"GET BACK HERE!!!" "NO MOM I HAVE TO GO!!!!" Shika ran as hard as she could once she cleared the front door. The wind whipped through her hair and she grinned. Finally, she had escaped. She grimaced as she thought about what her team would say. Ducking her head she ran even faster, darting in and out of the people, desperately searching for what might be her team. Though it might have helped if she knew what they looked like.
HERE I AM TO SAVE THE DAY...:sweatdrop: sorry here it is Username:XxRukiaKuchikixX(just call me XxRKxX) Desired RP Name:Shizuko Haruno(means "quiet child", likes to be called Shika) Age:12 Weapon of Choice: Kunai and senbon Village:Konoha Specialties & Type: Medical ninja Description of Character: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...e.jpg&searchTerm=tsunade sakura&pageOffset=18 the one on the left History: Daughter of Sakura and Naruto, she could heal cuts when she was 8 and has progressed ever since
Link smiled and squeezed Jin's hand as a greeting before relaxing his grip. "I have important news."
He flashed her a grin and thumbed his nose. "Yeah, i'm good."
((I'll add you)) ((ok we can start now.....are you all invisible....I hope so))
He smiled sadly. "I suppose."
((to Xendane: lol wow hyper much? and to Hitna: ok I'll add you but it seems no one saw the 7th rule -_-' oh well)) EDIT: ok I'm adding my characters BTW you can have 3
Played By-XxRukiaKuchikixX Name-Kairotu Age-17 Gender-male Personality-calm and quiet, thoughtful History-learned in story Power-read minds Appearance- Other- has a wolf
"No it is my fault, I apologize," he said. He opened his eyes and stood up. "I'm ok now."
((oh yay!! *happy dance*))
Link appeared at school and walked to his next class with Jin.
((much better, ok......-_-' great now you are offline...*sigh*))
*facepalm* *points to the rules* no weapons and read the rules PLEASE
He was in shock. "Well this changes everything." He muttered to himself and dashed out.
He still had his hand out and now, with his other hand was pinching the bridge of his nose. "Your scent is powerful, I need a moment," he said.
This is an Academy for the children of Mikadzuki. This small city has only one school and one general store. The only thing that is different about this town is that it is a haven for many different mythical creatures. So, naturally, the academy will have more than just humans enrolled in it. The creatures are drawn to this place because it is very out of the way. Not many people even known that it exists, so its the perfect place. Rules(don't ya love them) -mild language is okay but no f*** -no sexual activity in any way/shape/form/fashion -kissing is allowed but thats the max -no powerplaying and/or godmoding -keep it pg-13 please -there is no need for weapons so none of them please -to make sure you read the rules put"Hakumei" at the top of your first post and "Mikadzuki" at the bottom of your first post -pm me if you want a special ability (ex. mind reading, second sight) -have fun ^_^ RACES okay, here are the races to choose from: Vampires- They are described as extremely beautiful, almost god-like, and they have a scent that is very appealing to the humans who get close enough to smell them. Each of them have eyes that are yellow when "full" and black when they're thirsty, with the exceptions of the vampires that choose to feed on animals instead of humans. With these exceptions, their eyes have a golden appearance when full and black when thirsty, their irises fading in color as time passes after their feedings. Purplish-black bruises appear under their eyes, becoming more pronounced with thirst. They are extremely pale, but flush slightly after feeding. Their skin is described as hard as granite, often compared to alabaster, and is also extremely cold and icy. It also sparkles in the sunlight, giving them the reason to never show themselves in public when the sun is out and uncovered by clouds. They do not need to breathe, however the generally do out of habit. They are also unable to sleep, age, or grow. All vampires are described as having superhuman strength . Their senses are incredibly keen -- they can smell blood and hear heartbeats. They also are able to run very fast, and running is described as a second nature. One of their most significant abilities is their immortality; they will live forever unless they are killed--a difficult action, as the only way to kill them is to dismember them and then burn the pieces. A small number of vampires gain special talents from when they are changed into their new form. If they had a characteristic or personality that was very dominant in their human life (such as charisma or sensitivity), it would be possible for it to be magnified into a power or talent after their "change". Some talents mentioned are mind reading and second sight. They have very few weaknesses- they are not harmed by holy water, the sun, garlic, or crosses. They do not need to hide or sleep (if they could) during the day in any way. Additionally, they have a reflection in mirrors, cannot be killed by wooden stakes and will show up in pictures. Werewolves- Werewolves have the following abilities: - Body heals at an abnormal rate, faster than any human body can. Phasing - Can morph in and out of "werewolf" form. With practice and skill, one can morph faster and with more efficiency. While less experienced, young werewolves will frequently phase when losing their tempers. There is still a risk when a werewolf ages and becomes more and more experienced in controlling their powers, but happens much less frequently. Telepathy - Only works within pack, when in wolf form. They can speak with each other telepathically and hear each other's thoughts. Though this is more than useful while hunting and tracking, there is no privacy left in the pack because of this ability. It can be described as both a gift and a burden. Physically enhanced - Has "super-strength" in both wolf and human form. In wolf form, they are also exceptionally fast. Before phasing, the human form will build up their muscles naturally and will be ready for the first time they phase. Delayed aging - They cannot start aging until a solid period of time without phasing goes by. It is unknown the exact length of time, only it would be very difficult because of what causes phasing Constant temperature - Werewolves have a constant body temperature of about 108 degrees to withstand severe cold. Imprinting - Werewolves can make an imprint on a certain person they see once they begin phasing. Morpher- A morpher is a human with an alternate self. In other words they can transform into another person. Morphing occurs when they feel an extreme emotion(the emotion depends on the person) Form name: age: gender: race: personality: appearance: other: CHARACTERS name: Shinn Asora age: 18 gender: male race: Morpher personality: Has a bad case of Gynophobia. appearance: Black neck length hair, blue eyes, black slacks and shoes, black gloves, a black biker jacket, and that's about it. name: Aki age: loooks 16 gender: Female race: Vampire personality: Hyper appearance: http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j3...e/girls126.jpg other: none
Link stepped into the cave. "COME OUT," he said loudly and clearly, his voice ringing in the cave. A young girl came out. She was shaking and her red eyes were full of fear.
g2g bye see you later
"No, no, no, no," he said quickly. He held out one hand to stop her. ((g2g bye))
Kairotu grinned and tipped his bowl back. Drinking the last bit of juice from the bowl, he broke his chop sticks and dug into his pocket for some money. "Thanks," he said as he set it on the bar. He hopped off and started to stretch, getting ready for his customary 5 mile run. Once he was ready, he started toward the park at a brisk pace.