Ryoku froze but he promised himself he would never regret those words...long ago "...Thats why I love you..." he repeated slowly,slightly mesmerised-He prepared for the cold sting of rejection...
So what's up in your world?
Ryoku didnt move an inch-He looked at Near-His face almost blank-His hand moved down to Mitera's-He held hers. I love you he thought to Mitera-He still looked at Near and then smiled "When ever your ready..." he said confidently.
Oh my gosh-How did you know! xD
lolz wow that makes me sound great somehow xD but im actually quite loud Got to go-Seya!
Oh well today he got so scared of me he pretended to be sick so he would have to face me! I was kinda like "I'm NOT that scary!!"
His index finger circled his bottom lip-He smiled-He laughed when their eyes met-"Ha-Thats why I love yo-" he stopped-He forgot just as Mitera did before...
xD I found the sparkley part ridiculous-I forgot about that! But honestly-Have you ever heard of a story such as this one-The uniqueness gives it a certain charm ^^
In not into that type of music but she had me at Just Dance-She was amazingly random,cool and hot so not im...a GaGamite! (New word here people,use it!) xD
Twilight Haters.... Okay-Simple question-Why do Twilight haters actually hate Twilight? I read the book and im currently reading New Moon-The only things I can complain about is how Bella under-reacts to Edward being a vampire. Okay-If anything I can understand how much the media made such a big deal of it but what is so hate-able about it? I think Stephanie Meyer did a good job of the book,Id probably go so far as to say it was genius! So why do Twilight haters hate Twilight? And Were talking about the actul book here-NOT the movie ^^ So opinion away people-What are your views?
In my opinion I9 think the new cover are c-r-a-p,Seriously they look like clipart that you would find on an old computer!-It seems to take intellect out of the books =[
Is ready to fight!
"Oh this sounds like a game...." He said-His voice dark and furious-He actually smiled "....A game I want to play" he laughed,a dark look in his eyes,Whoever it was-They obviously had underestimated him...
xD Im not that bad...I hope lol
"I think she meant a meal" he said smiling,Ryoku handed her a menu...
Ryoku growled-biting his lip so the tissue teared-"So you kill innocent vampires so you wont die...again?!" his fangs almost cracked because his jaw was so tightly bound "You must have killed more then your worth!!" he shouted,people looked at him-He didnt care....
And and plus also-I think most people are steering away from Evanesence...sadly. Last year it was all I could listen to but now I lesten to stuff like Bring me the Horizon and Suicide Silence. And BTH the only reason she is making a new album is so that she could race a band to se who makes the album first-The bands name is We Are The Fallen (With Ben Moody,Former Evansence member)
Ryoku smiled-at that minute a waitress came to serve them "May I get you anything?" it looked like she tried to avoid both their eyes "Em..Water,Thank you...and You?" he asked Mitera,only looking at her with a smile....
Remeber they way I punched that guy? He said that I jumped out of a bush,Attacked him and ran away-Which didnt happen so there is gonna be a fight...
Did you hear that Amy Lee is making a new album? Im so fricking excited!!