Oh hello over yonder ::L:
9 o:
I'd so go gay for that.
7 .
Drama ******. Liar. Late to treds. c:
What the **** is wrong with your sig. Danka Hayabusa ::L:
If you can tell me how to get sound working on my livestream and keep it from echoing constantly, you get to watch Star Wars 5. Gogogogogo! EDIT: Gonna play it at 4:45 EST. http://www.livestream.com/renegademedia
Damn. Well that sucks. OHSHI- I forgot to say happy b-day. Wanted to get you something, but we havent talked in like...forever.
Which character do you want to be the focal?
So you dont stay in touch with anyone here? Damn.
Well problems at home etc. I forget, do you have msn or no?
::L: omg mah twin It's been sooo long. Missed you lol.
Heroes > CSI
Auztin quit. Game over::L:
orly? Well best of luck to you! :3
nm Things are getting kinda hectic at the house lately, so I havent been able to do much on here.
o herro der chewwy
All of the ones who broke out into song before their battle with the main protagonist.
Sit down, Rhoppergaurd.
Doesnt look like you did alot here, but theyre good quality images, I'll give you that. Now just try adding some gradients etc.