Ryoku gasped horribly-Being pulled out of his memory..."Mitera...." he whispered.
Ryoku tilted his head as if to say-'Whatever' but nicely-He turned around quickly and saw Mitera-Instictibly he ran over and hugged her tightly...
Likes Cats and Sora in a random combination ^^
OOC-Thanks I guess ^^ BIC- Ryoku put his hands to his eyes-He was unaware that his pain was really visible-He looked at Near and nodded,Acknowledging him-The skin of his overly Tattooed fore arm was damp with wiped tears-Mitera is here...What are the odds?...
I come here because its a bit of a creative outlet ^^
I read your tread-That sounds really suckish...So guess what-I punched a guy in the face today-Sorta odd for me O_o
-_- I think there's a phenomenal world wide tension these days-Everybody is stressed-Follow the advice you gave me and dont say that wouldn't work cuz that would be stupid lol
OOC-Can I change Ryoku's appearance to this----->http://www.kh-vids.net/album.php?albumid=2184&pictureid=22113- lol I drew it and im sooo proud xD Ryoku turned to look at Rhyme-He was still shacking and frustrated-He swallowed-He didn't need this sort of confrontation-"Um...can we go back-I sense an oh-so-familiar aura and I want to find out who it is..." he said,Trying to sound calm but his voice quivered due to the slow tears falling down his face....
OOC-Wasnt Kayoko suppost to be dead-We could change that anyway xD @Manydy-Just because my comment isnt the newest-Doesnt mean its not there xD Ryokus eyes opened suddenly-He exhaled slowly but then they closed again...Ryoku ran and jumped into the air with staggering strength that wasn't his-He landed in front of Kayoko who stabbed at Ryoku with his keyblade at a surprisingly high speed-Ryoku gasped-His stomach glittered scarlet,Despite that fact he swung his arm-Gathering speed as it went-He punched Kayoko-His lip and nose had busted-Blood poured down his face-Blood poured down Ryokus torso...Ryokus head turned-Repulsed by his memories.
has forgotten something.
He didn't care about what she meant-He turned so his back was to her-His head was in his hands again-He didn't cry,he just wanted to punch something-His hands where shacking-His eyes where now red...
Okay,Today I looked up the symptoms for stress and guess what-I'm stressed My Symptoms include- Skin conditions, such as eczema Depression Sleep problems Loss of appetite or anorexia Increased coffee consumption You can't make decisions, large or small. Unable to concentrate Increased and suppressed anger Permanently tired even after sleep Lack of interest in anything other than work Excessive emotion & crying at small irritations Loss of your sense of humour Not be able to cope with life, feeling out of control I know how bad im feeling-I almost punched a guy because he looked at me funny-I'm so fricking frustrated -_- So there it is-I need to know how to deal with it-Please and thank you.
He shook his head-Tears down his cheeks "I thought you didn't care-Why did you have to do that?" he tried to talk over the lump in his throat.
He looked at the blood-He swallowed and looked around as his eyes changed back to the colour grey-He looked around again-Breathing heavily,The weight of the world was falling upon him-He looked im Rhyme's direction-Despite the fact he couldn't see her-He hissed-His fangs enlarged "Get out of here!" he growled,Smelling the blood-His legs shacking,his arms weak.
Mentioned that fact twice ^^
OOC-Is Ryhme beside Ryoku or Near? Ryoku looked up-He sensed a presence...Somewhere. He wiped his eyes and looked around...He bit his lip...
What's up Mandy?
Likes Yu-Gi-Oh GX and more specifically,Jessy lol
just so you know-I dont stay in all day reading-Its only lately i've got into that habit-Normally id be out all day -_- I looked it all up and apparently-Its stress related-I have got most of the symptoms and I know how I've been feeling so I actually need to deal with stress as opposed to my appearance -_-
Ryoku looked back at Kairi-He swallowed-Im really sorry-I hope she knows that-He walked out of the school-Bag flung over his shoulder and his head in his hands.