Ryoku ran toward Kairi with speed that was not his own-Ignoring her question he continued but slowed and then eventually stopped-His eyes bloodshot I should not do this...A single tear fell down his face-He walked back to the bathroom-People watched 'Sorry' he mumbled to kairi-He picked up his bag and proceeded to the entrance...
Devil may Cry 4 soundtrack-Never Surrender
xD But you still have to care what I think obviously lol
Ryoku looked straight suddenly-He could smell blood-He got up-Knocking his chair over-Making alot of noise-He ran to the toilets-He looked in the mirrors-His eyes where grey-He punched the mirror-It shattered into powder-He was breathing heavily-He swallowed-He ran-in pursuit of Kairi...
Okay seriously im not vain but im concerned. My skin and hair is so unhealthy now-I'm far too pale,to a point that im almost grey (The only skin problem I've ever had is eczema) and my hair colour is changing to a dull Grey-Bronze-I have dark circles under my eyes and its not really getting any better. I know why this is happening- Pale Skin-I'm really not out that much because the bad wether here in Ireland-I just kinda stay in my room and read . Hair Colour Change-I straighten my hair like twice a day but I thought if anything it would bleach and go blonde. Under Eye Circles-I honestly only get 7 hours sleep (12pm-6am) So im wondering what I should do-Keeping in mind that I try to get sleep-My hair curls horribly and the weather is bad. So I dont know what to do-So please help =[
Interests include:'Cu'bikad, meshgeroya, bal tihaar.' xD
Ryoku sat back in his seat-His arms crossed across his stomach-His head pointed toward he ceiling,frustrated...
"And your 100 percent human?" he persisted.
Wow-What a nice Omen for any marriage such as this xD
Ryoku's eyebrow twitched when Near took his hand-"There's a lot of cool names around here..." he smiled as he took his hand away "How come you can talk to her and stuff While she's like...that?"
Believes Death is no longer a virgin.
Ryoku smiled-He put out his ice cold hand "Well im Ryoku,Vampire" he laughed.
Moments? I thought it was lifetimes (Well maybe thats just me) XD
Well just give a **** what people think-**** sake Luke xD
OOC-Wasnt Kayoko suppost to be dead-We could change that anyway xD Ryokus eyes opened suddenly-He exhaled slowly but then they closed again...Ryoku ran and jumped into the air with staggering strength that wasn't his-He landed in front of Kayoko who stabbed at Ryoku with his keyblade at a surprisingly high speed-Ryoku gasped-His stomach glittered scarlet,Despite that fact he swung his arm-Gathering speed as it went-He punched Kayoko-His lip and nose had busted-Blood poured down his face-Blood poured down Ryokus torso...Ryokus head turned-Repulsed by his memories.
OOC-Who exactly is the boy? Ryoku looked slightly...Surprised "I mean...Yeah-Cuz like-" he laughed "-Im never always gonna find anyone less human than I" he looked down but he still smiled,Biting his bottom lip.
Well your hair is too long to curl up that much-If anything you will look Italian
OOC-No-He's remembering the night he murdered Kayoko and its taking a negative effect on him. Ryoku gasped harshly again,Remembering-"Oh why would I want to do that? kayoko teased-Ryoku leaped forward-Kayoko drew his keyblade-Ryoku exhaled,panicking while remembering.
Wear a hat okay-dont worry