rawr B| .
I dunno if anyone saw this or not, but for those of you that have not, this is the Iron Man 2 footage shown at Comic Con. http://www.joblo.com/iron-man-2-footage omg Whiplash
When you try your best, but you dont succeed.
D: < Peter Pan's shadow's gonna rape yoooooooou.
I don't.
Garland and Golbez own. Out of the heroes, I'd say Cecil.
This one's ripped. http://darklunah26.deviantart.com/art/Code-Geass-Signature-Tutorial-109638769
It really doesnt matter cause cin's god now, so we're ****ed regardless
hayabusty <:
omg i liek anime
ohai I came back as your substitute
This literally looks like the stock itself. Like there was nothing done to it at all. Start off with some actual effects and color.
Please do. I can make a new one if you so desire. ::L:
ohai ***** imma cut joo
freel re raf.
Enough of the spamming hayabusa. Go Team YACHT! Spoiler
:why?: Nuuuuu. Well I suppose everyone needs a break from here at some point. I know I did. Well you'll be back eventuaally. Everyone is, and you're too much of an epic member to leave here anyway. Be back soon? kthnx
More like amateur. ::L: Okay okay, I'm joking. Though the colors look like barf. Aside from the text, the whole image looks 2D. Pentooling or whatever looks alright, good solid color, but all the shades of green dont look well with the tag.
oh herro ::L: