Name:Edward Cullen Game/manga/anime:Twilight Age:17 Appearance: Attitude toward being dead:mixed Name:Isabella Swan Game/manga/anime:Twilight Age:17 Appearance: Attitude toward being dead:mixed
Ok this might not be good....erm He smiled and gave her a quick hug too. "So how have you been," he asked.
Link had been sitting in a a tree and had just jumped down when Natalie rushed past. He did a double take and then took off after her. "Why are we running?" he asked her, curiously.
"Hey," he said softly. "Feeling better?"
Link was walking by when he saw Jin and Raxbend. He grinned. oh Rax, if you want to be with her you need to be completely in control He smiled and waved before contiuing. If you want her thats fine with me, I've waited for the right female for 200 years, more time won't hurt
"Not really, Rax lost his temper," he said wryly. He picked her up and walked out. Omce he got to the nurses office he set her on the bed. ((gotta go, sorry I'm sick and I'm about to pass out for lack of sleep T.T bye:china:))
thanks but I gotta start tomorrow
He pushed her back down gently. "Oh so unfair," he said disaprovingly," but they diserved(sp?) it." He looked at her. "Oh don't worry, this is just a warm up, lucky, I needed a good work out."He watched as she got punched and something snapped. He took the bully who had punched her and looked at him, unleashing the terrible power of his eyes on the bully. "Bad move," he said in a deadly voice. With one punch the bully was out like a light. He help Jim up.
"well....he doesn't hate you, in fact he must really care about your well being. You see, most of us can resist the urge to feed but for some its harder than others." He grimaced. "And it doesn't help that I can barely resist you, your scent is the most delicious that I've smelled since the turn of the century."
Xetmme smiled and stroked her hair. "I won't," he whispered.
Link walked into the classroom and sat down, putting up his books and putting his hood down, he sat by Jin. "Good morning, Jin," he said politly, his eyes the color of warm butterscotch.
Link looked up at the sun. Making sure to flip up his hood and stuff his hands into his hoodie's pockets he walked to school.
Name:Link Age:17 Race: vampire Bio:he was turned more than 2 centuries ago, he has acted as a friend, almost a brother, to Natalie but cannot understand why she likes werewolves Weapon:his bare hands Element: metal Appearance: Other:none(yet) Name:Strider Age:16 Race: werewolf Bio:he turned at the age of 14 Weapon: none Element: fire Appearance: Other:none(yet)
Link watched until she was out of sight and then went back into the house.
can I still join? Name: Jasper Age: 17 Gender: male Nation: Rain Appearance: Attitude: quiet and reflective, he does have a big temper and a short fuse Weapon: his body(he bewitched it, he is very powerful and deadly, he resembles a vampire but refuses to admit it) place in his/her nation: head spy
((oi, I gotta go again, so can we do like we did last night?)) He came over and sat down beside her.
((ok, clouds buddy I'll add you and I'll see you later Devil's Angel, also I have to go so just pretend that Link is there and doing normal things(for a vamp anyway)) Alice blinked. "What? oh sorry, yes I am a vampire too." "THis is good," mmuttered Link between slurps. ((ok bye:china:))
He smiled. "I really like you too....alot," he said softly.
"No problem." Suddenly she got a blank look on her face.
He nodded, now humming the song quietly.