XD thanks and yeah I'm working on it
((well Raxbend and Jin are romancing and Link is not. A vampire is after Jin because her blood is very good and almost irresistible))
Link floated, safe from danger when he saw Natalie who was rather pale. He grabbed her and headed for the surface, which was about 100 meters up.
"You never know," he said. He stood up. His knees cracked painfully, showing that he had not left the bed at all. "Well I'm hungry, want me to bring something back up?"
It felt strange to hold his breath for so long. Of course vampires didn't need to breath, but it was a habit. His hair whipped around his head as they got closer and closer to the water. He slid under easily and quietly, keeping his eyes open.
"The looks are the worst thing, it really doesn't taste that bad."
ooc: you are in BIC:Link took Raxbend aside. "Look I realize your feelings for the human girl and I won't interfere any more," he said. "I can wait for my female," he said.
A low growl issued from Link's throat. "You will leave her alone," he said with all of his authority. He continued running and came upon a cliff. "Hold your breath Natalie." He jumped.
"It will help," he said. He gave her the puppy dog eyes.
He craned his head to look at her. "Are you insulting me?!?! Do you honestly think, anywhere in your mind, that there would be the most remote chance that I would leave you?!?!?" He turned back to look ahead.
"Well this will help," he said, handing her a glass. "Don't ask what it is, just drink it," he said.
Kairotu glided through the trees. He saw Bella. The wind shifted and her scent hit him like a bowling ball. I must have her!!! Before he could stop himself he was in front of her. He held his breath and glared at her.
"Okay," he said, finishing the conversation. He turned to Jin. "Now go with Alice and she will keep you safe." With that he pulled her towards him and gently pressed his cold marble lips to hers. He broke off quickly, for there was only so much self control he had, but he stayed close to her, breathing into her face, his sweet tangy sharp breath. "I won't let him get you," he whispered. Then he and the male vampires left with the werewolves.
mk I'm glad that you all are liking the story(or at least reading it) I need you to reply so I can post the next chapter CHAPTER 2 Tragedy Julie and Emmet dismounted the bus and looked around at the school. It looked just like any other school they had been to before. The other children filed out behind them, bumping into the two because they had stopped. Hurrying forward, they entered and then split up, going to their own classes. Once in her class, Julie sat down at a desk by itself and began unpacking. As she put another book into her desk the teacher walked into the classroom. She continued to unpack, shoving books into her desk. The books were very stubborn and all but two would fit. As Julie tried to cram them into the annoyingly small desk she heard a strange sound. It was not unlike a bell but she had no time to decipher it for immediately following it the intercom crackled to life. All the students stopped what they were doing and looked up at it, as if that would help them listen better. “THIS IS A CODE RED, THIS IS NOT A DRILL, I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” Immediately afterward Julie knew that he should not have revealed that last bit of information, for that didn’t help the situation, in fact, it had probably made it worse. Children were running around, screaming and the teacher was trying to calm them. Thinking quickly, she ran over to the door and punched the glass hard on the side of the wall, because there was a key on a hook inside. The glass shattered, cutting her hand. She grabbed the key and locked the door. A gunshot silenced everyone. Julie felt a searing pain in her stomach and then nothing.
((yeah when its in Italics that means thoughts, so Link was reading the werewolves minds, Jin can't hear that, only what Link says))
Without a second thought he sidestepped Dameon and punched him in the back. Taking Natalie and throwing her on his back, he let out another burst of speed and was off. He growled. "Stop jumping to conclusions, before you snapped at me I was going to say you need a bath before you get back because although I don't care the elders will have a fit."
"You requested us?" The russet colored Link nodded. "A vampire is searching for someone, tracking them, and they won't rest until the have them. I think I know who they are tracking." "Is it that human girl you are with right now?" "Yes, that is what I believe," he said to them, grateful that no one else could read the werewolves thoughts.
Link turned as the rustling started. A pack of wolves emerged with the russet colored wolf from earlier and the wolf who attacked Jin. The russet was in the front and clearly the leader.
Name- Katiaso Hikario(Kat for short) Age-18 Planet- Jendogasia Race(Type of Fighter)-Martial Artist Weapon-Kusari-Gama Appearance- History- n/a
Link stopped in a meadow. The sun was still out and the vampires stepped into the beams of light. Instantly a change occurred. Where ever the sun hit their skin it bounced off in rainbows, making them glitter furiously, a strange unearthly beauty.