unlike our trial runs we had for Discord Moderator, this role will be treated as equal to any staff, and be given the same power as any other staff on discord, but will not have as much power of the forum. We are also looking to hire additional Reporters. Keep your eye out for a separate notice regarding our hiring season if you are interested.

    Thank you for the understanding and patience through these changes for the site. We hope that it will be for the best and that we can see KHV thrive again. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact any of the staff members.

    Thank you!
    ~KHV Staff Team
    Thread by: Aelin, Sep 1, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects