Ah. Bummer. xD
Do you have a link for that? (Replying to #2.)
Hey, what's the filename for Maleficent's model? And do you know how to view animations for the KH2 models?
The new, higher resolution/quality renders. Riku: Spoiler Dark Riku: Spoiler Spoiler Xehanort's Heartless/Ansem: Spoiler Xehanort's Guardian: Spoiler
Yeah. Now you know why I never use one xDD
Hey, it's what I do! So, how's Flash games coming?
Okay. Well, good luck.
Crap! I can't use the code.
So, how you?
Oh! Cool! I'll try 'em out sometime.
... Okay. I'll test it.
You can count on me, Sora.
Okay. PM it to me.
Anytime. :cheers:
Okay. G'night Bluejay :D :kiss:
xDDD Yeah. My sister's the Twlight fan. I just like the movies (Kristen Stewart sucks as Bella), and never read the books. Since when do I ever...
Well, good luck with that! I've never been a big movie fanatic. I've been hooked on Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy for *traces steps* about 4-5...
That will be explained in Birth by Sleep. If that won't do it, then Nomura has to write another Director's Report (or whatever it was called).
:D You sure are a big Labyrinth fan. I don't know what it is, but you mention about it a lot. You thinking of uploading the drawing on DeviantArt?
xDDDDDDD *falls on the floor* Somebody take a picture of that!