Yeah. You'll love it. So, what's been going on with you?
That's not for me to say! It's too funny!
I'll give you a hint on a part that's not in the preview. I may have ruined Mickey Mouse's reputation in this video xDDDD.
You got that right! :kiss: Hey, I got some news for ya! The parody video is done! All I need to do is upload it.
Oh, yeah. xD Those girls teasing you again? Don't worry about it, Bluejay. Let them say what they want. You know I got your back, right?
Hey!!! I missed you! :glomp: I've been feeling lonely the past.... 43 hours. But I'm wonderful at the moment. Your brother cheered me up. :D...
Alright. Shoot!
No problem, man.
I joined. My username's Devil!Riku.
You want me to join?
You're welcome. *holds flask, contemplating whether to chug or discard it*