"Well here I am," she said. Approaching a house she stopped in front of the door. "Um, hey can you open the door," she asked the wolf.
Shika shook her head. "I am Shizuko Haruno and I am on his team."
Shika made a last minute decision and altered their course.
"As a matter of fact I am. Look you can mess with him when he wakes up but not now." She put his arm over her shoulder and one hand around his waist and lifted. She staggered under the boys weight but regained her balance and started out for the village and Lady Tsunade.
Because," she stated calmly," See this?" She held up a hand that glowed green. "One hit from this and you will be out like a light," she said. "And if you touch him I will cheerfully beat you to death." ((brb))
Shika saw him faint and ran to them. "Back off or I'll punch you," she said darkly to the wolf," And you don't want that." Turning, her attention to the boy she made sure he was alright. She healed a couple scraps and cuts.
Shika continued home when she heard fighting. She stopped and looked to where it was coming from. With a shock, she watched as a boy, not older than her, attacked a giant wolf. More shocking still, he was on her team! SHe had remembered his face from the photo her mother had given her. SHe stared, dumbfounded as he attacked.
Shika stirred and opened her eyes. She was confused at first but realized what must have happened. She tried to sit up to quickly and everything began to spin. Not wanting to pass out again she concentrated on making it stop spinning. Once it had stopped she healed her cuts and stood up. She made her way, unsteadily, towards the village. ((on a side note: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!))
Name:Kairotu Age: 17 Appearance: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...ime151.jpg&searchTerm=anime guy&pageOffset=13 Power: he can control metal Weapon: Kusari- Gama Bio: n/a
Shika lay still. She couldn't seem to wake up. The village wasn't even that far. A cut above her right eye trickled blood.
which do you think is better?
Zuko please
She opened her eyes and grabbed onto a rock that flew past. It pulled her arm back painfully and her grip slipped but it took some of the speed away. Before she had time to react a sharp pain went through her head and she passed out. She hit the ground hard and rolled before laying motionless on the ground.
Shika grimaced as the sweat rolled off her face. She had been climbing for 2 hours straight. Flexing her hand, which was tied behind her back, she concentrated on the other hand. It was glowing blue but the light was dimming fast. Suddenly the rock broke and the light went out. Oh Crap! She fell down, the wind whipping her hair. If I hit the ground at this speed I will die!
Shika broke into a smile. "Yes and no, I'm still training."
Shika covered the cut with her hand which started to glow blue. After a minute or so she uncovered it and the cut was gone. "Better?" she asked. Bending down to pick up Jen's stuff she grimaced again. "I really am sorry," she said. She held out the stuff to Jen.
lightbulb //fillerz//
She grimaced. "I am so sorry, here let me see it," she said.
Shika glanced up to see a girl with groceries in her hands. She couldn't turn in time and ran into her. One of her plates on her outfit caught the other girl's arm, leaving a cut.