Search Results

  1. Ø Riku
  2. Ø Riku
  3. Ø Riku
    What? You're speechless?
    Profile Post by Ø Riku for NarutoSuperKubii, Sep 27, 2009
  4. Ø Riku
  5. Ø Riku
    Here is the official cast artwork for who we have so far. There will be more on the way as the story progresses. This can be used for the start menu. That is, if you'd like to put it there, Rami.

    Promotional Art #1:
    Post by: Ø Riku, Sep 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  6. Ø Riku
  7. Ø Riku
  8. Ø Riku
  9. Ø Riku
  10. Ø Riku
  11. Ø Riku
  12. Ø Riku
  13. Ø Riku
  14. Ø Riku
  15. Ø Riku
    Profile Post

    So, whatcha up to?

    So, whatcha up to?
    Profile Post by Ø Riku for NarutoSuperKubii, Sep 26, 2009
  16. Ø Riku
  17. Ø Riku
    Profile Post

    Is it done now?

    Is it done now?
    Profile Post by Ø Riku for NarutoSuperKubii, Sep 26, 2009
  18. Ø Riku
    Size: Doesn't matter.
    Render: (foreground), (background)
    Text: "I'm Just Getting Started" - Riku's Afterlife
    Font: Whatever fits the theme.
    Effects: Add a bit of contrast to both. Or just even it out.
    Other: Take your time! :D
    Post by: Ø Riku, Sep 26, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  19. Ø Riku
    Profile Post

    Oh. Well, go for it!

    Oh. Well, go for it!
    Profile Post by Ø Riku for NarutoSuperKubii, Sep 26, 2009
  20. Ø Riku