... Wow. That's quite a review! xD My day was okay. I had to also get up early in the morning. Obviosly not the best feeling. School was...
So, uh, how was your day? (I know I never really ask that, but I'm just making conversation xDD)
Oh my god! Thanks, Graxe!!!
Hey, no problem! It's what I do!
As always. But I always got time for you, remember? :D
Same old. Deleted scenes video, a new AMV, and the Cloud BP render.
:glomp: I am, too.
Thank you. Talking to you always cheers me up, too. :D
Can I be Mountain Dew?
How can I help?
Not if you had my patience. xD
... what to do? Hmmm......
*being shaken* What? 1 or 2? Alright! ALRIGHT! Stop SHAKING ME!
I'll try to... I know that! I'm just feeling weird! I can't stop thinking about it. It stands out in my head! xDD
Well, two things. 1) The PM you sent me. 2) I got a lap dance earlier. (Don't ask who, 'cause she ain't on here.) :xp:
Oh. That's nice. :D I feel a little weird...
Nothing much. I'm watching the new FFXIII trailer. You?
Hey, don't be sad! I'll be back! Promise! :D
:sigh: That felt good. Okay, well I gotta go. :kiss: G'night.
xDD Oh, god. That's a bummer. I'm going to have to get off pretty soon, so I might as well tell you now...