He leaned in close, his nose almost brushed her hand, and inhaled deeply. Immediately there was a change in him. His eyes grew red and his posture stiffened. He pulled back quickly.
"Wonder what you smell like up close, here hold out your hand. Now you have me curious." He said. He propped up on his elbows and leaned forward.
Oh yeah *face palm* I'M A NINJA!!
"Huh....but...wouldn't the vampire essence eat at the human blood till it was gone," he said.
"Oh come on, like I said, it was just running, and a sense of justice....anyone would have done it," he said, leaning back to watch the clouds. "You never told me you were part human," he said casually.
UserName: XxRukiaKuchikixX Name:Kairotu Nickname:Rotu Age:14 Gender:male Clan: Huuyga Home Village: Konoha Rank:chunin Bloodline Trait: Byakugan Main Weapons: kunai knives, shuriken, and exploding notes Pets: one pet wolf that he fights with, its name is Link Personality:calm and cool. He enjoys fighting and also just relaxing Bio:He was born into the family a few minutes before his brother, therefore becoming a member of the main household. He has trained hard and passed the exams to become a ninja. Other: Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lya72YFvEpM&feature=related Appearance:long midnight black hair tied loosly in the back(like neji's) and the customary white eyes. He wears a black and gray short sleeved shirt with that big neck(like all the ninja have) and black knee shorts and black sandals
He put his hands behind his head and flashed her a grin. "Aw it was nothing, just running....really hard," he said.
Link ran silently through the forest.
He smiled again before disappearing into the woods. "I won't be long," he said as he disappeared.
thank you Name:Bella Age:17 Weapon: none(fists) Appearance: Abilities: none History: she was abandoned when she was little
"no," he said, as if pondering that," I suppose its not." he made a low bow. "If you will excuse me, your scent is too much right now, I need to hunt."
((can I join?))
Link nodded once and was gone. Alice was around the corner, watching Jin. "Jasper, help me out here," she whispered, too low for a human to hear. Jasper nodded once and focused his energy on Jin. Calm, relaxed He thought as he changed her mood.
((it says: Alice had a little too much fun fabricating the evidence)) "A vampire," he said, finishing her sentence. His eyes smoldered. "And if I may say so myself, your scent is amazing."
He took a deep breath. "I'm not hunting in the usual sense....when I catch the animal.....I....well...drink." (I changed my avi, do you like it?))
((so sorry, I've been sick(blec!) and I have a question.....if they are in the attic then how can they go up stairs?)) Kairotu sat on the foor by the window, staring out...thinking.
ooc: *start spam* OMG I love your avi hidden_light!! I lol every time i read that in the book, thats one of my favorite parts*end spam* sorry -_-' i couldn't resist the urge BIC: He looked indecisive. She's gonna find out sooner or later, might as well make it sooner "I'm hunting," he said.
He smiled and then stopped sitting on a log. He wasn't even panting, or sweating. That was one of the reasons he loved being a vampire.
Dairotu walked into the cafeteria. He got a tray and sat down at an empty table. He took a bite of apple and chewed thoughtfully.
I just started watching them