i finally beat the elite champ and i would show pictures but these computer get on my nerve... anyway yea i beat the game and one advice for someone who is going to do the same thing i did is this: Don't catch nosepass!!!
you are not a vampire. you're just emo
i pefer the old digimon shows
welcome friend enjoy many things in KHV
i would use the power of cloning and clone myself so i dont have to do the work
sorry I didn't post for a long time I'm been doing school work and stuff... anyway I finally gotten my final badge now ready to beat the elite champ. roster: aggron; nosepass; magcargo; solrock; armaldo; corsola. hm salves: nincada; makuhita; marshtomp; doduo. badges: stone; knuckle; dynamo; heat; balance; feather; mind; rain. location: sootopolis city
i'm bored so i will put up a funny picture... View attachment 32104
i guest misty
im scared of... 4kids View attachment 32017
i can try to think about it does it had to do with me paying with money
thanks for the match u r really gud
yea sure I have lvl 100 pokemons
No legendaries, six pokemon, and pick one pokemon in it's pre evolution
!EDIT!: For those that are just wanting to trade or do fun battles and stuff,here is my friend code for white: 2794 9995 4443[/QUOTE] and here's my on pokemon white: 2881 1141 5604 the name is MARIO hope we can battle someday
i feel your pain always thinking about the girl you love but shy to tell her your feeling toward her that's hell for ya here's my advice, ask her out, not a date but something she should enjoy with you, ask her out 10 times then tell her "i like you"(not love). and if she said no then don't give up just because she said no one time; be more confident toward yourself.
my idea is going out at night sitting on the rooftop looking at the stars and moon while she lay on my cheast saying "i love u" alot; man now i wanna get date to do that.
miley cyrus because why not; she so deserve it.
no fair yall taking the gud anime ops from me anyway [video=youtube;MTFaYzplGVE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTFaYzplGVE[/video]
i will have the power to make people suffer now here's a episode of sonic x... on 4kids
one piece(must watch), zero no tsukaima, high school of the dead, chobits, clannad(must watch), to love ru, strawberry panic(must watch), lucky star, excel saga(must watch), and akikan and no matter what people say, DON'T WATCH NARUTO!!!!!