This is your first tread WTF Anyways Appetite for Destruction by Guns and Roses is from the 80s so yeah I guess xD
I just wanted to know-Do you listen to your head or your heart?
O.o Hentai fans much?? xD
Oh my gawd-Dont Go! Your an awesome person! :/8D:
Do you hate me? :huh:
OHMIGAWD! Its SO cute!!! :=D:
Im sorry but I Believe my turtle ate your Pizza and my mother ate my turtle :/8D:
Listen to your Head or your Heart?
Wow o.O Congrats! ^^
Is a member for about three years now ^^
Ryoku smiled..."Um...Mitera?" He asked hesitantly "....Oh nevermind" he sighed-He looked up "Em....How 'bout dinner?"
Do you have a dress that is a random and outrageous colour that goes to your kness? (Okay,I know about scene stuff) xD
Ryoku looked at Near-he now extremely disliked him Dont you dare talk to Mitera like that!! He knew that Near could hear him-He then turned to Mitera,Tears in his eyes "I cant marry you now because everyone knows what I am...How would people look at you...marrying as me..." He swallowed.
xD Why dont I believe you are scene?-Thats not the vibes one gets off you xD
Ryoku looked around quickly,Unsure of where he was "I....dont know exactly..."
xD You dont look masculine! xDDD
OOC-Innit ^^ Ryoku looked at Mitera-He shook his head-"But apparently,I cant..." he sighed...
Directed at me or you? O_o
Nope (Not yet anyway) It was outside school lol
Yeah-You need at least a little happiness in your life xD