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  1. Aelin
    Tinarah watched Ardyn show back up helping finish of the Horned King, before claiming the cauldron for himself. While Tinarah wasn't sure of the full implications of what the cauldron could do, she didn't trust him with it, but she also didn't trust Torrin getting into another fight with him. Tinarah stepped up, trying to ignore the ongoing burning pain as she stepped between Ardyn and Torrin. "No... not again. Either we fight this together or not at all, but don't put yourself at the forefront. I wasn't able to save you last time... but I refuse to watch someone else die!" She couldn't do it again, she didn't know if she could live with herself if she just stood back and watched someone die, no matter how well or not she got along with them. Torrin was on her side. She knew that so she had to try. "There are people who need you, so don't run into your death." Tinarah whispered as she raised her keyblade in a defensive position just in case Ardyn thought it fit to attack her, sending out one last healing spell to Torrin, Boreas and Take to make sure that they were going to be okay. Tinarah didn't know what would happen to her, so it was better safe than sorry.
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    Without thought or warning, Arian turned around, fist clenched and punched Vice across the face. "He is on our team. He was our leader and the best of us really! You don't dare call going after those b*stards a waste. Next time you do I will do so much worse then just punch you, you have my word on that." Arian growled at Vice, his animal side coming out as his ears were up and forward, and now you could see that his K-9's were slightly longer than most as he faced off against his teammate. "If you don't want to be a part of this team then you can leave, but don't you dare just write off the other members of your team like they are nothing, you will never make it anywhere like that, and you certainly won't last long with that attitude!"
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    At least she took the heat off of some of the others, though Take did most of the work. Even still it hurt again, a lasting burning pain that she grit her teeth through as she surveyed the field taking in how all of her friends were doing, not well from what it seemed. Some like Aria were glowing and keeping up, then there were others looking in rough shape. She needed to do some damage control keep everyone alive, however as she started she noticed an odd sight. There was not one, but multiple of her brother. Rubbing her eyes and shaking her head Tinarah got worried about her own health. She just needed to make it through this, then maybe she could lay down. She was probably just tired, or hungry. She wasn't in the best of shapes so it was possible she was just seeing doubles as best, hallucinating at worst.

    Focusing all her energy on what she needed to do, Tinarah managed to keep her focus long enough to cast of a cure spell to Take, Torrin, and Qamar. She had looked to help Boreas, but he waved her off. While she wasn't sure that he was actually okay, she respected him for the time being and focused on everyone else. She then turned around and managed an Esuna spell forward to her friends as well, managing to catch Chrono, Take, and Qamar in that blast of power as well. With her friends now okay, Tinarah pushed herself for one final attack, then she could back off, relax... or so she hoped.

    Tinarah used Curaga on Take, Torrin, and Qamar. Tinarah used Esuna on Chrono, Take and Qamar. Tinarah Attacked the Horned King
    Tinarah's Info
    HP: 82/160
    MP: 50/90
    FOC: 3/15
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Rainbow Glow (1 Turn), Inspiring Presence (1 Turn), Pain (10 Turns) [DEF reduced to 0]
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    At least there was no more remarks on her size, but that didn't make Auburn feel better, even as Blaine admitted that he didn't know what his semblance was. It did make her wonder however how he was chosen to be their leader. The leader should be strong and knowledgeable and outgoing, like her father. Blaine, while he wasn't a bad guy, didn't seem like he was any of that. Not to say she would be much better, she could barely talk to these people. She would never make a successful leader, really she didn't know who on her team would, it was one of the issues that they had as a team. Auburn made a mental note to ask her father the next time she spoke to him how it was with his team when they just started. She had heard plenty of stories about him and his team, but very few from their first few months a Beacon. She couldn't help but wonder if he had as much trouble as she did. He certainly didn't have to deal with the same chaos that was what was happening here. Perhaps with better circumstances things would have worked out better but they didn't have such fortune. "I guess we have to walk" Well... they had to walk, she was still too small to keep up with them. She hated having to rely on them, but she also supposed that was part of being in a team, something she would still need to work on learning.
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin


    "For all those threats, you aren't trying very hard. Disappointing really. I was hoping I would get a little bit of a challenge. Oh well I guess I will deal with what I got." Raelyn mused as she rotated her neck, cracking it again. For as much as she hadn't wanted to go through all of this, now that she was here, the fight felt good, she really was spoiling for one earlier and it was rather nice being able to take her anger out on someone who deserved it. While her knuckles stung a little bit from the last time she punched him, she was savoring the pain, enough so that she decided to do it again, throwing a punch at the guy before backing up slightly, just enough that her Aqua Stream had enough space to become effective. She almost hoped that she would piss him off enough that he would fight back, it would be more interesting than this.

    Raelyn used Aqua Stream, and Strike
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    A feeling of fear and emptiness washed over Tinarah, stronger than during most fights as she felt empty, completely empty. Inside she pawed for the magical energy that flowed through her and was coming up dry. Everyone was looking beat up and worn and she just wanted to help, but there wasn't much she could do, not when nothing was in there. She wasn't strong to do damage with just her keyblade. While Tinarah might have been pretty healthy she knew that just meant that she would have to watch her friends go down if she didn't act quickly. She had to try and do something. "Leave them alone!" She found herself shouting without thinking before acting. Charging forward Tinarah attacked the Horned King, putting her full force that she could behind the attack.

    Just as she did power filled her body again, looking back she noticed Chrono and gave him a small appreciative smile before looking around at her friends. She wasn't able to heal them a moment ago, but she could help them now. With one final burst of her magic, ice and music shot from her. The music notes manifesting in green light that swept around Aria, Take, Illiana, and Enzo. The violin and piano intertwining in a healing melody. Meanwhile the ice shot at the Horned King. She was sure it would piss him off, but she could use taking some heat off of her friends for a bit and let them recover. She couldn't do everything at once, but she would sure as hell try. The music and ice faded from around her but she still stood strong staring down the Horned King, not backing down.

    Tinarah used Attack, Blizzaga, and Curaza (Take, Aria, Illiana and Enzo)
    Tinarah's Info
    HP: 121/160
    MP: 62/90
    FOC: 3/15
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Rainbow Glow (1 Turns), Inspiring Presence (1 Turns),
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin

    So I have not edited in a while but I heard this song and just decided that it would be my next project. While nothing grand and spectacular but it is something to start working on again and I am rather proud that I finished, even if I had to cut down the song to make sure I finished. ​
    Thread by: Aelin, Oct 9, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. Aelin
  9. Aelin
    Tinarah's eyes scanned those around her, assessing the damage. While she had this extra power flowing in her veins, she wanted to get some good use of it, but not at the expense of her friends. Despite Take taking a hit for her, he still managed to stay standing and strong. Good, she could focus on other things. Her magic was still going strong, so she would use that to her advantage as the ice that already wrapped around her blade seemed to expand and move and it joined at the tip before firing off at the Horned King. The music still danced and entwined with her every movement. The music itself took on two strands, a pale blue, and a pale green one that intertwined. The violin and piano working in perfect harmony. Small ribbons of this sound split off circling Torrin, Enzo and Chrono before absorbing into them, healing them from whatever was ailing them. Tinarah didn't however notice as one of those same strands circling her arm and keyblade seeped into her own body, her magic choosing itself to protect her as well like it knew that she wouldn't do it for herself.

    Knowing that there wasn't much else that she had to offer Tinarah did the only other thing she could think to do and get in closer than she was comfortable with to attack the Horned King. Her keyblade flashed bright golden light as she connected with the monster in front of her. She couldn't say that she really needed the light that then transfered to her. She had wished she could send it over to Take or someone, but she took what she got and backed away before she trapped herself in close quarters combat, something she knew she wouldn't be good at.

    Tinarah used Esunaza on Torrin, Enzo, Chrono, and herself. Tinarah used Blizzaga (plus drive form boost.) Tinarah attacked

    Tinarah's Info
    HP: 160/160
    MP: 74/90
    FOC: 3/15
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Cheer (1 Turn), Rainbow Glow (3 Turns), Inspiring Presence (3 Turns)
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    I can't say I remember you, but welcome back to khv. I have to ask though what sort of things does Kat do?
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 8, 2018 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. Aelin
    Steel was trying to... help? But it really only made Karina roll her eyes and bat his hand off her shoulder. She didn't really want him to be touching her. Sure he was just trying to help get her point across, but he was probably making things worse and just making them seem more annoying than they actually were. Sighing underwater was an interesting gesture that didn't really make sense how it worked, but Karina made it work anyways as she glanced over at Steel. "I was just trying to give him advice that was actually good, but not my fault if he doesn't want it." She whispered, hopefully low enough for Triton not to hear. Beuce of course stepped up to be the sensible and try to reason with Triton instead of calling him out on the load of crap that he was spouting. Always the good natured one. Between him and Luna they were the best bets of getting the King to listen, but that wasn't going to happen any time soon, she clearly had taken things too far.

    Karina stared at the trident, she knew he wouldn't dare smite her down, he wouldn't bring that wrath to his world for killing a keyblade's chosen one, not when others were here and he was aware that there was a group of them. Crossing her arms she took the yelling.
    "You still didn't tell us how to do that, so we can't be of much help." Karina shrugged just pushing her luck a little extra far before turning and swimming off after the crab. Even the crab tried to lecture here but Karina just waved him off "psh, disrespectful? Maybe but someone had to say it to his face, you all seem too terrified to point out the obvious." It probably wasn't healthy to have so little fear of the King, but she couldn't bring herself to take him seriously with the way he pouted and screamed about every little thing. He was just an over sized child who didn't like change or not getting his way, he didn't see how that could ultimately harm him.

    As they were being escorted out the princess swam up to them, much to the crabs dismay. She didn't seem so inclined to listen to her father, which, while he was being unreasonable was still a little concerning, if she was actually one of these princesses. With Luna being dragged away it didn't seem like they had much of a choice but to follow.
    "Sorry crabby, but I am pretty sure that the princess out weighs your authority, better luck next time." She gave him a flick before following after, trying to keep pace to the best of her ability hiding a smug grin.
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    Tinarah watched as Torrin exploded into darkness. The power that came behind that caught her attention and made her back off slightly from him, her eyes widened as she watched. She fought back her fear rising just from witnessing such a thing. instead remembering her role here, what she needed to help with. Closing her eyes and trying to ignore it she prepared her spells just as her body was crushed with a wave of pain. Tinarah staggered and glanced around frantically, she wasn't the only one suffering it seemed. Looking around she could see that people were suffering. She could see almost an aura surrounding those who were suffering. Her brother, Torrin, Illiana, Take, some guy she didn't really know. They all were suffering. She herself was suffering, but she managed to push through it with her own will. She would fight against it. Gritting her teeth she knew that she had to do something. Lifting her keyblade a white light emitted from the tip and separated in three different directions. "Chrono, Take, Illiana, keep fighting." She whispered willing the light towards them, healing them. She wasn't strong enough to do this on her own though. Channeling her magic through herself she imbued herself with a familiar frosty power as music filled the air, lightening the atmosphere slightly. Frost coated her keyblade as she looked ahead, a certain light to the Darkness that Torrin seemed to be emitting. Not the same light as Aria, but in her own form it was a light, it was what she followed, music. She then turned her attention back to the Horned King Shooting another blast of ice straight for him, filled with this new strength.

    Tinarah used Esunaga on Chrono, Take, and Illiana. Tinarah uses her drive form. Tinarah used Blizzaga.​
    HP: 160/160
    MP: 83/90
    FOC: 3/15
    FLUX: 0/3
    Post by: Aelin, Oct 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    As Karina listened to the conversation, listened to the king yell at his daughter for seemingly no reason, she started to get angry. The way he was talking to her, treating her, it reminded her of someone she knew. It was enough that he chased his own daughter away before turning to them and yelling at them for something that was out of their control. Fiddling with her SoS ring that she had received she listened to what he had to save, before swimming closer to him, offering the king no respect whatsoever.

    "You know if we could go anywhere but here I would. It wasn't really our choice to be dragged here, but if you do have a keyhole needing sealed then you should be damned grateful that we are here to help. We are not after your daughter, but if you don't smarten up she might do something really stupid because you drove her away!" Like run away, join up with a weird rag tag group of individuates, hide with them, be forced to leave before thinking it was a good idea to come back when she was still in a fragile state trying to figure out why in the world anyone cared for her like they did. "If you want us out of your hair, point us how to get away from here, we were supposed to be meeting others somewhere else anyways, but I would advise trying to be nice to your daughter, maybe go after her and not send one of your snacks after her like the coward you are."
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Wrapping his arms around her, Everette embraced Lakoda in a big hug as she thanked him and hugged Conrad too. "No need to thank me, I am always happy to help." Just as they had always been happy to help when he found himself confused and forgetful after stressful day. "I look forward to working with you again." He said as he placed a hand on Conrads shoulder for a moment before moving past. "I hadn't planned on going out today, so let me gather my things, I will meet back in just a moment." Everette said, eyeing the breakfast table at the same time. If he went out on a mission without eating, surely Sam would murder him for it when he inevitably found out thanks to whatever spies he must have had reporting to him.

    Grabbing a danish from the table, Everette then retreated to his room to gather his thins that he might need, all the while stuffing his face with the danish, and glancing over a book of new combat maneuvers. He knew it would be easier to just watch someone else do them, but since becoming S-class he found asking people to train him a little harder when he usually was supposed to be someone people looked up to. Still he did his best with what he had. Slinging a small pack over his shoulder Everette then rushed out to meet Lakoda and Conrad, ready to head off whenever Lakoda was.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    He might not have been actively trying, but he could be more careful. Unfortunately given the current situation, there was no time for such an argument There were still the hordes of Cauldron born around, then the Horned King that they needed to deal with. Stop the big thing and in theory the little would follow, so the Horned King it was. Besides he didn't seem too inclined to let them live given the way he was talking. It would make things an interesting challenge, but one that Tinarah was ready to take on. She was feeling the best she had in days, going into this fight she hadn't already overexerted herself, so she had some confidence in her abilities. Torrin would be fine now, and from what she could tell, so would everyone else, at least for now, but she would have to keep her eye out for everyone.

    For now however the plan was to start out strong, do what she could to take on the man in front of her. She just hoped that magic would work the same against him as it did any normal person. Charging up she didn't get close, but swung her blade in the direction of the horned king. As she swiped up arcane energy came up in an arching fashion before shooting directly towards the Horned King, using the force behind her magic to drive it forward into him. Before the Horned King had a chance to blink there was another attack, as ice flew from her other hand in the direction of the sorcerer, followed by a medium sized rock that seemed to just appeared. He wasn't the only one proficient with magic, she could hold her own just as well.

    Tinarah used Blade Beam, Blizzaga, and Stonera
    MP: 77/90
    FOC: 3/15
    FLUX: 3/3
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    As everyone ran past, Tinarah ran after them just in time for her to hear Thallasa. So the man wasn't entirely wrong, they were here, they found them, but now they were all in trouble. There was a heavy sigh of relief and stress as she kept running in. Nothing was ever easy, with all these... things... she doubted getting to the Horned King would be that easy. Hopefully though he fought with minions because he was incompetent himself and once they cleared the distance it would be easy to push him into the cauldron, something that Tinarah wouldn't be of much help with, not with her limited strength.

    As she ran, suddenly she noticed Torrin just ahead. He was standing by not well. At least he wasn't bleeding out though. How he managed to survive, she didn't know, but she was thankful for it. Tinarah pushed herself and her magic to clear a path closer to Torrin. Her breath burned in her lungs as she slowly neared him.
    "You need to stop dying." She said dryly as she cast cure on him. She was the last one that should have been talking, but it seemed that for someone she wasn't fond of, he seemed to be needing her healing help a lot, and she couldn't stand to sit there and watch anyone suffer.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin


    "You are going to get yourself killed if you keep trying to be the hero all the time kid. Surprisingly I can actually take care of myself." Raelyn rolled her eyes. She was really tired of this Hero BullShit that Rex kept trying to pull. What sort of sorry life did he have that made him so desperate to be the hero of the story and put himself in danger like that. She was fine on her own and it wasn't that she had anything to prove as much as she didn't like feeling like she was in debt to anyone. She then turned her gaze to Hector. "Well I guess I did say that I wanted to get into a fight didn't I? This should be a fun little pummeling won't it?" Raelyn smiled a little bit as she cracked her knuckles.

    Launching forward she sent a water blast at Hector before striking him with her fist. It might not be the most effective attack, but damn did it feel good to do that. It was a good release of energy, even if she hadn't originally wanted to fight this guy. The fighting was inevitable, so she may as well have fun with it anyways.

    Raelyn used Water Blast and Striking
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    "Yes." Everette replied before even thinking. "Yes I will come with you. I won't let you guys take on such a mission on your own. It isn't that you are capable mages, but if it is this same hag, then the extra experience and people might be of help in the mission. If nothing else.... I won't let my little sister walk through this alone." It wasn't a mystery that he thought of a lot of the members of the guild like family. Lakoda was one of the closer people to him, he wasn't fond of how some of the older members treated her, so often tried to defend her. This was no different, he just wanted to protect Lakoda, he was too worried to let her go alone, or even with Conrad. Three would be better with such a situation, maybe more, but he could understand if Lakoda didn't want too many people around, he would respect that even if it made him a little uneasy.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    Magic, magic seemed to working the best. While they still reformed, it took longer, giving them a better chance to get through. Following up a blast from the Flammie with one of their own. The blasts might not have been as grand, but they still got the job done. She was not going to sit back and do nothing, no she was better than that. "Come on, I will help hold them off and will follow behind. My magic keeps them down longer!" Tinarah called as she ran with everyone, stopping close to the entrance where she could continue keeping the Cauldron-Born down while her friends got to the main chamber. She didn't plan to stay much behind them, just enough to make sure that they were all safe. Another fire blast left her hand, crippling five more of them for the time being. There was a sense of urgency in her eyes as she watched the rest of her comrades run past before following herself.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    Karina nodded at Luna, she didn't need the girl backing up her choice, she felt pretty confident that Koa would be able to get the job done, and with the help of Dawn she could feel secure in leaving them behind. But knowing who Arctus was now, she did wish he had stayed to help protect them too. He was more qualified than anyone else after all. Karina couldn't focus too much on that however as the girl was going to bring them somewhere. She supposed that they could follow, but then Aux brought something up that made Karina look a little bit confused. "List of princesses? What Princesses?" Karina whispered just to Beuce. After all she didn't feel like having Aux making snide remarks on the fact that she so clearly missed something. The worst part of it was that she wasn't certain it was something she missed while she was gone. She was so broken and miserable before that there was a lot of things that Karina had not paid attention to when she was first with everyone. She still remembered her first time meeting Lea, she actively avoided listening to anything that he spoke about, and now, she found herself missing him and his guidance. It was funny how things had a habit of coming back to bite her in the butt.

    "Knowing us, trouble will find us before we find it." Karina then replied to Steel, in an attempt at being a bit nicer person. She was not in the mood for one of those brawls like they had in the realm of darkness. She just hoped that he had some sense of humour and wouldn't chew her out for such a comment. If he did, she knew it might be difficult to behave herself, even though she knew more than ever she needed to right now. With her keyblade so freshly returned she couldn't help but feel one wrong move, and her heart might shatter again and she wouldn't be able to put it back together again.
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena